Site Rules

Model Mayhem Site Rules

Model Mayhem’s membership base is a diverse community of individual artists seeking to find and offer work, expand their portfolios, and grow as an artist. Our goals are to foster the best in the modeling community – professionalism, creativity, and innovation – through safety, respect, and inclusiveness.

By opening an account on Model Mayhem, you have agreed to abide by the rules listed below (the “Site Rules”), the Terms of Use, and that your account will comply with our Membership Requirements at all times. The Site Rules can and do change, so be sure to keep yourself up-to-date on these rules.

Remember: Ignorance of the rules excuses no one from the consequences of breaking them!

Rules at a Glance:

General Site Rules

We expect everyone utilizing Model Mayhem to adhere to the following rules and guidelines. The ultimate discretion in determining acceptable behavior and content resides with the administration and moderation teams.

Pornography, Sexual, and Imminently Dangerous Content

Do not use Model Mayhem to network for or solicit any pornographic, sexual, or imminently dangerous content or activities of any kind.

Do not link to pornographic websites.

This section applies to all areas of Model Mayhem as well as off site communications originating from Model Mayhem.

Copyright Violations

As a website dedicated to working artists, we take intellectual property laws very seriously. Violations of copyright may result in removal of the profile or rejection of a membership application.

We do not want to see your inspirations – we want to see your work showing whatever it is you have selected to do. If you are a model, your images should show us yourself modeling. If you are a photographer, your images should be images you’ve taken. If you are a makeup artist or clothing designer, your images should show your handiwork.

This means we expect the work you upload to be work you created or were a part of creating. Uploading any image you were not involved in creating is strictly prohibited, even if you have acquired the rights to said image.

We consider violations of copyrights, trademarks and service marks, to include, (but is not limited to):

  • Uploading other people’s content and claiming it as your own
  • Uploading content you do not have permission to utilize, including proof images
  • Attempting to mislead others by utilizing mock tear sheets, magazine covers, advertisements, etc that appear to be from existing brands, sheets, magazines, and advertisements, etc.

Content posted or shared should have a clear establishment of copyright. We may ask for proof of copyright when investigating ownership rights.

  • If you are the creator of an image, you should be able to provide proof of creation by providing an original copy of the image.
  • If you are using any stock images or elements, you should be able to produce proof of permission or proper licensing to utilize that image

Dishonest Account Ownership

Because we are a networking site for real-life work between individual artists, we expect everyone who registers a Model Mayhem member profile to be who they say they are. Member accounts are intended for personal, individual artist use only.

We do not tolerate dishonest account ownership or dishonest account maintenance. The following behaviors are included in dishonest account ownership, but are not limited to:

  • Creating an account for someone else
  • Allowing anyone but the person whose work or face is represented to login or access an account
    • This includes assistants, managers, or agents
    • Exceptions spouses and/or life-partners who work as a photography team and identical twins with model profiles.
  • Pretending to be someone else and/or maintaining a fake profile

We may request proof of identity if there are any questions regarding account ownership to ensure the proper account owner is in control of the account.

Advertising Competing Services

We know and understand that there are other modeling, portfolio, and networking sites out there, but Model Mayhem is not the venue to promote, advertise, or recruit for those sites or other kinds of competing services. This behavior is prohibited anywhere on Model Mayhem, such as through PMs, casting calls, forum posts, Tags, picture comments, text on a profile, etc

This rule excludes the usage of links to profiles on other modeling, portfolio, or networking sites.


  • Prohibited behavior: A private message to someone that says, “Sign up for this new modeling/portfolio site, it’s great!”
  • Permitted behavior: A blurb in an About Me on a profile, “Here is a link to my PurplePort and OMP profiles.”

