Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > It's Time To Make Gun Manufacturers Uncomfortable!


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Kevin Fair wrote:

You provide quotes.  Good for you.  But no synopsis.  Well, other than the typical petulant comment one could expect from a conservative.  (Maybe you should refrain from the your petulant comments about liberals in the future?)

If my sources are too old, you fail to provide any newer data to illustrate how my perception is wrong.  Nor do your quotes counter my concern for open carry and confrontations with the police, inside or outside of the home.  It would appear that you cannot support an argument that carrying a gun keeps you or anyone else safer, especially when the police are involved.

BTW, 33 cases?  Over how many years?  Compare that to the increase in homicides because of the proliferation of guns.  Most of the homicides are still perpetrated by someone the victim knows.

May 12 24 06:56 am Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

LightDreams wrote:
When on earth did Kevin Fair suddenly become a fan of statistical facts???

As this thread as already thoroughly covered, the stats related to guns in the U.S. make it crystal clear that life is so much more dangerous in the U.S. than in any other major western democracy.  And it's not even close.

Whether that's the stats on how you are far more likely to be killed by a gun, or how your children are far more likely to die by a gun shot when there's a gun in the house, to how you are far more likely to get shot when someone "loses it" (in an argument, etc) when they have easy access to a gun, how you are far more likely to die as a result of a violent attack (gun versus knives or fists, etc), how children are far more likely to get shot while in American schools, or how you are far more likely to get shot when someone mistakenly thinks you are a threat because you knock on the door of the wrong house (and "they are defending themselves"), etc, etc.

The "STATS" related to guns in the U.S. are the very LAST THING that Kevin has EVER wanted to hear about.

Kevin Fair wrote:
Ask a legitimate question and LeftDreams storms in again.

Instead of an answer, it's the same liberal skating around the answer bull shit.

Kevin.  Please learn the difference between the BIG questions at the VERY HEART of the matter, and what you just repeatedly ignore by just calling it "skating around the answer bull shit".

It's amazing how much further you'll get in life by sorting out the stuff that actually counts.   Although I certainly understand your repeated reluctance to deal with the core issues raised by this particular thread.

I really do get it.  It makes you very uncomfortable to have to consider the key aspects of this issue.  That's good, because it should.  Real change starts with "baby steps", but confronting uncomfortable and hard realities is an important starting point.  If you're up to it.

May 12 24 08:47 am Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
You provide quotes.  Good for you.  But no synopsis.  Well, other than the typical petulant comment one could expect from a conservative.  (Maybe you should refrain from the your petulant comments about liberals in the future?)

If my sources are to old, you fail to provide any newer data to illustrate how my perception is wrong.  Nor do your quotes counter my concern for open carry and confrontations with the police, inside or outside of the home.  It would appear that you cannot support an argument that carrying a gun keeps you or anyone else safer, especially when the police are involved.

BTW, 33 cases?  Over how many years?  Compare that to the increase in homicides because of the proliferation of guns.  Most of the homicides are still perpetrated by someone the victim knows.

Hey professor, I just used your links. You posted them, but only used the parts of them to prove your point.

Do you need a synopsis to prove a point or fact?

May 12 24 10:57 am Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:
Kevin.  Please learn the difference between the BIG questions at the VERY HEART of the matter, and what you just repeatedly ignore by just calling it "skating around the answer bull shit".

It's amazing how much further you'll get in life by sorting out the stuff that actually counts.   Although I certainly understand your repeated reluctance to deal with the core issues raised by this particular thread.

I really do get it.  It makes you very uncomfortable to have to consider the key aspects of this issue.  That's good, because it should.  Real change starts with "baby steps", but confronting uncomfortable and hard realities is an important starting point.  If you're up to it.

The thread is "It's Time To Make Gun Manufacturers Uncomfortable!"

The main thing with people like you and your buddy is you can't think for yourself. Your just sheep that believe what your told, or see on the news.

