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In this tutorial A-M-P shows how to dodge and burn like a pro

In this video, you’ll see three different methods of how to extract your subject from a background, when to pick each technique, extracting from different types of backgrounds, and how to extract small objects.

In this video you’ll learn how to do a highly stylized retouch, with a focus on achieving that glamour-style look.

In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through the post-production task of retouching eyebrows, adding eyelashes and removing flyway hair.

In this video you will learn how to add blush, eye shadow, eye lashes, and lipstick.

In this video, I focus on a retouching technique known as masking, which involves isolating a portion of an image from the rest of a photo.

This video focuses on a Photoshop technique that many people seem interested in and that I’m often asked to talk about – pixel level dodge and burn.

In this video, I explain how to do a frequency separation on an image.