Forums > General Industry > Let's make it easier for models to respond to e-mails


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Some models find it hard to reply to e-mails for whatever reason. So, here's a way they can do it without having to write a book, feel bad, or whatever. Just click on reply and use one, or more of the symbols below.

If you don't want to shoot with me = ##
Thinking about modeling for me = ?!
If it's a definite yes = !!
Your friend said not to shoot with me = }
If you'll only do it for the money = !$
You're confused = *
You're gay = ~
You're too high or drunk to think right now = ^
You're too tired and going downhill fast = \
You're not gay = |
You do nude modeling = /
You're into bondage = &
You have no pulse =  -
You're feeling dead, or are dead = _

Note: A model could give a clue as to how much she's expecting to be paid by adding more dollar signs

For example: $$$.$$

Now, to indicate per hour = H
Per half-day session = /D
Full day session = D

So, let's take the above symbols and put them to practical use. To tell a photographer that you're confused, gay and charge $1000 an hour for a casual shoot for a total of one hour, but your asshole friend said not to shoot with me and later he turned out to be a mass murderer and killed you which is why you couldn't reply to my e-mail, it would look like this:

* ~ $,$$$.$$ 1H } _

See? Pretty simple huh? Even a 3rd grader with his thumbs cut off could do it. Okay models, now that you have this easy to use chart, will you please answer your gotdamn e-mails??? LOL

May 06 05 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 223

Emeryville, California, US

GREAT,GREAT,GREAT!!! I'm all for that.

May 06 05 07:32 pm Link


Kat Kartel

Posts: 55

Northridge, California, US

So...if I am gay do I always have to include the "~" symbol?
I didnt think that was something a photographer really needed to know via e-mail.


May 06 05 07:33 pm Link



Posts: 1130

Danville, California, US

Someone - not pointing any fingers.... has WAY to much time on his hands...

Thou pretty damn funny.

May 06 05 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 34

Orlando, Florida, US

Haha, that's wonderful.

May 06 05 08:08 pm Link



Posts: 904

Berwick, Maine, US

A online form huh? Hmmm, what if  do not really want to know..LMAO

Its a good idea, long as its kept simple.

May 06 05 08:13 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Kat Kartel: 
So...if I am gay do I always have to include the "~" symbol?
I didnt think that was something a photographer really needed to know via e-mail.


When am i supposed to know that? when i return from the outhouse to see my assistant Plasterd up aganst the wall in a full lip lock with my model(:--

May 06 05 08:36 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US


May 06 05 08:38 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US


You do topless modeling: uu
You do topless modeling and you're stacked: UU
You do nude modeling: ^V^

Happy to help! Now go say something kind in a comment to one of my photos and make me feel good!

May 06 05 09:40 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45323

San Juan Bautista, California, US

This post cracks me up! It's so true that many e-mail messages are not replaied to, and it drives all of us crazy if for some reason we are depending on an answer.

The solution is simple ... first give the model a few days to reply, then send another e-mail incase the first got lost. Then after that ... move on!

I feel bad that many times I am the guilty one! There are always e-mails for me to reply or write! It seems like I can never catch up! Maybe if I didn't spend so much time writing here in this forum?  LOL  OK, OK .. I'll try to get back to work!

May 06 05 09:45 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Chris Ambler: 

You do topless modeling: uu
You do topless modeling and you're stacked: UU
You do nude modeling: ^V^

Happy to help! Now go say something kind in a comment to one of my photos and make me feel good!

Such a creative contribution! Lol. I left a comment on your "grabass" photo.

May 06 05 10:47 pm Link


Elin Striga

Posts: 77

Örebro, Örebro, Sweden

Uhm... is this a problem related to male photographers only? I'm just wondering 'cause I always get replies.

But it might also be that I hardly ever write to a model, they write to me first so this way I know they know how to use those little plastic letters. *thumbs up*

Is it really that hard finding good models out there? Or do they run away when they see you're a male photographer (we all know you're in it for the chance to see boobies, right)?


May 07 05 06:40 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Certains ont la manière à beaucoup d'heure sur leurs mains

May 07 05 06:51 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
Certains ont la manière à beaucoup d'heure sur leurs mains

Quand vous êtes bon, ils vous contacteront    :-)

May 07 05 08:32 am Link


Thayer Photographic

Posts: 345

Kentwood, Michigan, US

This is the most irresponsible and unprofessional behavior I have ever seen.

A model gets an offer for a PAYING shoot, and she doesn't respond, she doesn't say "not interested" or "no thanks" they jus DON"T RESPOND AT ALL!!!

I am personally getting sick and tired of the models here and at other site who refuse to respond, and I think we as photographer need to form a network whereby a model gets black listed for too many no replies.

C'mon, if you want to be a professional model you have to act professional. 

That means, check your mail at EVERY site you're a member of EVERY DAY! And respond to the job offers you receive.

If you arent interested, just say no!  it's not that hard.


May 07 05 01:00 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Elin Strigå:

Uhm... is this a problem related to male photographers only? I'm just wondering 'cause I always get replies.

You could be onto something there. We'd have to poll the models on OMP and MM to find out.

An example poll could look like...

Check the box that applies
When e-mailed by a photographer and he is male and has a main photograph of a very long legged (clothed) model bending over in a window, do you?...

[ ] Say "ewww"
[ ] Say "ewww, he's nasty"
[ ] Say "ewww, he's nasty and a pervert"
[ ] Say "ewww, he's nasty, a pervert and might kill me"
[ ] Say "ewww, he's nasty, a pervert who might kill me and ask my mother to model for him afterwards in addition to offering my sister a crackpipe and alcoholic beverages and subject me to seeing his plumber butt crack!"
[ ] All of the above + tell my father or boyfriend on him

But it might also be that I hardly ever write to a model, they write to me first so this way I know they know how to use those little plastic letters. *thumbs up*

Well, if it wasn't for the models I've already worked with, paid and TFP (nude and not), I would've been to Thailand long ago and had my sex changed so I won't automatically be judged a vile and threatening male pervert.

Is it really that hard finding good models out there? Or do they run away when they see you're a male photographer (we all know you're in it for the chance to see boobies, right)?

[Valley girl accent] Uuuu mah gawd. Iz thet why models aren't writing back? [/Valley girl accent] Well then, let me save everyone the trouble. Models?...If I'm e-mailing you for a TFP shoot, then I (in particualr) am most definitely NOT interested in seeing your boobies. Unless your face is one very big and busty booby. Then, I apologize for the misunderstanding. Interesting nipple for a nose you've got there and your eyes! god, I didn't know they were areolas. Definitely fooled me. ha ha.

May 07 05 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 7840


Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
Certains ont la manière à beaucoup d'heure sur leurs mains

Quand vous êtes bon, ils vous contacteront    :-)

c'est vrai!

May 07 05 04:20 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Austin Models & Talent Agency: 

Posted by Alex Alexander: 
Certains ont la manière à beaucoup d'heure sur leurs mains

Quand vous êtes bon, ils vous contacteront    :-)

I've had my share of models contacting me direct, but not something I brag about, because if I did brag about it, then I feel like I'm perpetrating some kind of sleazy club scene with me as the slimeball star. That's not me. Lol. As a matter of fact I've got three lovely looking ladies from OMP who are in my queue and want to add a couple from MM for references only.

May 07 05 04:29 pm Link