General Conduct

  • Keep it professional.
    • Model Mayhem is a lot of things, but we’re not a dating site, a place to offer or seek housing, or a network to offer management or to be managed. Do not use Model Mayhem to network for intimate or personal interactions. Use our site appropriately.
    • Model Mayhem is not a place to populate your website or network.
    • Be polite and respectful when communicating with others.
    • Do not use Model Mayhem to upload or share content that is considered otherwise harmful or objectionable.
  • Harassment of any kind is not acceptable.
    • Do not shame, degrade, insult, bully, or otherwise belittle other members.
    • “Outing” is the act of publicly shaming someone, or calling out their actions. Do not out other people.
    • If you would like to share someone’s illegal or other inappropriate behavior, please report it to the Model Mayhem staff instead.
  • Only provide critiques when asked.
    • Critiques should be limited to the Critique forum.
    • Private messages discussing the matter are permitted when requested.
    • Politely discuss the quality of the work, never the person.
  • Be safe!

Remember: A little professionalism can go a long way in building your career and reputation!


  • Respect the privacy of others at all times.
  • Do not post any of your personal information, including your phone number, address, email, etc. in your public profile or any public forums.
  • Do not provide your contact information to anyone unless you are sure they are legitimate.
  • We go out of our way to protect the privacy of our members so if someone requests that we remove their real name or other personally identifiable information from public view, we do our best to accommodate them. Do not post confidential information such as real names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc, without express written consent of the involved party.
    • Exceptions are made for public figures and publicly-available content.
  • Communications, such as private messages or moderator messages, are not to be re-posted publicly without explicit permission of all involved parties.

Refer to the Member Safety and Avoiding Scams pages for additional information on protecting your personal information and yourself.

Pro Tip: Don’t use your real name for your display name if you have any concerns about your privacy now or in the future. It can be archived by search engines and will appear in relation to your profile – and we have no control over search results.


  • Member profiles are intended for individual artists under our approved categories, not for companies, groups, teams of individuals or persons who qualify more for a Talent Recruiter account. Additionally, profiles are only extended to members to be used in the capacity for which they were approved.
    • Artists whose business is a reflection of their individual artistry are permitted to utilize their account with their business name.
    • Spouses and/or life-partners who work as a photography team and identical twins with model profiles are permitted to share a profile.
  • Member profiles are not to be used on behalf of third parties, or on behalf of businesses where a member works outside the capacity for which their profiles were approved.
    • Artists whose work with businesses is the same as their approved membership are permitted to network, as long as the role within the business is clearly stated.
    • For example, this means if you are a photographer contracted with a company to take promotional photos, you are welcome to use your profile to network for that business’ project. If you are a model acting as a model for a company’s advertising campaign, you are welcome to use your profile to network for that business’ project.
    • All non-approved or other third party or business uses of a profile are strictly prohibited and may result in profile suspension.
  • In order to maintain a member profile, you must meet our membership requirements at all times: at least 4 visible images pertaining to your membership type and a biography.
  • Your profile should only display work you contributed to in your profile’s member category.
    • For example, this means if you are listed as a model, you should only be showing images of you as a model. If you are a photographer, you should only upload images you shot as a photographer.
    • If you would like to show off other artistic skills, you are welcome to open a new profile!
  • You must be at least 18 years old and have the correct birthday listed.
    • Validation of age may be required.

Automation and Spam

  • The use of any tool that automates messages, behaviors, or the utilization of features is not allowed.
    • This includes macros or other means of posting announcements, sending friend requests, posting comments or Tags, etc.
  • Do not spam.
    • Spam is any messages, ads, or other information that is unsolicited and indiscriminately posted or shared across any location across the site, such as through announcements, Tags, private messages, shout, comments, forum posts, etc.

Spamming may result in removal of the profile or suspension of all posting privileges.


  • If you have a bad working experience with someone, you are welcome to talk about the experience, but not discuss the person publicly.
    • Remember that you are liable for any posts and comments you make, so ensure you consider what you share carefully.
    • You may say you do not recommend someone publicly, such as “I do not recommend Model Mayhem member John Doe #123456”
    • You may provide more details when asked.
  • Model Mayhem does not arbitrate member disputes, such as model or image releases, payment issues, failure to appear for scheduled work, personal disagreements, etc. Claims of unprofessional behavior will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
    • These situations are best resolved privately and directly, however please report any illegal or fraudulent activity as direct on our Safety page. A member of the Model Mayhem staff will review your report.
    • If a private solution cannot be reached, then you will need to explore your legal options.

