Forums > Model Colloquy > Photographer threatens to "ruin" a model


David A Reichel

Posts: 38

San Diego, California, US

A model with whom I've worked with frequently (I paid her model fee for casual, fashion, and nude) over the past several years told me this during our last shoot.
She was DM-ed by a photographer through her IG page.  He did not follow her nor any of her connections.  He wanted to shoot boudoir and nude.  She told him she only did paid work, especially for nudes.  He responded that he did not pay models and he would only give her a couple of images from the shoot.  She said no thanks, and again stated she only did paid work for nudes.  It seems he got belligerent (my word) and said he would "ruin" her because she wanted to be paid for a shoot.
I'm curious if any models have had similar experiences and how you handled them.

Jul 29 22 06:54 am Link



Posts: 20631

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Many of the fake agents that I've seen will pull that shit.  They can't get the model/talent a gig to begin with but claim they'll destroy their career.  Hell, the model's career would only be destroyed by actually going along with the fake agent.

Here in LV we have a 'blacklist' that can be found in a private Facebook group.
There's been at least a couple of instances reported that are similar to the example you've stated, but for the most part the reports are about photographers that try to get touchy feely and people that don't fulfill their part of the bargain (ie: models that flake and photographers that don't give images that they were supposed to).

Jul 29 22 08:10 am Link



Posts: 3320

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

Couldn't she simply screen shot the messages and share them on all her social media accounts? If so he would be the one to get ruined.

Jul 29 22 10:31 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

People being treated as if guilty based on unproven accusations can be a problem, but I doubt his Instagram influence and other influence is extensive enough to have any notable impact on her.   Most accusation black lists I’ve seen or heard of that have listed photographers, not models and even those only reach a limited audience, and even then it doesn’t mean readers of such a list will refuse to work with anyone on the list.   I can’t image MM would drop a model based on a single accusation made by a photographer via another venue and I certainly can’t imagine any modeling agency dropping a model based on an unproven allegation from an Instagram correspondence.  Unless this photographer is incredibly well connected, I don’t see how get can generate enough negative propaganda to have any notable influence on her ability to book shoots.

Aug 06 22 07:20 am Link


G Reese

Posts: 914

Marion, Indiana, US

Don't see much this out here in the sticks. To do something like this to anybody would endanger  your health. LOL
I've had models tell me of a bad experience, but for some strange reason wouldn't supply a name.

Aug 06 22 08:12 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

If the photographer concerned doesn't want to pay, then he's not for real. Money talks; bullshit walks.

Models, like most other professional people are used to being paid for their time. The fact that someone offers to pay a model does not necessarily always mean that they intend to do so, or that they have a genuine interest in photography. But a "photographer" who flatly refuses from the outset, to pay the model anything is likely to be either a cheap bum or a woman-hating jerk.

If they then go on to threaten the model, then they have a serious problem and it would be advisible to report them to site admin and/or law enforcement. Such people do not have to be tolerated in the modelling scene or in any other context other than a correctional facility or a mental hospital.

Aug 11 22 04:17 am Link



Posts: 67

Neumayer - permanent station of Germany, Sector claimed by Norway, Antarctica

In my experience, those who threaten to ruin someone else's career have no power to do so. Typically it's just a nobody who has no real reputation of their own anyway. They have no platform. Anyone who has met them already knows they are an asshole, so their word means nothing.
Models are best to just block them on every platform and move on. Don't respond - just walk away.

Aug 11 22 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

MoRina wrote:
In my experience, those who threaten to ruin someone else's career have no power to do so. Typically it's just a nobody who has no real reputation of their own anyway. They have no platform. Anyone who has met them already knows they are an asshole, so their word means nothing.
Models are best to just block them on every platform and move on. Don't respond - just walk away.

The correct response is to report them to site admin, and if the threats are serious enough, law enforcement authorities because in some cases, these people are dangerous.

Aug 11 22 03:55 pm Link



Posts: 67

Neumayer - permanent station of Germany, Sector claimed by Norway, Antarctica

JSouthworth wrote:
The correct response is to report them to site admin, and if the threats are serious enough, law enforcement authorities because in some cases, these people are dangerous.

I guarantee you that there are no admins on Instagram or any other site that have any power to do anything. And law enforcement? Ha. They have no jurisdiction to handle vague threats of blacklisting. It's funny that you actually think somebody would do anything about it.

Aug 11 22 05:20 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

MoRina wrote:
I guarantee you that there are no admins on Instagram or any other site that have any power to do anything. And law enforcement? Ha. They have no jurisdiction to handle vague threats of blacklisting. It's funny that you actually think somebody would do anything about it.

Instagram isn't specifically a model photography site, so they might not regard the problems of the model photography scene as being their responsibility, but even so they are responsible for what happens on their site.

Law enforcement might take an interest if the threats were to escalate in the way that they sometimes do.