Under the current administration import and domestic production of guns is up 137 percent increase over 2011, and a 446 percent increase over 2001. Why is that? According to you the US is in a much better place now. Why are a record breaking number of guns being bought? … er%202001.

The ATF hasn’t published import figures since 2020. But according to the U.S. International Trade Commission, which advises lawmakers on trade and tariffs, more than 9.1 million guns were imported in 2021 — up 34 percent over the previous year. By combining imports with domestic production and subtracting the number of guns exported, it indicates that 2021 saw a record 22.5 million guns hit the U.S. market. That is a 137 percent increase over 2011, and a whopping 446 percent increase over 2001. … gun-rights

Why are so many liberals against guns? Because they don't like conservatives? Because some Hollywood star convinced them guns were evil? Because they're following some academic liberal orthodoxy they never had the balls to question? Because it's 'the liberal' thing to do?

What ever happened to thinking for yourself?

If you're an anti-gun liberal reading this, please consider the following. Gun rights are imperative. Without the right to own guns, we are powerless against tyranny, violence, terror and oppression. Vulnerable people like women and minorities will suffer the most if they pass all the gun bans you've been fighting for.

Is that really what you want? A defenseless nation of victims? A nation of people who don't have the right to defend themselves and protect their loved ones? Think very hard about what you're fighting for when you put your name on the "Anti-Gun" list. … hate-guns/

It is an argument from liberals that will go no further than it has always gone. The vast majority of Americans are not going to give up their second amendment rights and part of the reasons is simple; liberals will not uphold the current laws of our land. And as a result, their policies make America less safe and the proof of that is found within every major liberal city that has the strictest gun laws and yet the highest murder rates. Without going any further, the data already proves that the liberal are wrong on their views related to gun laws. Sadly, liberal do not care about the facts they care about control and power, and the first and second amendments are smack in the way of both the control and the power of the political liberal elites need to have to control our society. This is because what they are peddling most Americans do not want. So, to make it happen they must force socialism which is what liberals have always done everywhere it has gone and failed.

Liberals want to have everyday Americans to give up their personal protection, yet liberals won’t control the borders, instead they have turned the management of the border to the cartel. You know the cartel that kills over 100,000 Americans per year with its drugs and MS13 gangs working openly in every major city in the US killing at will, who they will. Liberals then moved to defund the police and in doing so have overwhelmed law enforcement agencies and at the same time liberal DA’s nationwide have decided to release criminals early and not prosecute them when their case comes up on the docket. Liberals are shocked that crime has gone up and cannot connect the obvious dots.

Notice that all races can have the mentally ill, but what is interesting in the US is that only 9% of conservatives commit these crimes and when they do the mainstream news loves it because it fits a narrative about people focused on God, Country, Bibles, and Guns the four things’ liberals hate most. If a liberal thinker who is mentally ill commits a mass act of human violence, then the media buries it, and waits for the next event they can exploit to fuel the great fake divide for money, power, fame, and control.

Why are mass killings up? What changed? Simple the liberals in the 1970’s decided that the mentally ill needed to have right until they hurt someone, what is worse liberals knew they would hurt someone. So, we utterly freed them until they did the god awful. The mother of the young man who killed in Sandy Hook begged the authorities for help, but none came. This young man in Texas that killed all these children had posted God awful things and claims. Funny how Facebook can pick up the slightest political opinion they do not like but cannot pick up the obvious dangers of mass killers or pedophiles. The irony of that alone is mind boggling. But then again Facebook is liberalism and so it is political and seeks its own control and power over society.

Everything liberals have touched they have broken and taking away my right to protect myself and my family and friends with the weapon of my choice is my right. And it is what a million US soldiers died to protect, the US Constitution. Blaming the NRA for gun violence is like blaming the DMV for drunk drivers who kill more than bullets do. … periority/

Many liberals hate it that some conservatives have a different set of values, morals and aesthetics — and so these liberals want to use the federal government to fix that.

