
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
May 27, 2024
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Dec 26, 2007

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About Me

I was introduced to photography as a teenager through a summer job with the Photographic Department of my local newspaper which provided me with the unfettered use of a fully equipped darkroom and an unlimited supply of free film.  I taught myself how to use a second-hand Rolleiflex and when a news photo I took was published on the newspaper’s front page, with a photo credit, I was hooked.  Part time and summer work as a Staff Photographer for newspaper and free lance photojournalism helped pay my way to an Honors Degree in Journalism, followed by a year as a reporter and photographer for another newspaper in my home state.  Although I eventually pursued another career for many years I was never very far from a camera.  I am now in transition back to a career in photography as a degree candidate in the Photography Department of my local community college.

    I have always been intrigued by the human form and challenged by the vision and skill required to transform an image of that form into a work of art.  Its difficult to portray the human form as a beautiful fine art image and not merely a lewd snapshot.  The goal of my fine art nude photography is to exalt the female form and not merely to objectify it.  I have much still to learn in that area but I have been fortunate to have worked with highly competent professional models from whom I have been able to learn a great deal.

    My other major interests are travel, trains and urban nightscapes.  Inspired by Ansel Adams, I want to preserve and interpret the beauty of the American experience, as seen in my travels, in a way that may inspire the viewer to seek out the scene portrayed and experience it for himself.  Instructed by Richard Steinheimer, I want to record the grandeur of the vanishing steam locomotive to preserve it for future generations who will not have the opportunity to experience it for themselves.  Intrigued by Volkmar Wentzel, I too wish to create stunning nightscapes of the Nation’s Capital and its environs in the same tradition, depicting it as it has evolved in the half century or more since Wentzel crafted his images.

    Through my photography I hope to be able to produce fine art images of the beautiful people, places and things which I have the pleasure to observe.

    Communicating through the medium of fine art gicleé prints, I aim to record and transmit to the viewer some of the natural beauty and wonder of the world.  I hope to be able to enable those who observe my work to see the beauty inherent in virtually everything around us.  Beauty is everywhere if only we have the wit and wisdom to see it.  I hope to make each of my images a lesson in seeing the beauty which is there to be seen.