To get back to the original topic, I can think of one situation where a photographer might not be expected to pay a model for nude work. That would be if the photographer and model were both members of the same New Age community, and the pictures were intended to be used for publicity purposes.

Aug 12 22 02:24 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

David A Reichel wrote:
A model with whom I've worked with frequently (I paid her model fee for casual, fashion, and nude) over the past several years told me this during our last shoot.
She was DM-ed by a photographer through her IG page.  He did not follow her nor any of her connections.  He wanted to shoot boudoir and nude.  She told him she only did paid work, especially for nudes.  He responded that he did not pay models and he would only give her a couple of images from the shoot.  She said no thanks, and again stated she only did paid work for nudes.  It seems he got belligerent (my word) and said he would "ruin" her because she wanted to be paid for a shoot.
I'm curious if any models have had similar experiences and how you handled them.

Was called a whore and worse for not wanting to "do it for art".
I usually keep a file folder of screen shots on my hard drive. Just in case some dummy decides to be loud.

Aug 16 22 06:23 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

JSouthworth wrote:
Law enforcement might take an interest if the threats were to escalate in the way that they sometimes do.

Nope. We're just a bunch of hos who deserve what we have coming for being "in the profession" anyway.
In the eyes of the law, a nude model is half a banana peel away from a prostitute.
DM me for specs. 

Source: me, myself and I, law enforcement of several different states where things and stuff happened over the years.

Aug 16 22 06:26 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Post hidden on Aug 20, 2022 01:43 pm
Reason: violates rules
Take some time off

Aug 19 22 02:54 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

JSouthworth wrote:

Yeah well, if you think that models are half a step away from cheap hookers, you'll probably find that they look that way in your pictures.

Excuse me?

Aug 19 22 08:41 am Link



Posts: 4531

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

JSouthworth wrote:


JSouthworth has become infamous for all the wrong reasons, but this is an all time low.  If there were any moderators left, it would be his final post.  As it should be.

Aug 20 22 02:58 am Link



Posts: 14

Los Angeles, California, US

This is single handedly my biggest fear with this hobby, photographers that want to abuse their power and feel like they can manipulate someone into doing something they don't want to.

It happens and friends of mine have told me horror stories they've experienced, specially when shooting nudity. The only solution I feel is that they should be called out about it and have everyone know how predatory they are!

Aug 20 22 07:25 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:


JSouthworth has become infamous for all the wrong reasons, but this is an all time low.  If there were any moderators left, it would be his final post.  As it should be.

Hooking aside, I wonder how they got to "cheap".. lol
Ngl, I dig the envy eruption. Sure hope such a strong opinion didn't ruin me now.

Aug 20 22 08:28 pm Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

A hobby tog has no power to ruin anything.
No no than 4yr old stomping his feet...need to learn how to read BS

Aug 20 22 08:46 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8230

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Dea and the Beast wrote:
Excuse me?

He missed the context.  Typical.

Dea and the Beast wrote:
Nope. We're just a bunch of hos who deserve what we have coming for being "in the profession" anyway.
In the eyes of the law, a nude model is half a banana peel away from a prostitute.
DM me for specs. 

Source: me, myself and I, law enforcement of several different states where things and stuff happened over the years.

Someday, I hope, we will work together, but I think more time will be spent with me listening to your stories and learning from your experience, than we will spend working.

Aug 21 22 08:01 am Link


Alexandra Vincent

Posts: 308

Asheville, North Carolina, US

I've been threated and insulted in various (pointless and stupid) ways in the past, generally after turning down trade shoots or responding to a trade requests by sending rates. Sometimes, photographers online will just insult you for no reason, or send "backhanded" commentary simply because they have sad lives and low self esteem. From about 2007-2012, multiple people said things to the effect of, "If you ever decide to get a breast augmentation, let me know, because I'd love to shoot with you." That one was pretty common back in the day, but became rare once the Body Positivity movement began to infiltrate modeling communities.

Insults and bizarre interactions used to happen with some regularity. I simply ignored it, blocked people when necessary and turned over some messages to MM admins due to the unsettling nature of a few messages I received over the years. People are blowhards; narcissism and mental illness is unfortunately commonplace in our world.

In 2019, I was approached by an MM member who requested to follow me on Facebook. He sent me a Facebook message inquiring about a trade shoot, once I moved back to North Carolina from Los Angeles. I expressed that I was an experienced, published model and quoted him rates. He responded something to the effect of, "The only place models like you are published are on bathroom walls." This member may still be on MM. I have no idea, as I blocked him across social media. For the record, my modeling work can now be found in hardcover at your local Barnes and Noble, and has been on walls in businesses, galleries and homes. It's literally possible that I'm on someone's bathroom wall, though not in the context he imagined.

