Forums > General Industry > The Barter List-MMers Willing To Barter Shoot Time



Posts: 1414

Houston, Texas, US

Location: Houston, Texas

I can offer:

Head shots, portraits, art nudes for your portfolio in a studio-like setting.

Product photography for your Etsy store or Ebay sales.

Off-camera flash lighting lessons (speedlights &/or studio lights) including working with various light modifiers.

Light retouching (I'm pretty good with basic clean-up, color correction, frequency separation skin work, dodge & burn shaping and contouring, etc., but I'm not a "high end" beauty or fashion retoucher nor much of a compositor.)

What I would trade for:

Female modeling time, especially art nude.

Hair styling and makeup for my shoots.

Studio rental time.

Shooting location, e.g. interesting house, apartment, barn, garden, etc.

Aug 06 15 02:00 pm Link

Digital Artist

Von Kotterhausen

Posts: 5

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Have to offer:
A massive yet compact digital independent multimedia studio. As in especially free hours worth considerable rate exchanges.

- Unique High definition, [H]igh [D]ynamic [R]ange, classic, black & white, fine arts gallery aesthetic Nikon brilliance combined with digital custom graphics which includes logo and image mastering, publication building, slots available in my own record/original music arts. For an example, bandcamp search term 'JMK 9000' or youtube search term JMK 9000 to bring up my channel. Epic symphonic & OST art placement - all of these things with full credits - enter search term 'AmoebiKathedral' at bandcamp. This includes desirable slots in my own masterpiece visionary fine arts publication under the works. Now, including the cover and a prime full spread. Just realize with this thing, it is under design and implementation now. It won't be out like next week in other words. A bit of an investment [time to manifest wise] if you see my port for ideas and have belief in my talent and work ethic. It still comes back for you, as it is a coveted sort of 'good' to be traded for...

- MAJOR: if you are a vocalist as well as a model and sing and are jonesin' hard for a producer and you think it just will never happen for you and have spiraled into a giving up. Bingo! Now is your time and light at the end of the tunnel just pulled through. Again, use the search terms above. I do ALL genres. Even if you are a heavy metal screamer, it's all good. I'm a real life studio wizard. EDM, 'pop', counter cultural, stuff that would otherwise cost a LOT, is open to you in this barter. Most studio high quality production from scratch for album quality with merch galore and tight design..well, just the studio hours is like 800 per hour. Soul crushing numbers. To find it in barter is like next to impossible. It takes someone passionate for collab and the Industry. I am 100% through 'n through.

- Technical & Creative writing [see Von Kotterhausen scribd, my 500+ page count open source library]..keep an open mind. haha.. a lot of it is based in real life occult crimes and real life infiltration of neo-gnostic cults. So, it gets a bit...pretty 'out there'. It will be confusing as hell to most. Just judge the writing itself rather than content. I write on all kinds of things, not just that subject matter.

- I have helped tons of people. I saw a reiki/energy healing offer and a light went off. I have an epic sacred space in my studio with clear quartz, turquoise, kyanite, labradorite, obsidian, carnelian, fuchsite, agates & jaspers. Cosmic energy stuffs is a thing I do and 'long distance' is no kind of challenge. I do 'otherside' work [use your imagination], abundance & fertility, vision questing and other elaborate personal reports in dimensions foggy to most. I go way beyond '1-900-psychic'. To offer an idea, I've had people go find easy tarot readings because my stuff is so personal and intense, they got very uncomfortable and I'm pretty sure a couple thought I was hacking them. No such thing goes on here. If you want pics of my 'holy arsenal' just message and let me know.

To be traded for:

- As an extreme dedicated studio maven and an underground mogul of sorts, I'm not shoved everywhere in your face marketing terms. Therefore, I love the idea of plugging with genuine interest in YOUR network which likely admittedly runs circles. Links to, shouts, real love beyond street team corny pawning off onto others. I have to see it and know it is real just like you want. I'm finally really doing deeper net presence. I need souls! smile I need talent who sees me and all I offer and put in roundd the clock. I'm always shut up in studio, so I have no 'people' in my corner igniting word about me and hanging out going to industry parties with. Please, appreciate that I'm pretty raw and counture cultural. If you think based on the search terms to visit I would destroy your 'squeaky clean', don't..repeat, don't get involved with me. If you like visceral edge, we belong together. Once more to be clear, I won't do tons of free hours for a facebook post, a page like, and telling your best pals to listen to my stuff one or two times to get a bunch back. Need real evidence of visible love and genuine boosting and plugging in with belief. Savvy? smile