This comes across in the proposed legislation, too. Why do Democratic politicians go after semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15, so-called “assault rifles”? It’s not because AR-15s are used in most killings — they aren’t. Rifles represent 3 percent of all gun deaths where the weapon is known, according to FBI data. The 1994 “assault weapons ban” did little or nothing to save lives.

May 12 24 12:25 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Kevin Fair wrote:
Hey professor, I just used your links. You posted them, but only used the parts of them to prove your point.

Do you need a synopsis to prove a point or fact?

But you didn't prove your point.  You didn't make an argument.  Just slightly more of the same ol same ol.

Of course you followed up with Lightdreams by starting out with the same thing.  Under no circumstances did you need to start by degrading us as people who are sheep, don't think, and believe only the news.  But that is much easier than actually researching and debating. 

For instance, do you think we believe The United States cannot be a better place now simply because of one metric that we disagree with?  A metric that may have results that none of us have yet seen?

If crime is not a problem for the right, why does the right harp on it so much?  For some people the answer to crime is more guns and to some people the answer is a more just society.  At this point, I can simply repeat your comments right back to you, but I am not interested in bickering. … st19992984

May 12 24 12:38 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

will return later

May 12 24 12:55 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote: … st19992984

Probably the best post in this thread.

Surely you couldn't agree with it. He seemed pro gun.

I'll never understand your way of thinking, and as much as you think you do, but you'll never understand mine.

I'm not a gun freak, I've never owned any tactical vests or camo clothing. I don't have a single gun related sticker on my truck, car, or bike. I'd never open carry a gun even if it was an option in my state.

I don't hunt anymore, but do belong to a local range, and enjoy shooting holes in paper. I'm not a prepper, living 2 miles from the coast, I do keep what most would consider hurricane supplies year round. When everyone is panicking to get water and stuff, all I have to do is fill up my 6 gas cans, which for the past 23 years always ends up getting used in my car or truck. Never needed my generator once...yet.

Do I seem like the bad guy?

May 12 24 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

It's funny listening to all of these things that Kevin thinks that the U.S. absolutely has to have in relation to guns.  And all of his reasons why that has to be.

Damn if I can figure out why, as a result, all of the stats and facts show that the U.S. is far worse off than all of those other major western countries that DON'T share his list.

Then what do I know.  I'm just a dumb sheep that is incapable of doing anything other than examining all of those, oh so annoying, damning statistics.  Which, sadly, aren't just numbers on a page but, instead, represent so many more dead Americans, in (per capita) comparisons to all of those other countries...

Something's badly broken.  And for some reason, I think that's rather important.  But, apparently, I am incapable of thinking for myself.

May 12 24 05:49 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:
It's funny listening to all of these things that Kevin thinks that the U.S. absolutely has to have in relation to guns.  And all of his reasons why that has to be.

Damn if I can figure out why, as a result, all of the stats and facts show that the U.S. is far worse off than all of those other major western countries that DON'T share his list.

Then what do I know.  I'm just a dumb sheep that is incapable of doing anything other than examining all of those, oh so annoying, damning statistics.  Which, sadly, aren't just numbers on a page but, instead, represent so many more dead Americans, in (per capita) comparisons to all of those other countries...

Something's badly broken.  And for some reason, I think that's rather important.  But, apparently, I am incapable of thinking for myself.

When have I said that the U.S. has to have in relation to guns? What reasons have I given? Please show where I have said that.

"DON'T share his list." Where did I post a list?

"I'm just a dumb sheep."  Yes I think that's correct.

How can things be broken when we have the best president since obama in office now?

"I am incapable of thinking for myself."  Reading your post kinda proves that. You high again?

May 12 24 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Why is that people that are doing so badly on the facts, resort to all sorts of falsehoods?  But they ALSO tend to rely more on name calling tactics, mixing in all sorts of slurs and insults.  Presumably to make themselves feel better about how they're doing presenting their case.

This is just a small sample taken from JUST ONE Kevin Fair post...

