
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Nov 15, 2023
Depends on Assignment
Jul 09, 2005

Lists (7)

Beauty Shots I like

33 Photos

Faces that I like...

549 Photos

Forms that I like

58 Photos

Looks that I like...

784 Photos

Retro and Pinup that I like

85 Photos

Things I find to be artful

20 Photos

Things I Wish I Had Shot

9 Photos
See Less

About Me

"It's hip to be square".  Yeah, that might be me....

I use MM exclusively for personal projects, for which I seek women who can self-style for a shoot, to create looks that are elegant and graceful, without being pretentious or affected.  If you understand the grace of pearls, that polka dots are pretty and that black is a fabulous color, then we'll probably work well together.

For personal projects I don't really care if the model is 6'0" size 16 or 5'0" size 0.  What I do care about is that the model be polite, photogenic, graceful and able to present a bit of photographic drama for the camera.

I shoot in both Manhattan and close to home near Red Bank NJ.  Most of my model shoots are trade shoots (not exactly the same  TF* or "testing", but almost).

I also like shooting runway fashion shows. Over the last 10 years I've photographed well over 500 major runway fashion shows in Manhattan. Check some samples from one of the runway shows I photographed in the past...

Additional Points of Interest...

-- I value people with good manners.

-- For personal projects I prefer to work with people who are at least 25 years of age.

-- If you think that ModelMayhem is representative of the real world of commercial fashion photography then we are very much misaligned.

-- It's very unlikely that my processes and practices are as restrictive as some other photographer you met through ModelMayhem; if you want to know what I provide models from a shoot, or what I expect of models for a shoot, just ask.

-- What few fashion clients I have do pay models for shoots, but they usually go to NYC agencies for their models; I rarely have paid work for models.

-- If your agency booker did not send me an email asking that I do a "test shoot" with you, then I expect that you will sign a model release whenever working with me on a trade or TFSomething basis.

-- I have no studio space;  I rent studio space by the hour or day when I need a studio.  If we do a trade shoot in a rented studio setting I expect models to chip in with expenses (it's not much, usually around $20 to $40, depending on where we are shooting)


Print Articles of Interest...

A normal person’s guide to understanding a Fashion Week runway show, by Robin Givhan of the Washington Post


Some Favorite Videos...

How To Walk A Runway... with fashion show choreographer Mac Folkes...

This Is What A Real Runway Fashion Show Looks Like... Note that the model's arms do not wildly swing about, that generally their hands travel no more than 10 inches in front or behind the hips, and no one is doing a ridiculous pony-clomp walk...

Cameron Russell's TEDX talk titled "Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model" is a great video for any young person who is considering pursuing modeling.

Amy...  I love this video....

Jenny McCarthy describes to Oprah how she became a Playboy Centerfold and the details of her first Playboy photo shoot.  Too funny!

Bruce Testones, Fashion Photographer...  I'm the opposite of this guy, but I do think it's a very funny video (rated PG-13 for bad male behavior)...


Concepts Relevant to Photography...

The Dunning–Kruger Effect...


Pithy Quotes....

"Men don't pray that women will change; women pray that men will change, and those prayers are rarely answered.", Judge Judy

"The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.", Charles Bukowski

"....I prefer a model who looks intelligent....", Jean Pagliuso

"You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.", Albert Einstein

"I believe that a scientist looking at non-scientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy.", Richard P. Feynman. Richard Feynman was probably the most "colorful" person in science in the 20th century, learn more about him at

The Friends listed below are usually the people I've worked with most recently, or people I work with on an ongoing basis.  Feel free to contact any of them if you would like a reference about me.  And the "Looks That I Like" list below serves as set of reference images to show you the types of looks I'd welcome shooting.

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