- Gigs! I know a lot of you do parties and promotions. I do live EDM podcasts and dance/party albums. I am willing to travel and need that compensated along with the gig and classy respect. If rather than my own room, you have a safe, fun, chill, artist loft or flat with good crteative souls that aren't buggy sketch and know the lifestyle so take care of other lifestylers, let's do it! I really wanna travel. My 'edgy' visceral rawness and honesty with my social media has gotten some greedy promoters and DJ collectives so pissed that I have been smear campaigned to death out here in Atlanta and basically gangstalked/harrased to near death levels. Would so much love to get out overseas with you in your thing. ALSO, if you are not a promoter/party thrower looking for EDM talent, I bet you as a stunning model/photographer know and are chumsy with those who do. I need a lock-in rather than 'I suggest maybe this guy?', or it really isn't fair to me given the high quality fine arts and multimedia mastery at your disposal. Again, I cover all genres, so don't think..we aren't into either techno or ambient/downtempo music. Though, I would love to bring.

- Vocals that rock and are sleek 'n sexy by marketable faces/MM model members. Okay, so I'm into just saying it. Vocals wise, I need and want you pretty much as much as you need and want a full array audio 'battlestation' at your disposal. So, this would infer both barter and with potential great partnerships. You need to be serious and follow through. If all you have is an iphone, I do crazy brilliant things. Sorry about the 'egotistical' claim. I don't say something unless I can back it up. I can turn a pin drop into Mozart. However, I would like something pretty clear. So, iphone or video audio bits I can do my magic on. 

- Travel, Travel, Travuuuuhhhhl!!! haha
Yeah, that's big. Recently bit by the travel bug by someone who rarely leaves studio. I roll out of bed and am in studio full throttle, I crash out when my eyelids are bricks & can't focus anymore. If you can get me out, I don't have massive suitcases that can easily got lost of equipment I hate you and blame you over when one of my favorite 35 adapters or consoles goes missing, likely the impossibility of keeping track of all that. For classy, respectable travel accomodations - don't plop me in a roach motel without a map, I give you all this and an a sleek, portable way. As in, I could have 'Sound City' in a lap top..most famous recording studio ever, with you anywhere from your flat or condo, to real time working on-location in mind-blowing ways. It isn't just my technical array, but as you can see by links and portfolio [sorry so small], an ideas man who can storyboard crazy epic stuff that top dollar boards brainstorm to do over long periods of time.

- Hug and kisses. Just being funny. smile You have read this far. Might as well reward you.

- Permanent artist residence. You are looking for someone like me, pretty much drooling on your keyboard? Why not have a lasting thing? You need a megaplex visionary with full studio that is round the clock churning and producing, I need an outside world..especially outside Atlanta by now. New York, London, Paris. I'll even learn your language. I do not mesh well in my location for a list of reasons. I don't want to go on a bash spree about lacks of professionalism, as I know ATL has a professional side, but it is so far by my experience, for a more controlled 'diversity' that often hates while calling you 'hater'. I'm just out of love and even scarred up.

Be in touch, visit my links, see what you think. Finally once more, don't think because you don't have what the offer calls for means to fold your hand. You know people who do and potentially we can work out 'finder's fee' services.

Oh, one last thing and this book is over lol...telephoto lenses, electronics that preferably work, media devices especially. I do After Effects video arts, and now seek to incorporate more the 'moving pictures' of life all around us with/into the stunning pure worlds of from-scratch effectscapes. smile 

Thanks for your time...

Von K

[Messaging here at MM privately is ideal]

Aug 20 15 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 1

Arcata, California, US

This thread is amazing.