"People like you"

"can't think for yourself"

"your just sheep that believe what your told, or see on the news"

"because some Hollywood star convinced them guns were evil?"

"following some academic liberal orthodoxy they never had the balls to question?"

"because it's 'the liberal' thing to do? What ever happened to thinking for yourself?"

"is that really what you want? A defenseless nation of victims?"

And so it goes...

May 13 24 10:42 am Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:
Why is that people that are doing so badly on the facts, resort to all sorts of falsehoods?  But they ALSO tend to rely more on name calling tactics, mixing in all sorts of slurs and insults.  Presumably to make themselves feel better about how they're doing presenting their case.

This is just a small sample taken from JUST ONE Kevin Fair post...

"People like you"

"can't think for yourself"

"your just sheep that believe what your told, or see on the news"

"because some Hollywood star convinced them guns were evil?"

"following some academic liberal orthodoxy they never had the balls to question?"

"because it's 'the liberal' thing to do? What ever happened to thinking for yourself?"

"is that really what you want? A defenseless nation of victims?"

And so it goes... it goes.

Again you post a load of bullshit, and won't explain it.

If your trolling, you need to go to, and the AK Files for some trolling lessons, because you suck at it.

May 13 24 03:19 pm Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Kevin Fair wrote:
you need to go to, and the AK Files for some trolling lessons, because you suck at it.

Even more insults.  Great stuff, Kevin!


May 13 24 03:21 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:

Even more insults.  Great stuff, Kevin!


And you still won't / can't answer any of the questions I asked you.

Truly sad.

It wasn't meant as an insult. Just giving you some helpful advice.

May 13 24 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

You can always tell someone who uses the standard "MAGA" tactics.  Their leader uses them so they honestly believe it's the valid way to debate things.


- Falsely restate the opinions of those they oppose in completely false or dramatically exaggerated ways to try and discredit them

- Use generic negative slurs (attack the person not the facts).  Mix in various wild accusations ("communists", "socialists", "destroying the country", and lots of general insults and name calling.  As if any of these change the basic facts in anyway whatsoever(!)

- Completely make up their own facts (one particular leader that they try and "learn from" does this a LOT).  Never seems to pass any basic fact checking, but that never stops them!  This is all based on the "ignore the scientists and the facts" approach.  Or, what Kevin Fair derided as "sheep that believe what your told, or see on the news".

I.E.  Ignore any facts that you read from reputable new organizations regarding facts, or scientific stats that he may not like.  This is classic MAGA .

Let's take a look at some of Kevin Fair's claims (just from this page alone!), and everyone can judge how often he uses this approach.  And, in MAGA fashion, he probably even believes some of the sh*t he spouts (below)!

- "According to you the US is in a much better place now".

  Say what?  Who on earth claimed any such thing in relation to guns, anywhere on this thread?  It's a complete mess right now.  Not much relation to my statement as to how "broken" things have become in the U.S. in relation to the gun problem (see every comparative stat on the subject you can find).  Just some completely made up sh*t courtesy of Kevin Fair.

- "Gun rights are imperative. Without the right to own guns, we are powerless against tyranny, violence, terror and oppression. Vulnerable people like women and minorities will suffer the most if they pass all the gun bans you've been fighting for."

  I don't know how EVERY OTHER MAJOR WESTERN COUNTRY does SO MUCH BETTER when it comes to gun violence that does the opposite of what Kevin keeps promoting  (see the MAGA "ignore what the media or the scientists tell you" approach).

- "Is that really what you want? A defenseless nation of victims? A nation of people who don't have the right to defend themselves and protect their loved ones?"

  His repeated exaggeration that we are trying to stop ALL guns and that people will not be allowed to defend themselves (I.E.  The exaggerate or lie about your opponents position, instead of dealing with the facts).

- "the control and the power of the political liberal elites need to have to control our society. This is because what they are peddling most Americans do not want. So, to make it happen they must force socialism which is what liberals have always done everywhere it has gone and failed."