Image and Content Rules

The rules below apply to any images or other content uploaded to or shared on the Model Mayhem network.

Images are moderated and judged on their appearance. We moderate images by ensuring the rules focus on elements presented in an image rather than artistic quality. We also do our best to be consistent and fair, but each image is unique so each judgment is also unique. For more information about images and how they are moderated, please see our Edu article: Model Mayhem Image Rules

Tip: Please report any violations of these rules to the moderation team if you see them. Your reports will be kept confidential! Reports can be filed directly from an image via a link at the top right of the page under “Report this image.” Alternately you can click Help and then Contact Model Mayhem to report other violations.

Any images uploaded to Model Mayhem should follow these size guidelines:

  • Photo Size, in pixels:
    • No less than 200 wide and 300 high
    • No more than 16 million total pixels (eg, 4,000 wide by 4,000 high)
  • File Size, in kb:
    • No less than 7kb
    • No more than 1500kb

Images in Portfolios

Tip: Mature image visibility – who can see your Mature images – is controlled through your Settings in My Stuff.

The elements provided below are allowed in Model Mayhem portfolios and must be marked Mature in order to ensure the Worksafe mode can be properly triggered. Any elements not listed here are permitted to be included in a portfolio without the Mature mark and are considered “Worksafe.”

  • Nudity
  • Pubic area
    • Also known as the bikini area, from the pubic bone down and from thigh to thigh
    • Any area that would normally be covered by pubic hair
  • Genitals
  • Female nipples or areola
  • Bare buttocks
  • Implied sexual activity
  • Blood, guts, gore, or violent situations
  • Bondage situations of any kind
  • Watermarks that are links to pornographic or sexual websites
  • Any transparent or semi-transparent clothing or body paint that shows any of the above
  • Implied Nudity

Images in Public Spaces

The elements provided below are not allowed in spaces considered “Public” on Model Mayhem, such as in the avatar space, on a profile page, or in the forums. Any elements not listed here are permitted to be used in a public space.

  • Nudity
  • Pubic area
    • Also known as the bikini area, from the pubic bone down and from thigh to thigh
    • Any area that would normally be covered by pubic hair
  • Genitals
  • Female nipples or areola
  • Bare buttocks
  • Implied sexual activity
  • Blood, guts, gore, or violent situations
  • Bondage situations of any kind
  • Watermarks that are links to pornographic or sexual websites
  • Any transparent or semi-transparent clothing or body paint that shows any of the above
  • Implied Nudity


Images that utilize body paint, stars, stripes, emojis, blurring, etc, to block or hide the above Mature elements are still considered Mature.

Implied nudity includes images that use body parts or objects to cover Mature elements. For example, a model covering a Mature element with their hands or an object. If it appears that the model isn’t wearing clothing, it’s a mature image, whether mature elements are covered or not.

Prohibited Elements

The elements provided below are never allowed to be posted or shared on Model Mayhem in any form. Using Model Mayhem to network for these types of images is also prohibited.

  • Any images showing persons that appear to be under the age of 18
  • Bodily fluids, excluding blood, sweat, tears, and non-sexual saliva or nose-snot
  • Erections, of any level
  • Manipulation of genitals or buttocks to “spread” them
  • Genital or anal penetration of any kind
  • Explicit sexual content of any kind
  • Intimate photographer/subject or “Point of View” content of any kind
  • Sexual contact of any kind that appears to be between the photographer and model(s)
  • Emphasis on the genitals or anus, such as images that are specifically of the genitals, comprised mostly of genitals, or appear to be focused on the genitals.


Lists are publicly visible but engage the Mature filters provided by the image’s portfolio settings.

Lists that violate these guidelines may be removed without warning.

  • Lists should not be compiled to degrade, insult, bully, or otherwise harass members or their images.