The above mentioned experiences were negative, but relatively innocent, compared to other things that happened over the years. In about 2011 or so, a model with whom I posed frequently, for duo shoots, started to received threatening letters in the mail. They were printed out photos of her, and sometimes us both together, with aggressive and violent language written across the images. There were threats in the letters, which she turned over to the police. It was frightening, since the harasser clearly knew the address at which the model lived. The police could do very little, since no physical harm was being done. Nothing violent ever happened, but that model moved house soon after, if I remember correctly.

Aug 21 22 04:03 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
He missed the context.  Typical.

Someday, I hope, we will work together, but I think more time will be spent with me listening to your stories and learning from your experience, than we will spend working.

Come on down, the water is fine

Aug 21 22 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Dea and the Beast wrote:

Excuse me?

My apologies, I somehow overlooked the fact that you're a model not a photographer. I don't have any real excuse for that, I must have just gotten lost in my own train of thought.
I think there are probably a lot of male photographers who would share your perspective on law enforcement, to the extent that if a model made a complaint against them they would expect to get sympathetic treatment from the police. The problem is that as long as people accept that situation nothing changes. There are some problems which can only be dealt with by people deciding what they have to do in a particular situation, then doing it. I have no sympathy for people who abuse women or for people who look the other way.
On the other hand I have no problem with prostitutes as a group of people, in fact I quite enjoy working out and putting together stylised streetwalker outfits for photo shoots, white sandals with matching leather vest and hat for example. But I'm not suggesting or implying any involvement on your part in that type of activity.

Aug 28 22 04:20 am Link


Wandering Eyebubble

Posts: 324

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Alexandra Vincent wrote:
I've been threated and insulted in various (pointless and stupid) ways in the past, generally after turning down trade shoots or responding to a trade requests by sending rates.

I've heard the horror stories over the years, I'm so sorry this happens, it saddens me to see that showing models the slightest bit of kindness (e.g. snacks, covering transportation/parking costs) comes as a huge surprise to them. I mean, this should be norm. Sending rates is not an insult, it's often happened to me, but one can just say "thank you, I'll keep it in mind" and move on (or not, no shame in paying a model). Treat cancellations with empathy and re-booking becomes a real possibility. I've also been stood up/ghosted countless times, my send-off text is "hope you're OK" and that's that, I'll go watch a movie or something.

Just be respectful and polite, return edits promptly, and what do you know, every single shoot I've ever done has been on a TF basis.

Aug 28 22 11:27 am Link


Jefferson Cole

Posts: 134

Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Not a photographer, just one of the bitter loosers the internet enables.

Aug 29 22 03:20 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

JSouthworth wrote:
My apologies, I somehow overlooked the fact that you're a model not a photographer. I don't have any real excuse for that, I must have just gotten lost in my own train of thought.

Somehow you believe that makes it better?? Take your insults and your pathetic back pedal here and take a good hard look at your own "work". Then tell me again what *I* look like.

What a royal turnip. Smh.

Aug 29 22 03:33 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Dea and the Beast wrote:

Somehow you believe that makes it better?? Take your insults and your pathetic back pedal here and take a good hard look at your own "work". Then tell me again what *I* look like.

What a royal turnip. Smh.

You may have a point, it was a careless mistake on my part. But if I told you that I confused you with someone else in another thread, it wouldn't be true and you probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Aug 29 22 04:18 am Link


Ken Marcus Studios

Posts: 9421

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

JSouthworth wrote:
You may have a point, it was a careless mistake on my part. But if I told you that I confused you with someone else in another thread, it wouldn't be true and you probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Obviously you don't know who you're messing with . . . best to keep your ignorance and your stupid comments to yourself.

Aug 30 22 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Ken Marcus Studios wrote:
Obviously you don't know who you're messing with . . . best to keep your ignorance and your stupid comments to yourself.

Trust me when I tell you that I have no intention of messing with anyone. As I've already explained, it was an oversight, nothing more than that.

Aug 31 22 05:16 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

JSouthworth wrote:

Are you still here?

Aug 31 22 08:36 am Link



Posts: 1830

Kingston upon Hull, England, United Kingdom

Mark Salo wrote:

Are you still here?

What do you think?

Sep 01 22 04:12 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8230

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

JSouthworth wrote:
Trust me when I tell you that I have no intention of messing with anyone. As I've already explained, it was an oversight, nothing more than that.

It was not an oversight.  It was a rude and obnoxious comment.  You should accept responsibility, make a contrite and unequivocal apology and stop trying to make excuses.

Sep 01 22 07:11 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Sep 01 22 02:06 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

1) You probably won't get him to change.
2) Do other photographers agree with you? Why don't you start an educational group for models?

Sep 02 22 04:19 am Link



Posts: 4531

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Garry k wrote:
I am dealing with a very different problem in my local community...

I can't see that meeting going well...   As a side note, I should be clear that while I'm in Vancouver, I'm not involved with fashion shows so I doubt that I know the photographer involved.