What I can offer:

Photo sessions (modeling)- ranges from glamour to shibari, we'll talk.
Gently used wardrobe
Boston area hosting (sometimes; women only)
ipad mini (purchased in 2014, hardly used)

What I am looking for:

tattoo work (would reflect my hourly modeling rates)
high quality prints of photos in my portfolio
gently used wardrobe (vintage lingerie of all sorts is much desired!)
air fare/tix to any the following cities: LA, Toronto, Columbus (OH), Santa Fe

*I travel sometimes; don't let Boston area necessarily deter you!*

Sep 17 15 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 2088

Los Angeles, California, US

Things I can offer:
Modeling services
Performance services
Makeup and styling services
Lodging even when I am out of town

Things I accept as trade:
Travel tickets/compensation
Unique crystals/stones/gems
Lingerie (depending on the brand/type. I love vintage)
Jewelry (depending on the brand/type)
Polaroids I can sell
Jewelry fabrication lessons
Metal casting lessons
Remodeling work on my home
Prop building
Fire flow toys
Used (but newer than mine) Mac Laptop

Nov 03 15 08:17 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

Things I Can Offer:

Private sight seeing charter cruise for up to six people on a classic yacht in Seattle.  (PM me for link to my charter boats.)

Unique clothing designs made to order. (see the stuff in my port)

Private longevity training. Learn how to avoid toxic foods, cook healthy and extend your life.

Whatever modeling you need.

Things I Need:

Photos of my clothing designs.

Videos of my healthy cooking instruction.

Marketing videos of my antique charter boats and foods boats.

Nautical antiques.

Nov 03 15 09:24 pm Link


Aseeyah Sun

Posts: 44

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I can offer.....
Modeling (Yes I do nudes also, as long as I get them in a very considerable amount of time)
Anything Voice Over!!! Commercials, telephone messaging, jingles, promos, songs, etc... I can even record you!!.. ( I can bring my mini- studio stuff along with me), I am a Voice Over Actress and I can edit and produce anything you need within limits ( meaning don't be giving me a 500 page book or some long document to read for you, Creative Writing Skills (People say I have this splendid and unique way of expression )

What I would trade for...........
Accommodations provided for Hotel, Airfare if out of town, be ready to give quality clothing, shoes, accessories or other fashionable item , ask me what I like OR Check TFP Wishlist here: … list_go_v?
Elite-Premium glamour/ beauty shoots, Magazine/Print work or Misc. Publication

You are also welcome to visit my MM page and get a feel of me too :-) Thanks for reading!!!

Dec 15 15 11:06 am Link



Posts: 4

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

What I can offer:
Modelling (I pose for you)
Mechanical work; Cars, Bikes anything really (Trade qualified)

What I need:
Digital copies of photo's taken of me for my folio.
Tattoo work.

Thank you

Jan 12 16 02:35 am Link


Melissa Black

Posts: 1

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Lowell, MA; southern NH and Boston area as well

What I am Offering:
full photo shoot with numerous full edits (often in excess of ten)
opportunity for publication

Acceptable Barter:
photography equipment, particularly (functional) film cameras, or Canon lenses

Feb 25 16 02:24 pm Link


Carlos Deregil

Posts: 1

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Please list me in the Las Vegas, Nevada section.

Photography and access to a Photo Studio Las Vegas (2 photographers).
Want in exchange:
     Photoshoot time with: Models; MUA; Hair Stylist; Stylist; Wardrobe
This is the current list with more to follow

Feb 27 16 03:13 pm Link



Posts: 59

Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France

I offer :
A OOAK fluorite and sterling silver necklace, handcrafted by me.
(also lodging in the (17 th century) family house on the french Riviera, if you don't mind a friendly dog.)
I want :
a red-haired model to model with the necklace. Preferably green-eyed and able to do her make-up.
In other words : wear it during a shoot and forget to give it back !

Mar 06 16 07:39 am Link



Posts: 9

SHERMAN OAKS, California, US

Los Angeles/Sherman Oaks/Valley Village area

High fashion

Short films
Audition demos and slates

Complete HD studio with full gear and post
Emmy certs and other awards

Mar 15 16 08:20 am Link



Posts: 5

Los Angeles, California, US

how do i get added ?
los angeles based fashion photographer
looking to barter my photography (tfp) with models , make up artist, stylist and hairdressers thanks !

Apr 29 16 10:51 am Link


Dillon Thomas

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

My name is Dillon Thomas, I will be in NYC the month of August attending the Lee Strasburg Institute of Theater and Film. I am seeking a Photographer for Headshots while I am in the city. I am open to TFP but willing to negotiate.

