Eclispe Photography Male Photographer


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jul 13, 2017
Mar 14, 2008

Lists (33)

Beautiful Faces

20 Photos

Best Erotic

8 Photos

BombshellBrats Roxx

1 Photos

BrokenDollz Roxx

1 Photos

BurningAngels Roxx

4 Photos

Denim Jeans Behind Shots

26 Photos

DeviantNation Roxx

2 Photos

Eclispe Photography's list of killer photos

22 Photos

Favorite Nudes

10 Photos

Favorite Pictures

10 Photos

GodsGirls Roxx

12 Photos

Hot Models

13 Photos

Hot Models in Panties

54 Photos

I can not stop looking at this

18 Photos

I love that Tattoo

4 Photos

I Love These Shots

13 Photos

Jeans Shot List

48 Photos

Jeans shots I like

36 Photos

Models in Bodysuits or Stocking Suits

5 Photos

Models In Lingerie

16 Photos

Models In Panties

72 Photos

Models in Sexy Dresses

39 Photos

Models in Sexy Swimsuits

23 Photos

Models I would Love to Work With

49 Photos

Models to work with!

52 Photos

My Favorite of All Time

30 Photos

New Jeans List

25 Photos

Rail Road shots I like

76 Photos

Sexy Models in Shorts and Skirts

28 Photos

Sexy Shorts and Skirts

39 Photos

SuicideGirls Roxx

48 Photos

That's a Great Picture

24 Photos

Wow thats Outstanding

15 Photos
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About Me

It's very unprofessional to not respond to emails!!!!


Emily Anita Born on June 11, 2009 at 11:10 p.m.

Important Notice, I have been very busy lately and I have been doing a lot of work for our upcoming website. I have been communicating with many models in order to get things set up. Please be patient. Please respond to emails as I always respond as quickly as I can with as much information as possible.

Thanks Shaun D.

**********Show Professionalism and Manners*********

Please have the courtesy to respond back If I contact you about a shoot or a booking Inquiry. We may not be a BIG name agencies or a company but our time is just as important as yours. Part of being a model is to be professional on both sides of the camera. It is only professional to respond back even if it is a “No Thank You” or “I am not interested”

This is our Studio Profile, remember when emailing this account that some one from our photography group will get back to you. Right now there are five of us.

We can travel to all models or we will pay for them to come to us. We do not pay for escorts, only models we intend to work with.

Shaun D. - Photographer/ Photo Editor/ Talent Scout
Shaun M. - Photographer/ Talent Scout
Genivev - Model Coordinator/ Photo Editor/ Photographer
Wayne - Business Relations/ Photographer
Platinum Playa - Talent

Serious inquiries only please. If you have any questions please e-mail me.

New Photos

Marcanna Glover #1280007

Marcanna Glover #1280007

Kdet #723308
Wallpaper from

Renee P #652007 

Renee P #652007 

HollyAdams #795220 

Kdet #723308 

Samantha #335820

Violet Behavior #37545

HollyAdams #795220

Kdet #723308

MODELS PLEASE READ:  We are photographers not millionaires. We are willing to help with gas money if travel is required, If a model is paid we will not cover travel costs. If a model wants an MUA present she will have to provide it, we do NOT provide MUA's unless it benefits us (I.E. a shoot that we are planning for the website or one of our projects.) We are willing to travel, but if we are covering the cost of our travel it will be on a TF basis. All that being said we are fun to work with and very laid back, we do our absolute best to provide great pictures for every single model we work with.

We are going to be looking for MUA and Hairstylist to do Anime Style looks and that are in the area's we will be doing photo shoots.

Our New Policy:

1.) We schedule all our shoots at least 6 weeks in advance. We will no longer book shoots within a 3 week or 2 week period. We will most likely be shooting one or more models on the Day of the shoot. We do a lot of long distance traveling and there just isn't enough time to make long trips for just one photo shoot. Please don't try to rush us into shooting before that.