Tip: Images that are in a private album or are not set to be viewed by the public at large will not be able to appear in a list.

Forum and Posting Rules

The forums are a great way to communicate with your fellow members, but there are some rules which apply to your usage of them. If you would like to know how to utilize the forums, please check out our Edu article: How to Utilize the Model Mayhem Forums

Forum-Specific Rules and Professionalism

Each forum has varying degrees of professionalism, and we encourage you to use the correct levels of professionalism as possible when posting. We also encourage you to be mindful of your professionalism in these forum posts due to the public and searchable nature of our forums. Please review the descriptions for each forum, as well as the individual forum rules pinned at the top of the forum you will be posting in. If you have questions about the rules, please go to Help and contact a moderator.

Posting Behavior

  • This is a forum, which means by posting you agree to let anyone post their thoughts and opinions to the topic.
  • Respect your fellow posters. Period. No personal attacks, name calling, hate speech, etc.
  • The Model Mayhem forums are not the place for mature and/or vulgar topics or language. Mature images can be linked to, but not displayed as an image.
  • Sarcasm is ok. Trolling is not. Not all sarcasm is trolling but some trolling is sarcastic.
  • Critiques belong in the critique forum and only if people ask for them.
  • Stay on topic as best you can. Don’t hijack topic or bump old threads – just start a new thread. Topics do tend to ebb and flow, but if the topic gets too far away from the primary point, start a new thread!
  • Do not use images as a signature. Excessive usage of images in forum posts is also generally frowned upon.
  • Some controversial topics, posts, and discussions can and should happen, but some topics, posts, and discussions aren’t meant for the forums. These include, and aren’t limited to, politics, religion, etc.
  • Spamming is not allowed on Model Mayhem. See the site-wide rules for more information.
  • The forums are meant for discussions. They are not a place to post casting calls, job listings, and fundraising campaigns.

Moderation of the Forums

  • If you see a thread or post that violates the site or forum rules, please copy the thread URL and click Help to Contact-a-Moderator so the moderation team can review the thread. If you are reporting a specific post, please click “Link” on that post, then copy the URL that populates into your browser.
  • Try and post in the right forum with your topic. Topics posted in the incorrect forum will be moved as necessary.
  • When possible, posts that violate rules will be hidden so that the thread may continue.
  • Threads and posts can and will be locked or hidden at the discretion of the moderation team based on the application of Terms of Use, site rules, forum rules, and specific forum rules.

Casting and Notice Rules

Posting a Casting Call or Notice

Model Mayhem is a great place to find work and we have three separate ways you can actively seek out castings and work opportunities. Please choose the appropriate one that fits your situation:

Post a Casting Call if you are looking to hire someone for a project.

Post an Availability Notice if you are looking for work local to you.

Post a Travel Notice if you are traveling and are looking for work where you’ll be visiting.

The following represent the rules associated with posting and responding to Casting Calls, Travel Notices and Availability Notices. All castings and notices must comply with the local laws associated with the respective project.

Casting and Notice Violations

If you see any casting calls or notices that violate the following rules or the site rules, please use the flag icon in the casting to report it to the moderation team. Moderators monitor these reports regularly and will take the appropriate actions.

Violators will be warned when a casting is taken down. Multiple violations may result in the revocation of membership.

Casting Call and Sponsored Casting Call Rules

All castings and notices must provide truthful information about the project and comply with the local laws associated with the respective project. Please note, if a Sponsored Casting Call does not follow these Site Rules and all other terms of use related to Model Mayhem, it may be deleted without refund.

Please note that any casting labeled “PAID” means that you are looking to hire and PAY someone. Bartering of any kind is not considered pay. Deferred payments of any kind are not considered pay. Paid casting does not mean you want someone to pay you.