However, I strongly suspect that he will simply view you as a "competitor" that is telling him that he's just "no good" and that he "should stop" (not likely to end well!).  Unless you're offering to mentor him or something like that, which might lead him to view your comments differently.

Especially if HE believes that he can help models in this area.  You mentioned that he appears to have tried.

You also have to be incredibly careful about what you say to others (potential customers / models), or post online about him. 

Canada doesn't have the crazy court awards of the U.S., but they still just awarded $90,000 over someone's bad (social media) review of their business.  Even though that reviewer seemed to believe that he was "right".  And, you can imagine what would happen if the Court thinks that you might be a possible competitor.

Personally, I figure that there's ALWAYS people that aren't as good (at least not yet) and, unless there's an extreme situation (sexual predator alert or a very deliberate scam, etc), that's just the way it goes.  It's better to promote your own level of expertise instead.  Or even better, to come up with positive steps to "raise the standards and capabilities of everyone else" involved in that area.

But that's just my opinion.

Sep 02 22 09:46 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Mark Salo wrote:
1) You probably won't get him to change.
2) Do other photographers agree with you? Why don't you start an educational group for models?

Yes - I doubt it

I don’t know what most local photographers think about what he is doing - my guess is that the majority would be supportive of him as he is making $ doing this . Further I think they would also think it’s the Models responsibility to educate themselves about such matters from the start

Personally I only have 2 Local Photographer Friends that I talk Photography with. One Friend shoots Only Fans and the other is into Boudoir - so my concern is of no relevance to them

The main way that New Models seem to be getting into the mix in my area is through local FB Models and Photographers Groups . I previously approached these Groups suggesting that  theyput a pre amble about basic Model Safety in the Intro to the Groups ( because we have our share of Unsafe Photographers to work with ) and they were not interested . So I don’t think they would be interested in this concern either

I did however start a general discussion about the matter ( Photographers who tell Models that they can open Fashion Opportunities if the Model pays for a Shoot with the Photographer ) The discussion went well but of course petered out after a few days

Sep 02 22 06:54 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

LightDreams wrote:
I can't see that meeting going well...   As a side note, I should be clear that while I'm in Vancouver, I'm not involved with fashion shows so I doubt that I know the photographer involved.

However, I strongly suspect that he will simply view you as a "competitor" that is telling him that he's just "no good" and that he "should stop" (not likely to end well!).  Unless you're offering to mentor him or something like that, which might lead him to view your comments differently.

Especially if HE believes that he can help models in this area.  You mentioned that he appears to have tried.

You also have to be incredibly careful about what you say to others (potential customers / models), or post online about him. 

Canada doesn't have the crazy court awards of the U.S., but they still just awarded $90,000 over someone's bad (social media) review of their business.  Even though that reviewer seemed to believe that he was "right".  And, you can imagine what would happen if the Court thinks that you might be a possible competitor.

Personally, I figure that there's ALWAYS people that aren't as good (at least not yet) and, unless there's an extreme situation (sexual predator alert or a very deliberate scam, etc), that's just the way it goes.  It's better to promote your own level of expertise instead.  Or even better, to come up with positive steps to "raise the standards and capabilities of everyone else" involved in that area.

But that's just my opinion.

Yes Probably

And he likely doesn’t know enough to understand that bad photography can diminish a Models brand

Your points about slander/ libel are understood

Sep 02 22 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 50

Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

MoRina wrote:
In my experience, those who threaten to ruin someone else's career have no power to do so. Typically it's just a nobody who has no real reputation of their own anyway. They have no platform. Anyone who has met them already knows they are an asshole, so their word means nothing.
Models are best to just block them on every platform and move on. Don't respond - just walk away.

It's the bad side of humanity that has me rooting for the robots in the Terminator franchise!

Sep 07 22 09:26 am Link



Posts: 20631

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Two of the three so called 'photographers/agents' that claimed they were going to ruin me are now sitting in prison, one sentenced to 898 years.. (separate crimes, i don't think they know each other).
The third one is currently homeless after he was ordered by the state to move out of his mommy's place because he was a danger to the residents..

Sep 07 22 01:25 pm Link



Posts: 9

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

One time i did not do what I intended, so I threatened to ruin my own career and I followed through.

Sep 07 22 03:58 pm Link



Posts: 100

Lexington, Kentucky, US

MoRina wrote:

I guarantee you that there are no admins on Instagram or any other site that have any power to do anything. And law enforcement? Ha. They have no jurisdiction to handle vague threats of blacklisting. It's funny that you actually think somebody would do anything about it.

Contact the police?  For what?  At best you have a civil dispute....  Police have jurisdiction over criminal matters, and this would get about as much attention from any officer as a female saying she didn't get a part in a movie.

Sep 10 22 10:48 am Link