I will be free Fridays and weekends.  Please let me know if you are interested in working something out.  Dillon

Jul 19 16 05:27 pm Link


Dillon Thomas

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

My name is Dillon Thomas, I will be in NYC the month of August 2016 attending The Lee Strasburg Institute of Theater and Film. I am seeking a Photographer for Headshots while I am in the city. I am open to TFP  and do unique shoots but willing to negotiate. 

I will be free Fridays and weekends.  Please let me know if you are interested in working something out.  Dillon

Jul 19 16 05:37 pm Link



Posts: 2


Recently moved to DALLAS, TEXAS.

Thing I have to trade:
Photography (event, food & restaurant, technology, portraiture, etc...)
Videography. I have shot movies, weddings, and music videos.
Basic Web Building.

Things I need:
Clothing company's product

Jul 27 16 08:42 pm Link


Vivid Color Photographe

Posts: 7

West Palm Beach, Florida, US

Lexington, KY Photographer. Can also work in Louisville and Northern KY.

I can offer:

Magic Shows
Research Help
Paper Editing (as in school papers)
Gift Cards

I would like in return:

Models offering themselves for me to shoot
Canon Equipment (especially lenses)
Lighting Equipment
Light Meter
Nice Tripod
Use of a studio
Outdoor Storage Shed
Photoshop/ Retouching Training

Aug 04 16 10:13 am Link


Sienna Luna

Posts: 13

Brooklyn, New York, US

What I can offer:
Photo sessions (modeling), all genres
Traditional live modeling for classes or groups or private artists
Child care (I am CPR certified, have years of experience in child care and working with special needs populations.)
Scan your negatives/develop & print your b&w film
Organizing wardrobe, negatives, or your studio space
Hosting (currently North of Boston. I have hosted several times in the past & can provide references.)
Creative coaching to new models

What I am interested in:
Photoshop lessons (I do know some basics, but I'm seeking more skills)
Professional hair services; color, high quality hair extensions
Original paintings/other pieces of work
MUA for shoots
Publication in print, magazines, books, etc that are not online only publications
OR Dark Beauty / Vogue Italia
Plane tickets to your location

Oct 11 16 11:16 pm Link


KModel Photography

Posts: 280

Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Location: Wellington, New Zealand, (including lower north island)

I can offer photos (something like 10 edited hi-res ready to use jpgs):
- Head shots, portraits or art nudes in a studio-like setting
- Art nudes in a landscape setting
- Pinup, cheesecake, garage & boudoir lingerie glamour in an indoor setting
- Swimwear (and SI glamour styles) on location
- Cosplay, steampunk, fashion style, indoor setting
- Some product photography for your store or brand
Or other things such as:
- Possibly, a digital fantasy, or a charcoal portrait (unframed)
- Possibly, as a shooter in your production
- Possibly, alt-glam 'sets'
- Front of camera direction/practice in various styles
- Off-camera lighting lessons (eg, strobes, speedlights, ambient)
- Manual camera operation technique lessons
- Photo restoration (can scan and repair most things)
- Light retouching
- Motion GIF sequences and short video clips
- Possibly, web pages, maybe even help for setting up your own web site
- Scenic tours of the region, (ie., coastal areas, hiking, rural, etc)
- PC or laptop repairs, or setup networking
- Relatively minor car service/repairs (oil, wipers, bulbs, electrical fault finding, etc)
- Possibly, Install (but not supply) security system

What I would trade for:

- Female modeling time, including art nude.
- Hair styling and makeup for my shoots.
- Studio rental time.
- Use of a private shooting location, e.g. interesting house, apartment, barn, garden, etc.
- possibly, musical instruments
- or maybe something else, ask

Nov 27 16 05:21 pm Link



Posts: 400

Cape Canaveral, Florida, US

Chicago & Florida

I'll trade wardrobe and/or jewelry  and/or digital images for modelling sessions with photogenic female models.

Nov 27 16 06:42 pm Link



Posts: 782

Rochester, New York, US

TF with models 5'9+ size 0-4 ages 14-24

Dec 19 16 04:07 pm Link



Posts: 102

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Things I can offer:
- full studio / location shoot
- photography / videography services
- retouching services
- high quality prints
- short term stay in Bangkok
- internet access
- free/cheap international phone calls
- studio rental
- IT help computer / network / hosting / web
- local help/assistance in Thailand

Things I will accept:
- photo equipment / accessories
- electronic musical instruments / audio equipment (broken / incomplete considered)
- inspiring models to work with (see my port to get idea)
- name it...