  • Casting Calls must provide as much basic job information as possible, such as:
    1. Date of casting
    2. Time of casting
    3. General location of casting
    4. The pay or compensation rate
    5. Important details about the job being casted, such as the type of model you’re seeking or the qualifications of the photographer you want to hire.
    6. Private information, such as specific addresses, etc, are allowed to be omitted and can be provided to people you wish to hire.
  • Asking to be contacted for more information is not permitted.
  • Casting calls cannot request payment of any kind, nor require that the applicants compensate the person posting the casting call or any third parties.
  • Profiles are only extended to members to be used in the capacity for which they were approved. In other words, a model profile should be used for that individual’s personal modeling projects, and a photographer profile should be used for that individual’s photography projects, etc.
  • You must state the nature of your involvement in the casting call.
  • Networking for sexual activities or pornographic content of any kind is strictly prohibited anywhere on Model Mayhem.
  • Casting Calls are NOT advertisements. Casting talent to work for the following is permitted, but castings that are intended to advertise or promote the following are not allowed.
    1. Events
    2. Workshops
    3. Classes
  • The following are never allowed as a Casting Call.
    1. Non-modeling related work of any kind.
    2. Model management of any kind.
    3. Housing opportunities of any kind.
    4. Attendees/hosts for “nightlife” events/parties/clubs/etc.
    5. Contests, such as online contests, etc.
    6. Pageants requiring any fees or paid reservations
    7. Studio rental listings (Members, please use Model Mayhem’s Market Forum.)
    8. Requiring talent to join or participate in your website or network. Model Mayhem is not a place to populate your website or network.

Notice Rules

Availability Notices are to be used to alert others of your availability for projects that are within a reasonable distance to the area of your normal place of residence. Solicitation for transportation is permitted.

Travel Notices are to be used to alert others of your presence in a geographic area outside of your normal place of residence. Solicitation for destination accommodations, such as airport pickup and shelters are permitted.

  • All notices must provide basic information, including:
    1. Date of availability
    2. General location of availability
    3. The pay or compensation rate expected
    4. Important details about the job being sought.
  • Asking to be contacted for more information is not permitted.
  • All notices should only be for your personal projects. Other parties are welcome to create their own account!
  • Networking for sexual activities or pornographic content of any kind is strictly prohibited anywhere on Model Mayhem.

Additional Information and Details Regarding Sponsored Castings and Proactive Alerts

  • Sponsored Castings can only be placed by logged-in Talent Recruiters and approved members.
  • Prices vary depending on the amount of time a Sponsored Casting is selected to be posted on the Site as well as membership type and subscription levels.
  • Sponsored Castings will only appear in up to 5 cities, chosen by the person posting the casting call.
  • If more than 5 locations are desired, the poster can post another Sponsored Casting or pay an additional fee to have the casting be “Nationwide” to appear throughout all cities in that country.
  • Sponsored Castings appear in the Casting Call search results as one of three pinned listings at the top of the search results.
  • Sponsored Casting search results are randomly generated for each user and are not guaranteed to appear on any page.

In addition to posting Sponsored Castings, Talent Recruiters have the ability to send “Proactive Alerts,” which act as private messages to either user-selected member accounts or to accounts pre-selected by Model Mayhem, if desired. Proactive Alerts must abide by these Site Rules and all other terms of use related to Model Mayhem. In addition:

  • Only Talent Recruiters can send out Proactive Alerts. Members can use their Private Messages.
  • Proactive Alerts can only be sent after posting a Sponsored Casting, by checking the “Proactive Alerts” box.
  • Proactive Alerts cost an additional fee on top of the Sponsored Castings listing fee.
  • Talent Recruiters can only currently send a total of 20 Proactive Alerts per Sponsored Casting. If any additional Proactive Alerts are desired, the Talent Recruiter must post an additional Sponsored Casting.
  • Please note that members may or may not respond to any Proactive Alerts sent. It is up to the individual member to respond. Model Mayhem does not guarantee or get involved with having a member respond.

Picture of the Day Contests

There are two subdivisions of contests – Picture of the Day and Picture of the Day 18+ – which are authorized by Model Mayhem and featured under the Contests tab at the top of the page.


How do I enter?

