
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
May 15, 2024
Depends on Assignment
Jan 01, 2008

Lists (12)

artistic nudes

19 Photos

beds and blankets and the such

41 Photos


8 Photos


20 Photos


5 Photos

list of great ideas

34 Photos


20 Photos


38 Photos

something different

33 Photos

soon to shhot

12 Photos

Unique Ideas

8 Photos


12 Photos
See Less

About Me

Time for an update!  I haven't updated my bio in quite some time, lol I've been a busy bee with my photography! Photography is a huge passion of mine. I've been shooting for about 8/9 years and have learned many things that have made me come into my own! You've found your way here, possibly because you saw a photo you liked, and I  thankful that you are interested in my work! Feel free to leave me any comments or critiques of what you think I could be doing better and I will always listen.

If you are looking for a shoot, I'm incredibly approachable! One thing photography taught me is that everyone should have a sense humility and passion when creating art! So if you are interested or have any ideas in your head that you wanna create, let me know!

At this time I am starting to limit the amount of trade work that I do, but don't let it dissuade you, just ask! I would love to talk to you. Plus I am not shy about hiring models myself!

My styles are pretty evident from my portfolio.  I am an Alt/Glamour Photographer for the most part.  My studio is huge (not in my house), and I am always looking for more to work with.

Plus I just won a POTD!!!  Check it out below!
September 30th, 2015 Women 18+ Pic of the Day Winner

Check out my stuff on Insta as well. 

I hope to hear from you soon. Have a great day!