- "Liberals want to have everyday Americans to give up their personal protection"

  More of the complete lies strategy to deliberately misstate the opposition's positions, for obvious reasons
  Oh, and another fact to counter another Kevin Fair lie (included above).  According to Gallup (Oct 31, 2023): THE MAJORITY OF "U.S. ADULTS SAY GUN LAWS SHOULD BE STRICTER".  Another Kevin Fair fabrication.

- "Everything liberals have touched they have broken"

    Hah!  What can I say?!!!
       It's such a shame that all of the other major western countries have done so much of a better job of it.  And he would certainly call them all "liberals", or "communist", or "socialists", or what have you.   Not to mention the rest of the generic insults, name-calling and slurs approach, that MAGA honestly thinks works so well...

May 13 24 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Naturally, I am still waiting for Kevin Fair to deal with the core fundamental question that he KEEPS refusing to deal with...

Why is every other major western country doing so much better, when it comes to all of the extra (unnecessary) dead Americans as a results of gun violence?  That's on a PER CAPITA comparison basis.  We're talking about all of these countries that do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Kevin Fair keeps promoting.  And have much safer citizens and countries.

This is the very core of the debate, the absolute critical question that really presents a fundamental problem to everything that Kevin Fair's repeatedly promotes.   And, for some reason, his  approaches fail miserably in comparison to all of those other countries.  Which is why it is CRITICAL to MAGA that they completely ignore science and facts / statistics, etc ("don't believe what you read"!).

I.E.  All those facts / statistics about all those unnecessary dead Americans (adults and children), that cause so many problems for the policies that they are repeatedly trying to promote.

May 13 24 04:59 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Hilo, Hawaii, US

Meanwhile, ...back at the ranch ...

A couple of parishioners at a church near Lafayette, LA stopped a 16-y.o. boy who was carrying a gun as he entered a "First Communion" service for 60 little kids. The adults didn't need guns to stop him, just some personal courage and determination. It turns out that not every problem requires meeting it with an armed response after all . … -teen-gun/

May 13 24 07:55 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

LightDreams wrote:
Naturally, I am still waiting for Kevin Fair to deal with the core fundamental question that he KEEPS refusing to deal with...

Why is every other major western country doing so much better, when it comes to all of the extra (unnecessary) dead Americans as a results of gun violence?  That's on a PER CAPITA comparison basis.  We're talking about all of these countries that do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Kevin Fair keeps promoting.  And have much safer citizens and countries.

This is the very core of the debate, the absolute critical question that really presents a fundamental problem to everything that Kevin Fair's repeatedly promotes.   And, for some reason, his  approaches fail miserably in comparison to all of those other countries.  Which is why it is CRITICAL to MAGA that they completely ignore science and facts / statistics, etc ("don't believe what you read"!).

I.E.  All those facts / statistics about all those unnecessary dead Americans (adults and children), that cause so many problems for the policies that they are repeatedly trying to promote.

Every time you get your dumbass backed into a corner, you use the same bullshit tactics.

Why don't you just answer the questions?

May 13 24 09:49 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote:
will return later

Between you having to set a placeholder to give you time to think up more BS to post, and LeftDreams posting things that make zero since, and then being incapable of explaining them.

This isn't worth my time.

You two have a good time in this thread.

I'm out.

May 15 24 09:46 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Hilo, Hawaii, US

"On Saturday, Mr. Trump will be a headliner again, at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Dallas, the ninth time that the former president, who has pledged to roll back restrictions on guns, has addressed the group.

Mr. Trump last spoke at the N.R.A.’s convention in 2022, in Houston, even as other politicians and musical acts were no-shows in the wake of the massacre of 19 children and two adults at an elementary school a few days earlier in Uvalde, Texas." … party.html

As this thread has shown us via the many guns displayed in photos posted by some of our more enthusiastic MM gun-owners, it's not as if many places in the country have any meaningful gun-restrictions in effect anyway. Witness the fact that it is perfectly legal in many places for psychological terrorists to walk around in population centers with their AK-47's visibly at the ready.