Entering is easy. Find the Contest link in the header (top of the page), then choose which contest you want to enter. Click “Submit” from the options presented, then select a photo from your computer and upload. Be sure to follow the rules!

Remember: If you enter, you should vote too!

What are the image requirements for the contests?

Unlike portfolio images, height and width values are not directly checked for the POTD – only the total pixel count is checked.

On both regular POTD and POTD18+, the following conditions are checked on every submitted image:

– Images must be .jpg or .png
– Image must be at least 7kb in size

The following conditions apply for regular POTD:

– Total pixel count must be 16 million or lower
– Image must be under 1500kb in size

In the case of POTD+18, it checks for the following:

–  Total pixel count must be 4 million or lower
– Image must be under 800kb in size

Please ensure your images meet these criteria before you upload!

What do I win?

There are no prizes, just additional exposure on the site and some bragging rights. Picture of the Day winners may get their images featured on the Home page, the newsletter and possibly posted on Model Mayhem’s social media pages! You can also put one of the fancy POTD badges on your profile if you’re VIP or Premium!

When will my submission appear?

Your submission will appear in the contest two days after you submit it, in order to allow proper time for thorough image review. For example, submissions received on June 1 would go live for votes in the June 3 contest, and the winner would be revealed on June 4.

Is there a cap on entries?

Yes! There is a limit of 200 entries per day. Submission start time is 12am PST – so get your entries in early!

When does the contest close?

The Picture of the Day contest officially closes at at 12 a.m. (Pacific Time).

Why are there two different 18+ contests?

The 18+ contests were split into gendered contests by popular demand, but still act as a single category. This means you can only enter either a Female or a Male image. If your photo features both a man and a woman, you can decide which contest to enter it into.

How do I find old entries?

The contest page shows the last round of winners for the last few days. For older entries, the easiest way to see all entries is to go to the contest of your choice and click Winner’s Gallery and scroll through the entries.

To find a specific day, best way to see them is to manually change the date within the link (URL). The number at the end of the Runner Up link is the date in YYMMDD format. You can find old contests by date just by changing those numbers.

What can you tell me about contests in the Contest forum?

The Contest area within the forums are contests created by other members, which have their own submission rules and processes. These are not created or directly managed by Model Mayhem other than general forum rules.

What happens to my photo?

We do not take ownership of any of the photos submitted to the contest. However, by submitting your photo you agree to allow Model Mayhem to exhibit the image through Model Mayhem’s social media accounts, including (but not limited to) Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Model Mayhem will include any available credits listed with the image when uploaded.

Who runs POTD?
The contests and entries are reviewed by the entire moderation team, so if you have questions just contact us and we will be able to help!

How does Model Mayhem calculate suspensions?

We’ve got an article dedicated to our suspension system here: POTD Contest Suspension Guide

I’ve got more questions. Where do I go?

There are a few places you can go to get your questions answered.

If you’re curious about how images are reviewed, check out our article on Image Rules. This should hopefully answer the majority of your questions about images.

If you have other questions, check out the site-related forums or the contest forums. Most people in there will be able help answer your questions.

If you still have questions after that, click Help and then Contact Model Mayhem

Picture of the Day Rules

  • The Model Mayhem moderation team has the ultimate discretion in what is and is not acceptable content for the contests.
  • The Model Mayhem Image Rules apply to this contest
  • Only WorkSafe images will be accepted
  • Images will be disqualified if:
    • Members submit the same image from more than one account
    • Submission is shot from a cell phone, web cam, or is a screencapture
    • Submission is a “selfie” of any kind
    • Submissions has previously won first place
    • Submission is multiple images, a thematic series, or a compilation. (Collages and composites are permitted.)
  • Identical entries can only be submitted per person once every 15 days
    • The same image should not be submitted by any particular user again for at least two weeks
    • Keep track of your entries when you submit or review the entries for the last 15 days to be sure
  • Only enter an image you were directly involved in creating
    • Copyright violations will result in disqualification and may result in profile closures
  • Do not game or cheat the voting system. This can result in the suspension of your account.
    • Do not send solicitations for votes via PM or through tags
    • Do not vote with multiple accounts
  • If you receive enough disqualifications, your ability to submit photos to the contest may be temporarily or permanently disabled. See the POTD Contest Suspension Guide for more information.
    • If you are unsure if your image will be disqualified, you are welcome to contact the moderation team to request help before you submit your entry. Your request will not be held against you.