2.) We will do at least 3-4 hours of shooting, depending on how many models we book in the area determines how many hours we will shoot. We will determine what type of shoot it will be and what each hour will be. Nothing is set in stone until we have a phone confirmation!!! The hours many change several times before we agree on what we are going to do.

3.) We will only wait 3 days for a response from a model we intend to work with before we book another model to replace her. I know sometimes people can not respond to emails as quick as others. Please remember that I have to present all model shoots to the rest of Eclipse Photography. Our time is important to us as just as much as anyone else.

4.) We must have a phone confirmation before any photo shoot is set in stone. This means we must talk to all models on the phone before we can give the shoot a “Green Light.”  That means don't ask for a cancellation fee if we haven't talked on the phone to set it in stone. If we set a shoot in stone on the phone then for some reason have to cancel, we will honor the fee up to 50% of what was agreed upon. Don't ask for it unless we have already planned all the details and agreed upon everything.

5.) We have a set BUDGET for each group of photo shoots we set up. We will try to get as much out of our budget as possible. This is the main reason we always let models know what we are willing to pay. It is IMPORTANT that we know who is going to shoot with us on a certain day so we need to know ahead of time if a model will be shooting with us.

6.) We pay all the models we work with, It just makes things a whole lot easier for us. That being said, it does not mean we are Millionaires. We all have FULL TIME jobs and work hard  for the money we spend on our models. Now I know some models do this full time and I respect all models that do that as well as every other model. Please show some understanding if we can not squeeze you into a shoot date. Shaun M. and I try very hard to please all the models we work with and we try to be as Professional as possible, but we also have bills to pay and kids to feed, please understand that that is our first priority. As of now we aren't making any money off of photography so this all comes out of our pocket with no return. We spend our money carefully.

7.) When a model travels to us we will pay for a hotel, not gas. The only exception to this is when a model will already be in the area and is shooting with us as a secondary reason for being there. If we aren't the reason a model is coming then we are not responsible for her travel. Also we will pay for a reasonable room, do not expect us to pay for a hotel that costs more then $130 per night.

1. All shoots will be schedule 6 or more weeks in ADVANCE!!!
2. We will only do 3-4 hours per shoot UNLESS agreed upon.
3. We will only wait 3 days for a response......after that we will BOOK another Model!
4. A phone CONFIRMATION must be had to CONFIRM A PHOTO SHOOT!!
5. We do have a BUDGET for all our shoots and we will not go over the budget.
6. We PAY all models we work with.
7. Please have the COURTESY to either say "I’m Interested" or "I am not Interested"


Our policy on picture content is:

1.) We will only give 40 - 60 images of our choice to models.

2.) We will lightly touch up either 30 images or 50 images. We will fix lighting and color problems. We will crop anything unnecessary in the picture.

3.) We will only finish 10 images!!! We do this because each fully edited picture can take anywhere from Thirty minutes to One hour to finish a picture. If a model wants more then what is specified it will be $10 off their shoot rate per image.

4.) Remember it takes time and effort to produce a finished CD, also remember the time it takes at the shoot as well. We try to get are CD’s out in a timely manner. But we still have Full Time jobs and Full Time Family so its not always easy.

5.) We will try to get all our CD’s mailed out by 3 weeks.

Genivev, does all of the editing to our pictures. She is currently 15 weeks pregnant and she is not always able to get on the computer to do work. Most of her time is spent taking care of her family.

We work really hard to produce good images and we try to better our photography with every shoot we do. We enjoy learning new things about photography!
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected] 

Everyone Check Platinum Playa's profiles. He has a record deal with Sonic Wave International/ Sony BMG/ V Hill Records. --- Models this is a helpful website you should all read it! --- Has some good information on this thread!

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Credit Notes

Summer R #670580
Genivev Romanov #672420
Jessica Hart #488851
Samantha #335820
Bethany #635541
J. Morrison #581177
Renee P #652007
Ms Martinez #721671
HollyAdams #795220
Kdet #723308
Violet Behavior #37545
Marcanna Glover #1280007