Kyle Rittenhouse and many others have shown us what such perverse interpretations of "personal liberty" can lead to at a moment's notice. A sick country finds sick political actors to act out its societal illness.

May 18 24 01:11 am Link



Posts: 1105

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

Not just the manufacturers to be concerned about.  How about law enforcement entities around the country? … n-the-list

May 22 24 07:50 am Link



Posts: 1105

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

rxz wrote:
Not just the manufacturers to be concerned about.  How about law enforcement entities around the country? … n-the-list

This TV investigation crew learned of over 50,000 guns recovered from crimes were once owned by law enforcement officers. 
Now another investigation has identified the U.S. companies and individuals who sold 78,00 firearms to the Mexican cartels over the past years.  In looking at the list, lots of red state residents.  Makes sense red state residents buy weapons with pending Democratic governments.  Lots of loss revenue if they can't buy guns. … r-BB1mPMSp 

In a recent police incident in Chicago, 2 unmarked police vehicles with plain clothed officers stopped a car with a black driver due to a broken tail light.  Seeing a gun and the driver wasn't cooperating, they fired 96 rounds in less than a minute.  The driver died at he scene.

May 23 24 07:45 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US … 11fa808df8

Second anniversary of Uvalde shooting brings lawsuits.

May 24 24 06:49 pm Link



Posts: 1021

Hilo, Hawaii, US

rxz wrote:
Not just the manufacturers to be concerned about.  How about law enforcement entities around the country?
. . .
In a recent police incident in Chicago, 2 unmarked police vehicles with plain clothed officers stopped a car with a black driver due to a broken tail light.  Seeing a gun and the driver wasn't cooperating, they fired 96 rounds in less than a minute.  The driver died at he scene.

Can anyone cite even one case in which the same sort of thing has happened to a WHITE man???

May 24 24 10:26 pm Link



Posts: 1105

Glen Ellyn, Illinois, US

rxz wrote:

This TV investigation crew learned of over 50,000 guns recovered from crimes were once owned by law enforcement officers. 
Now another investigation has identified the U.S. companies and individuals who sold 78,00 firearms to the Mexican cartels over the past years.  In looking at the list, lots of red state residents.  Makes sense red state residents buy weapons with pending Democratic governments.  Lots of loss revenue if they can't buy guns. … r-BB1mPMSp 

In a recent police incident in Chicago, 2 unmarked police vehicles with plain clothed officers stopped a car with a black driver due to a broken tail light.  Seeing a gun and the driver wasn't cooperating, they fired 96 rounds in less than a minute.  The driver died at he scene.

OK, while that particular police incident was uncalled for, I can understand why law enforcement officers are trigger happy around the country.  State legislators in some states and supreme court judges have OK'ed any moron in those states to purchase unregistered arms including military style weapons for who knows what.  And purchasers don't have to live in those states.  WWII witnessed Americans at their best.  Now it seems like Americans are near their worst.

May 28 24 04:27 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

We might think that someone who was in law enforcement and the mayor of a small town would be a good person to possess guns, but ..., nope. … 92f2b911cd

May 30 24 04:40 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US … ba86ec531b

"A Florida sheriff on Friday fired a deputy who fatally shot a Black airman at his home while holding a handgun pointed to the ground, saying the deputy’s life was never in danger and he should not have fired his weapon.

Body camera video shows that when the deputy arrived outside Fortson’s door, he stood silently for 20 seconds outside and listened, but no voices inside are heard on his body camera.

He then pounded on the door, but didn’t identify himself. He then moved to the side of the door, about 5 feet away (1.5 meters). He waited 15 seconds before pounding on the door again. This time he yelled, “Sheriff’s office — open the door!” He again moved to the side.

Less then 10 seconds later, he moved back in front of the door and pounded again, announcing himself once more.