Picture of the Day 18+ Rules

Due to the mature content, only Model Mayhem members are allowed to view, post or vote on this contest.

  • The Model Mayhem moderation team has the ultimate discretion in what is and is not acceptable content for the contests.
  • The Model Mayhem Image Rules apply to this contest
    • Worksafe images will be disqualified, but can be re-entered to the regular POTD contests
    • Submitting images with Prohibited Elements may result in your profile being suspended
  • Images will be disqualified if:
    • Members submit the same image from more than one account
    • Submission does not contain Mature elements as outlined by our Worksafe image guidelines
    • Submission contains images considered emphasis on the genitals or erections, or other prohibited image elements.
    • Submission is shot from a cell phone, web cam, or is a screencapture
    • Submission is a “selfie” of any kind
    • Submissions has previously won first place
    • Submission is multiple images, a thematic series, or a compilation (Collages and composites are permitted.)
    • Please note that photographs considered acceptable for posting in portfolios might not be acceptable for the contest since such emphasis is treated more strictly.
  • Users who submit the same photo to multiple contests will have all entries disqualified
  • Identical entries can only be submitted per person once every 15 days
    • The same image should not be submitted by any particular user again for at least two weeks
    • Keep track of your entries when you submit or review the entries for the last 15 days to be sure
    • Images containing both genders can be submitted to only one gender contest within a 15-day span
  • Only enter an image you were directly involved in creating
    • Copyright violations will result in disqualification and may result in profile closures
  • Do not game or cheat the voting system. This can result in the suspension of your account.
      • Do not send solicitations for votes via PM or through tags
    • Do not vote with multiple accounts
  • If you receive enough disqualifications, your ability to submit photos to the contest may be temporarily or permanently disabled. See the POTD Contest Suspension Guide for more information.
    • If you are unsure if your image will be disqualified, you are welcome to contact the moderation team to request help before you submit your entry. Your request will not be held against you.

Consequences and Recourse

The ultimate discretion in acceptable content on the Model Mayhem network lies with the moderation and administration staff at Model Mayhem and MH Sub I, LLC dba Model Mayhem.

Model Mayhem retains the right to terminate any membership in their sole discretion.

We hope that everyone will read the rules and follow them, but mistakes do happen. Depending on which rules you break, one or more of the following may happen:

  • Receive a warning message to inform you of the violation. (You will find these messages in you Moderator Message folder within My Stuff.)
  • Suspension from the ability to post in the forums, make announcements, submit casting calls, participate in the contests, or all of the above.
  • Removal of any offending content, such as photos, castings, forum posts, comments, etc.
  • Suspension of your membership altogether. Depending on the severity of the situation, this can occur without a warning and will include all your past and future accounts on Model Mayhem.
    • Unless specifically reinstated by the moderation team, new profiles created by suspended members will also be suspended.

The moderation and administration teams will do their best to be as fair and objective as possible utilizing research, evidence, and discussion among the team to come to their decisions. We do ask that you remember to respect the administration and moderation teams regardless of the decisions that are made.

While we will try and work with you to ensure you can continue to responsibly utilize Model Mayhem, we do reserve the right to remove any account for any reason at any time without notice.

If you wish to appeal or discuss the decision that has been made, you are welcome to contact us to discuss your situation by clicking Help and choosing “Contact Model Mayhem” which will create a message thread to the moderation team. The moderation and administration teams are the only people with access to these messages. This is the only way to discuss any moderation against your account.

If you have received messages you feel violate the site rules from a specific moderator, you are welcome request an administrator review your messages. If you have a complaint against a specific moderator, please click here and follow the directions provided to report it to the moderation team manager.