
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
May 07, 2024
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Jan 01, 2010

Lists (29)

Alice In Wonderland

2 Photos


2 Photos

beautiful implied

22 Photos

beauty infinite

91 Photos

black and white gems

26 Photos

concept looks

35 Photos

cool color

17 Photos

cool fine art

5 Photos

cool makeup and hair

40 Photos

cool style photos

56 Photos


10 Photos

editorial worthy

48 Photos


49 Photos


5 Photos

locations I would like to shoot

10 Photos

model shots I like

100 Photos

models veritas

61 Photos

Montana Models

25 Photos

Moody lighting

7 Photos

My Work in Other Ports

10 Photos

noir and glamour

3 Photos


28 Photos

reflective reality

35 Photos


6 Photos

virtual backgrounds

2 Photos

wild head shots

63 Photos

wild motion

2 Photos

wild photo series

6 Photos

winter beauty

2 Photos
See Less

About Me

I'm David Blackwell, a visual designer, photographer, and writer.    I'm a creative soul looking for new ways to express myself whether it is through photography, writing, or film/video.  Experimentation and trying new things is always a must in the world of photography and visual design.  I'm looking to challenge my photography skills more and looking for more models to tackle various new creative projects. 

My continuing project, October Gothic, continues to spawn new ideas.  Currently, I'm working on various ideas and other edgy concepts. Sometimes it is good to switch midstream and always experiment.

I shoot some digital, but I also shoot a few black and white photographs in 35mm and 120 formats with all negatives scanned into digital for post-production work.    I'm branching out into graphic design projects and looking for good creative challenges.  I use Photoshop and Lightroom to process my images (Lightroom is a tool that any good photographer should not be without).

Some of my various photos can also be viewed at my Flickr account- 

Like me on Facebook:
My digital artist profile on MM-
My retoucher profile-

Basic rules for working with me on a shoot-
1.Treat people like you want your friend or co-workers to treat you.
2.Call if you are going to cancel or need to reschedule a shoot.    Time is previous for all of us.
3. I like to work on photo projects and open to ideas from models if it means getting the best work or improving on a concept I want to shoot.

4.Given to the people who flaked on me in the past, I want your number so I can contact you on the day of the shoot if you're late. 
5.  Also I'm requesting all models sign a release before the shoot.  If I pay you, you won't get paid if you don't sign a release.  Also bring any issues about the release before the shoot and not on the night before.

Latest projects were Alice In Wonderland 2013 (shot in digital, 35mm film (black &white XP2, Infrared black & white), and 120 format film (on the Holga which is a plastic camera that creates some very artistic images if you know what you're doing) and Nature Witch.  I have shot at the Soucie Soucie art shows which feature runway model shows in addition to art and live music.

Looking to work with more models and submit pictures to magazines.

Credit Notes

I have worked with the following models:
Leanne Catron (not on MM)
Amanda Frye (not on MM)
Nikki Todd (not on MM)
Jessica Johnson (not on MM)
Alicia Kay (not on MM)
Holly Y (not on MM)

Adrienne Noel MM #1945571- wonderful and easy to work with, would work with her again
Brook Eva
Jordan Bunniie
missoulamodel45 MM #3636031 (she has the power to go far)
Ess Jay (aka Sally J M)- MM #2870220
Sarah Hanson MM #106528
Alexandra (definitely want to work with her again)
Kelsey Granley MM#542751
Miss ScarletteLynn MM#1958033
Leigh Ann DiDomenico (Annhgiel Images) MM #1367526
Jamera MM#2404634
Hali Abern MM#2487313

MissKarii MM#2255082
Tinytina Ryan MM #360055
Adrienne Bertin MM#2147683
Alicia LaRance  MM #1551030-  easy and fun to work with
LilZizzy MM #705726- want to work with again
Zombie Dollie MM #1739008
Megan Montana- MM #1869397
Tara Polack (punkpixie)- MM #1724341)
moshpit gypsy
Misse Anonimo MM #3469410
Kalyleigh Pollack (not on MM)
Alexis S (not on MM)
Kelcie C (not on MM)

I shot the final dress rehearsal for Evil Dead The Musical (when FVCC put it on).
I also have taken photos of the band 26Z.