Written Renaissance Male Model


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Dec 06, 2011
Some Experience
Depends on Assignment
Shoot Nudes:
Aug 03, 2008
5' 8"
150 lbs
Skin Color:
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Great Artisitic Implied

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Best Shot's I've Seen So Far On MM

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About Me



**Accepting TFP/TFCD & work with highly creative people**

**I am willing to travel abroad,this would depend on assignment**


Writ-ten [rit-n] Ren-ais-sance [ren-uh-sahns]

To make a permanent impression, evident to force and affect taking part in something of worth caused to be apparent & unmistakable. A movement of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity, a renewal of life, vigor, rebirth & revival of a moral renaissance.

6. Compose, pen, author, draft, create.
4. Resurgence, reawakening


bef. 900; ME writen, OE writan; c. OS writan to cut, write, G reissen to tear, draw, ON rita to score, write

1830–40; < F, MF: rebirth, equiv. to renaiss- (s. of renaistre to be born again < L renasci; re- re- + nasci to be born) + -ance -ance

Not much to say until you get to know me. My life is shaped by my choices. I've made mistakes, learned from them, and I do not feel guilty of them. I am a self-determined person and I allow others the same right. I take care of my body, my mind, and my emotions lovingly. I accept all the healthy pleasures that life has to offer. I am WANTED, WELCOMED, and LOVED. I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome the new in my life. I am gentle with myself and respectful to others. I will face my fears to have a clear, well-defined sense of self. I am filled with the joy life and what God has for me it is truely for me. I am motivated to pursue my goal of being successful. I AM ME and not ashamed of it. No one will hinder the path that I have embarked on, nor will my faith me risked for anyone else. My foundation is my rock and my integrity is my shield nothing more, and nothing less.

The purpose of my page is to interact with people who are interested in helping me with these business ventures. I'm trying to get my Poetry Book published if you are capable or know anyone who is capable of helping me with that let me know.

I am also trying to get in to MODELING so if you are a photographer, promoter or an agent or even someone in line of getting me some Modeling work i would like to hear from you.

I am a very diverse individual who is able to conquer and rock any style. My unique mixture of culture I feel gives me an edge in having that diverse look. I'm one of a kind and looking to take the modeling world by storm.

If you like my look come let me know and if you would like to shoot let me know as well and we can discuss the matter at hand.

Everyone stay blessed and Welcome to my page...


Captivate My Mind by Written Renaissance
If I don’t stand for something,
I’ll fall for anything.

If you captivate my mind,
I promise I’ll give your body something to scream about.

Now let me explain why I choose.

A real man chooses to feed your soul over your body,
Feeds your passion not the passion of your body,
Fulfilling who you really are…

I not only choose the line I see that goes from the back of your heel,
To your calf, the inside of your thigh, nosing your v-cut, feeling your stomach,
That describes your breast, caresses your neck, kisses your lips, and plays with your hair,
And this is only my eyes.

Understand the emotionality you conserve,
Love you possess compound with the passion inside,
A ride that I can barely survive lifted to the edge of my seat.

Watching my Fruedian Slip,
I don’t want you to catch a glimpse of what I’m actually thinking.
Your mind amazes me in ways no book ever will,
I read on striving to understand what no man can.

I have found a good thing and I am never letting go.
Faith by trial, test me so that I may withstand the fire,
I am your rock and liaison to God.
Take my hand so that I may walk you to his,
Graced in this place; He covers me as I cover you.

I choose….

If I don’t stand for something,
I’ll fall for anything.

If you captivate my mind,
I promise I’ll give your body something to scream about.

I am writing my journey as I write it,
So that my vision is as vivid as the moment it happened.

The day I met you.
That moment we first kissed.
How It felt the first time I touched you.
Practicing in my mind how I would say I loved you.

I feel like I'm sitting at the throne of God, answering the question.
"Why did you choose to date her?"

The only response I could think of was you blessed me with her.
I searched for her and found her.

She nurtures me, encourages me, loves me to the best of her ability.
She understands my short comings and doesn't expect me to do what I can not do.
She taught me how to love her, express how and what I feel.
She lead me back to you when my foot slipped off of the path.
She feeds my soul, captivates my mind, breathes life into my spirit, and cares for my body for what it is.

That is why I choose to date her, she is very special to me.

So where is this woman you speak of he asked of me.

Frankly, she is in each and every woman that I meet.
Because she dwells inside of me.
But only one of the can pull themselves out of me.

If I don’t stand for something,
I’ll fall for anything.

She will captivate my mind,
I promise I’ll give her body something to scream about.

This is how I explain why I choose.

A real man chooses to feed your Soul over your body, his mind over is Loin"... Feeds your passion not the passion of your body, fulfilling who u really are."

Captivate My Mind.

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Dio Photography