Forums > Model Colloquy > Plus size male models


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

According to this article there are literally no plus size male models signed in the UK; I assume to model agencies. I am signed to an agency that does modelling but does other things too so maybe does not count also only work I get is for my own book covers. Things are in a terrible state when there is no one doing well enough to get work and have a modelling agency in the UK. Don't feel so bad now for not getting work. Am on spotlight though which although for acting can get you adverts here in UK. But was not expensive. Where do you think it all went wrong? … l1kU177Zfg

Dec 15 23 10:33 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I suppose I've sort of had work I appeared in 4 magazines but it was unpaid. To be honest the area of Britain I live in that seems to be what most do: I think its because not near a media centre.

Dec 15 23 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
... only work I get is for my own book covers.

Dec 15 23 01:33 pm Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
... only work I get is for my own book covers.

... and you hire an agency to get that gig for you?

Dec 15 23 01:38 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

No legitimate agencies only get paid from what they get me so if something they put me forward for I get they get paid from my earnings as it hasn't they don't get paid. They cost me nothing unless they make me money and then only a percentage: which is technically taken off beforehand. In short I don;t win but don't lose either that's why In keep going, the costs are behind me.

Dec 15 23 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
No legitimate agencies only get paid from what they get me so if something they put me forward for I get they get paid from my earnings as it hasn't they don't get paid. They cost me nothing unless they make me money and then only a percentage: which is technically taken off beforehand. In short I don;t win but don't lose either that's why In keep going, the costs are behind me.

Can you repeat that in English please?
Oh wait, that might be an attempt at English writing.
How 'bout adding a few commas and other punctuation marks to make it readable and understandable (they don't cost anything, y'know).

As a top selling world famous author you should know how to do that.

Dec 15 23 06:57 pm Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

I was on my bloody phone people do that these days perhaps you should try and stay up to date. LOL

Dec 16 23 12:38 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

Simon Rob wrote:
I was on my bloody phone people do that these days perhaps you should try and stay up to date. LOL

So incomprehensible writing is "up to date"?

Dec 16 23 07:36 am Link


Studio NSFW

Posts: 802

Pacifica, California, US

Never mind.  Why bother?

Dec 16 23 07:57 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Actually that was pretty crap: note to self don't write anything after leaving nightclub.

What I should have said was the agent only gets paid if I do so what the Hell.

Dec 16 23 08:14 am Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
Where do you think it all went wrong?

When the crack you smoked gave you delusions that you're a top selling world famous author and model.

Dec 16 23 10:55 am Link


Simon Rob

Posts: 156

Durham, England, United Kingdom

Actually it was largely research and have written quite a few books on real magick for modelling:the first was VOODOO MODELLING MAGICK and the most recent ANGELIC MODELLING MAGICK: there are quite a few. I just didnt point it out. But you model for book covers so sorry by the definition that's modelling. LOL I don't know why you make everything about me this was a thread on a trend.

Dec 16 23 11:50 am Link


Studio NSFW

Posts: 802

Pacifica, California, US


Dec 17 23 06:23 am Link


Studio NSFW

Posts: 802

Pacifica, California, US


Dec 17 23 06:26 am Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
I don't know why you make everything about me this was a thread on a trend.

Ummmm.... you make it about yourself when you quickly inject your delusional fantasy world of being a world famous top selling author and model in almost every post that you make or reply to.  You're the ONLY person that believes you.

It's a sickness.  Seek professional help.

Dec 17 23 11:43 am Link



Posts: 735

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Simon Rob wrote:
Actually it was largely research and have written quite a few books on real magick for modelling:the first was VOODOO MODELLING MAGICK and the most recent ANGELIC MODELLING MAGICK: there are quite a few. I just didnt point it out. But you model for book covers so sorry by the definition that's modelling.

With all that knowledge and power of "Modelling Magick" you still can't conjure up a modeling gig that isn't for your own book?

Dec 17 23 02:35 pm Link