photographystudent77 Male Photographer


Model Mayhem #:
Last Activity:
Jun 05, 2024
Sep 02, 2016

About Me

I am learning to be a photographer and multimedia artist. I have taken classes at Richland College, A&M University at Commerce, and University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). I had a two week gallery show at UTD in June displaying my final MFA project that included abstract video, large abstract prints and street photography. The abstract video and large prints were created by mixing animations and sounds (created by me) using hardware and software modular synthesis techniques. The design of the show was driven by my desire to create compelling abstract video, still images, and sound that engage the viewer to explore a multi-dimensional, surreal realm of the original topics. I received an MFA from UTD in August 2016. I have had many of my photos shown in gallery's in the Dallas area since starting my art education. My next project will be a study of nude body forms. The focus will be on forms interacting with "light and shadow". I am interested in seeing other work in this area and will need models when I am ready to start the studio photography.