Fortson, 23, opened the door, his legally purchased gun in his right hand. It was at his side, pointing to the ground. The deputy said “Step back” then immediately began firing. Fortson fell backward onto the floor.

The sheriff’s office in a statement said the investigation found that “Mr. Fortson did not make any hostile, attacking movements, and therefore, the former deputy’s use of deadly force was not objectively reasonable.”

“This tragic incident should have never occurred,” Aden said in the statement. “The objective facts do not support the use of deadly force as an appropriate response to Mr. Fortson’s actions. Mr. Fortson did not commit any crime. By all accounts, he was an exceptional airman and individual.”"

Now, prosecute the deputy.  Please.  Manslaughter.

May 31 24 03:59 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Hunter  GWPB wrote: … ba86ec531b

"A Florida sheriff on Friday fired a deputy who fatally shot a Black airman at his home while holding a handgun pointed to the ground, saying the deputy’s life was never in danger and he should not have fired his weapon.

Body camera video shows that when the deputy arrived outside Fortson’s door, he stood silently for 20 seconds outside and listened, but no voices inside are heard on his body camera.

He then pounded on the door, but didn’t identify himself. He then moved to the side of the door, about 5 feet away (1.5 meters). He waited 15 seconds before pounding on the door again. This time he yelled, “Sheriff’s office — open the door!” He again moved to the side.

Less then 10 seconds later, he moved back in front of the door and pounded again, announcing himself once more.

Fortson, 23, opened the door, his legally purchased gun in his right hand. It was at his side, pointing to the ground. The deputy said “Step back” then immediately began firing. Fortson fell backward onto the floor.

The sheriff’s office in a statement said the investigation found that “Mr. Fortson did not make any hostile, attacking movements, and therefore, the former deputy’s use of deadly force was not objectively reasonable.”

“This tragic incident should have never occurred,” Aden said in the statement. “The objective facts do not support the use of deadly force as an appropriate response to Mr. Fortson’s actions. Mr. Fortson did not commit any crime. By all accounts, he was an exceptional airman and individual.”"

Now, prosecute the deputy.  Please.  Manslaughter.

I guess it's a normal thing when you hear “Sheriff’s office — open the door!”  to open your door with a gun in your hand?

If it had been a white man that got shot, it would never made the news.

Jun 03 24 10:33 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Kevin K wrote:
Between you having to set a placeholder to give you time to think up more BS to post, and LeftDreams posting things that make zero since, and then being incapable of explaining them.

This isn't worth my time.

You two have a good time in this thread.

I'm out.

Yeah, it wasn't believable.

Jun 03 24 10:51 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Kevin K wrote:
I guess it's a normal thing when you hear “Sheriff’s office — open the door!”  to open your door with a gun in your hand?

If it had been a white man that got shot, it would never made the news.

You refused to discuss it before.  Why now?  And why now when you are skipping over important points?

The inclusion of your racist comment is noted.  Do you have any evidence to support your claim?

Jun 03 24 10:52 am Link



Posts: 2818

Los Angeles, California, US

Kevin K wrote:
I guess it's a normal thing when you hear “Sheriff’s office — open the door!”  to open your door with a gun in your hand?

If it had been a white man that got shot, it would never made the news.

Sure, Kev. Because a home invader would NEVER use "Sheriff’s office — open the door!" as a ploy.

And as to your racist remark, You sure about that? In YOUR neighborhood? I think the MAGAt Propaganda Networks would be all over it. Imagine a Hispanic deputy killing an innocent white man in his own home because he was armed when answering the door to his home.

Jun 03 24 11:05 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US … rcna105152

That one made the news.  Guess you were wrong.

Jun 03 24 11:18 am Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2858

Palm Coast, Florida, US

It is undisputed that black Americans are “overrepresented” among those shot to death by police, accounting for a little over 25% of those killed, despite being only about 13% of the general population. But racial bias by police is only one potential explanation. That is, the general population might not be the appropriate benchmark against which to compare those shot by police.

