
Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Oct 11, 2012
Very Experienced
Depends on Assignment
Jul 04, 2007

Friends (363)

About Me

I am a nerd.

Thank you for viewing my profile. This is an online portfolio for me only. My apologies, but I do not typically accept work requests through here, however... some are irresistible to work on. I value my time and have so much of it invested already. But if you want advice... opinions and knowledge are as free as the air they occupy. Feel free to ask. I LOVE to help.

I grew up in Bangor, Maine. I make awesome snowballs and have a cannon for an arm. One time I tried to see how high I could kick and ended up landing on the back of my head. So.. over achiever in that department.

I am an artist (or at least it's an attempt).

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How about "I" credit people for inspiring me?

Leonardo DaVinci (all time favorite artist), Rene Magrite (all time favorite painter), Jim Henson, MC Escher, Walt Disney's 9 old men, Soroyama, Joe Phillips, Frank Miller, Shel Silverstein, Robert Frost, Poe, Dr Seuss, and many more.

Siddartha - Personal hero. Because he lived life instead of judged it.