Jan 05 17 01:22 am Link


Jeevo I Am

Posts: 12

Austin, Texas, US

I am a stylist, model and MUA. I will barter for clothing pieces, unique random antique like items and wall art.

Feb 01 17 05:22 pm Link


ruben magos

Posts: 2

San Jose, California, US

I'm willing to barter, I build websites. message me for more info!

Apr 06 17 12:42 am Link



Posts: 1

Carbondale, Colorado, US

To offer: professional A/V services, setting lights, cameras, audio projection etc. Includes working with clients and crew. Also professional photographer and beekeeper wiling to teach and can supply swarms/honey/beeswax/hives etc.

What I need: Models to soot to build my website portfolio. Stylized shoots, and for the short time, people willing to model for same sex wedding shoots. I shoot mainly families and events and want to move into weddings more and more, same sex or any alt-relationship couples especially. Also would trade for mentoring/tutoring/training if you have the experience in this area.

May 18 17 09:01 am Link


Halbright Photography

Posts: 6

San Francisco, California, US

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California

I can offer:

Headshots, portraits, fashion, underwater images.

Product photography for your Etsy store, Ebay, Amazon

Underwater modeling teaching/coaching and photography

Light retouching

What I would trade for:

Wardrobe, especially for underwater shoots

Hair styling and makeup for shoots

Studio rental time.

Shooting location, e.g. interesting house, pool, apartment, barn, garden, etc.

Massage from CMT/LMT

Personal Assistant / Organizing Help

Aug 28 17 09:38 pm Link


Levi Levias

Posts: 1

Seattle, Washington, US

Location : Seattle washington

What I have:
I do trade photoshoots
clothes -Dressy, Casual, Urban

What i will trades:
Model shoes
Hair extensions
Make up
Future project work

Sep 16 17 05:37 pm Link



Posts: 7

Los Angeles, California, US

Wanting to trade time for pictures...if you want to offer more cool but I keep it plain and simple...

Jan 18 18 02:31 am Link


Valent L

Posts: 134

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Australia, New South Wales, Sydney

What I can offer:
Studio photography in Coogee
Beach photography in Eastern Suburbs
All genres involving people (I specialise only in people)
Headshots, portraits, nudes, swimwear, cosplay, boudoir, beauty, lifestyle
Small number of well edited high quality photographs
Help you set up/update websites

What I am interested in:
Easy going models with personality
Hair and makeup
Wardrobe stylist
Interesting shoot location or location hire
Graphic Design from time to time
Meal coupon at a nice restaurant
Maybe kids toys

Mar 22 18 04:13 pm Link



Posts: 12

Madison, Wisconsin, US

My name is Sean. I'm a photographer near Warm Springs, Virginia. I have access to many unique locations. I'll gladly trade a full photo shoot for a model's time., The model gets a full CD of everything we shoot and if she likes some large format prints of the shoot. I'm really looking for new ladies to work with and I have excellent references!

Apr 18 18 06:35 pm Link


HxF Productions

Posts: 1

Scottsdale, Arizona, US

Fashionably late to the party?

In Scottsdale, AZ / Phoenix area.

I can offer:
Traveling models/MUAs/Photo-Editors/Web Designers -  a private Casita / suite to stay in when traveling.

In exchange for:
Model released shooting time.
MUA work for other planned shoots.
Photo editing work, or tutorial
Web design support / revitalization / workflow streamlining

Jul 09 18 05:49 pm Link



Posts: 3

Los Angeles, California, US

How you doing I know how stressful it can be financially while trying to make auditions and go to work pursuing your dreams. I am also in your shoes. I am a barber on the side and can offer discounted haircuts for fellow industry goers for $6. The shop where I operate is near downtown LA. Check out my website

Jul 12 18 12:40 am Link


peter vic

Posts: 57

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I am a Model/Actor/Moviemaker   ... willing to barter .... thanks, ph

Oct 05 18 06:49 am Link



Posts: 2

Pomona, California, US

Hello there,

I know this post was written a few months back, but is this trade something you are still interested in? Because all 4 things you are looking for, I have (pink hair is a wig; I have two of them. Heck I have like 50 wigs in every style and color you can imagine!). And I'm sponsored by a well-known lingerie line (2 of them) so I have access to any kind of look you want (in lingerie, that is).