Races are “unknown” for many observations in some data sets, which can warp the numbers if these omissions are nonrandom with respect to race. (For example, it’s possible that the race of someone killed by police is more likely to be reported in the media if the deceased is black.

Jun 03 24 11:56 am Link



Posts: 4536

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Every time Kevin brings up race and guns, I keep thinking about his infamous post tying together the sad gun deaths of children and teens, with their race.

I still shiver each time I think of it...

Jun 03 24 12:15 pm Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8236

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Kevin K wrote:
It is undisputed that black Americans are “overrepresented” among those shot to death by police, accounting for a little over 25% of those killed, despite being only about 13% of the general population. But racial bias by police is only one potential explanation. That is, the general population might not be the appropriate benchmark against which to compare those shot by police.

Races are “unknown” for many observations in some data sets, which can warp the numbers if these omissions are nonrandom with respect to race. (For example, it’s possible that the race of someone killed by police is more likely to be reported in the media if the deceased is black.

We are aware of your opinions. Where is your evidence?  You have already been disproven.

It is undisputed blacks are overrepresented among those shot to death by police?  Says who?  Why are they overrepresented?  Is the answer to black people being overrepresented among those shot to death by police for the police to pound on their door, without announcing themselves, without providing proof of identification, and kill another black man for the crime of having a legal handgun to defend himself against unknown people?

Where are your sources that support your claim that "(For example, it’s possible that the race of someone killed by police is more likely to be reported in the media if the deceased is black."   

Why are some police agencies not reporting the race of the people they encounter?

Why are some police organizations not reporting people killed by police?  Since you suggest the omissions are nonrandom, what do you base that on and why are the police organizations not providing better numbers by eliminating nonrandom (biased) shortcomings?

You have. repeated time and time again how it is your opposition who does not think and who only believe what they are fed by the news and yet, given ample opportunities to do otherwise, you are repeatedly what you rail against. 

If the races of the victims of police shootings are unknown, then how do you know that white people inappropriately killed by police do not make the news because of their race?

If racial bias by the police is only one explanation, then why haven't you prepared a discussion about the other explanations?

Why do you resent that black people who are murdered by the police make the news?  Do you want all of us to be ignorant of what is going on in this country?  Do you want all of us to believe that what happened to Roger Fortson is what a black man who answers the door with a gun, pointed at the floor, got what he deserved, when the white man, who's story I linked, was killed in the same manner?

For those of us who are rational people, every person murdered by police is a story worth hearing.  I am not sure about you, but it seems you want to hear about none or only when it is white people.

Jun 03 24 12:18 pm Link



Posts: 2818

Los Angeles, California, US

Kevin K wrote:
It is undisputed that black Americans are “overrepresented” among those shot to death by police, accounting for a little over 25% of those killed, despite being only about 13% of the general population. But racial bias by police is only one potential explanation. That is, the general population might not be the appropriate benchmark against which to compare those shot by police.

Races are “unknown” for many observations in some data sets, which can warp the numbers if these omissions are nonrandom with respect to race. (For example, it’s possible that the race of someone killed by police is more likely to be reported in the media if the deceased is black.

I hesitate to describe this post of yours as "reasoning".

You state that "It is undisputed that black Americans are “overrepresented” among those shot to death by police." So you agree that the FACTS show a disproportionate number of Blacks are killed by police.

THEN you use a sleight of hand misdirection to claim "...But racial bias by police is only one potential explanation. "

And what is that "potential explanation"?

"it’s possible that the race of someone killed by police is more likely to be reported in the media if the deceased is black."

So, Kevin, at first you stipulate the FACT that Blacks are disproportionately killed by police, and then suggest it is only an ILLUSION because of media reportage bias against reporting Whites killed by police, skewing the numbers.

What does media bias have to do with the ACTUAL NUMBERS? The numbers are the numbers, whatever "the media" says.

So which is it, KEVIN? Are the numbers FACT or FICTION?

Jun 03 24 12:44 pm Link