Anyway, let me know! For a full portfolio, please check out my photos on my IG: smile
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!


The House of Velvet wrote:
What I can offer:

Hosting - Private room with Private Bath

Victoria Velvet Costumes in Trade for Shoot

Vintage Clothing

Props & What Not

Portrait sessions in studio or on location

What I am looking for:

Female Models for Magazine Submissions

Suited for Alt or Edgy Looks

Prefer Inked

Pink Hair

Model Mayhem
Photographer - 1607726
Designer - 1178791

Atlanta Georgia

Nov 17 18 06:15 am Link


Pablo Paparazzo

Posts: 5

Lithonia, Georgia, US

I am a Photographer willing to barter my time.

Jan 17 19 10:25 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

H Jules

Posts: 306

Brooklyn, New York, US

Willing to trade my styling and know how which includes some jewelry and clothing that are handmade as well as assistance picking right item through personal wardrobe. All I ask is 4 edited photos.

Mar 25 19 11:03 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

H Jules

Posts: 306

Brooklyn, New York, US

Levi Levias wrote:
Location : Seattle washington

What I have:
I do trade photoshoots
clothes -Dressy, Casual, Urban

What i will trades:
Model shoes
Hair extensions
Make up
Future project work

Mar 25 19 11:04 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

H Jules

Posts: 306

Brooklyn, New York, US

[Still willing to work quote=LaceyBlayze]
Hello there,

I know this post was written a few months back, but is this trade something you are still interested in? Because all 4 things you are looking for, I have (pink hair is a wig; I have two of them. Heck I have like 50 wigs in every style and color you can imagine!). And I'm sponsored by a well-known lingerie line (2 of them) so I have access to any kind of look you want (in lingerie, that is).

Anyway, let me know! For a full portfolio, please check out my photos on my IG: smile
Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!


The House of Velvet wrote:
What I can offer:

Hosting - Private room with Private Bath

Victoria Velvet Costumes in Trade for Shoot

Vintage Clothing

Props & What Not

Portrait sessions in studio or on location

What I am looking for:

Female Models for Magazine Submissions

Suited for Alt or Edgy Looks

Prefer Inked

Pink Hair

Model Mayhem
Photographer - 1607726
Designer - 1178791

Atlanta Georgia

Mar 25 19 11:04 am Link


Andy Trantham

Posts: 1

Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

photographer in Miami Florida always looking for models to shoot

things I can offer:
great photos
fun shoot

things I accept as payment:
a great attitude
non diva behavior

Aug 24 19 11:25 am Link


Jamison Boyer

Posts: 2

Fremont, California, US

Hello All,

I’m a part-time freelance photographer, based in the SF Bay Area (I live in the East Bay), and am actively looking to build my portfolio and expand my network of models, make-up artists, photo assistants, etc.

What I will offer:

-Outdoor Lifestyle photo shoots using mainly natural light and sometimes with a small speedlite or continuous lights.

-Deliverables of select photos of high res edited images (color corrected) usually within two weeks.

-A good meal (after a photo shoot)

-Instruction in photography, including understanding of basic concepts such as controlling exposure through the use of aperture, shutter speed, ISO. And how to compensate for different lighting conditions.

In Exchange for:

-Models who are responsible, professional, communicates in a reasonable willing to donate their time to make some great images.

-Make-Up / Hair Artists who are willing to help do the magic that they do, providing their own materials. (Depending on the nature of the shoot, I may be able to compensate for some expenses)

-Photo Assistants who are willing to help create great images, and are looking to learn more about photography. Must be willing to hold reflectors, lights, etc, willing to collaborate and not be afraid to contribute ideas.

Sep 12 19 08:58 pm Link



Posts: 107

Fort Myers, Florida, US

Fort Myers - SW Florida

I can offer:

Head shots, portraits, art nudes for your portfolio in a studio or on location

Hair styling and makeup for my shoots (Wife is professional)

Off-camera flash lighting lessons (speedlights &/or studio lights) including working with various light modifiers.

Light retouching (I'm pretty good with basic clean-up, color correction, frequency separation skin work, dodge & burn shaping and contouring, etc., but I'm not a "high end" beauty or fashion retoucher nor much of a compositor.)
Location: amenable to anything interesting

What I would trade for:

Modeling time, interesting projects, fashion apparel

Oct 01 19 05:15 pm Link