Forums > Photography Talk > Calling all Sluggo haters


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I'm starting to see a whole slew of Model Managers popping up all over the other site. Has the aversion and apprehension to the practice stopped during the Thanksgiving holidays and become nationally approved?

I was doing a search for models interested in signing up for one of their latest ongoing contests and damn near every model in California is listing a manager, or some anonymous booking agent. Tha hell?

Dec 03 05 02:49 am Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

If you're not contacting models because they have a manager or agent listed, then the filter worked, didn't it.

Think about it.

Dec 03 05 05:03 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Odd. Plenty of models contact me but I've never heard from an agent or manager. What exactly is this filter accomplishing?

Dec 03 05 06:22 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

JHoward: No need for me to think about it. I don't make money off of women. So, more power to their filters. I used to wear that Manager hat and kept it straight forward. Photographer contacts model, model (if interested), contacts photographer. They plan and shoot. Finished. No drama with the mamas. But, like others reported before, that's not how others do the do. I also used to wear that hat of webmaster/photographer and used to make money off of women. Just to test a theory (and to be the first on doing it on IIS and ASP. And, I was). The best and fun "make money while you sleep" program I ever did try. Got boring after awhile. It used to be, back in the day, when you Google'd LegZone Photography & Imaging, I'd be all over the place. After I sold it and moved on, well...things fade. That's ok. Funny though, how if you google my other company, "JKPWARE", the name and my ILS servers are still around. heh.

VirtuaMike: Update your profile tomorrow stating you're no longer doing TFP and let's see how much plenty you got left over big_smile  Oh, and what JHoward means by "the filters" is, filtering against GWCs. har. Like I'm supposed to be one. Yeah right.

Dec 03 05 06:32 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

You know, speaking of GWCs, what do you call a guy who bullshits a llama saying, "Hey, I'm gonna get you on the cover of this online e-zine, but first, you gotta dump your manager" and they go through all the motions of putting up a front (a fake website) and after six months, the domain name gets bit down into the no zone? llama who was stupid enough to go after the bullshit and the fool's gold is nowhere where she thought she would be. Shame, but not my concern anymore.

That's a GWC. I know the GWC, but I'm not gonna call him out. So no, the filters don't always work against the best of the bullshitters. They can be bullshitters for all I care. Ain't no skin off my nose.

Dec 03 05 06:46 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
VirtuaMike: Update your profile tomorrow stating you're no longer doing TFP and let's see how much plenty you got left over big_smile  Oh, and what JHoward means by "the filters" is, filtering against GWCs. har. Like I'm supposed to be one. Yeah right.

TFP works for me, been making good progress smile

Of course surely they're interested in the images and not just the fact that I'm still open to TFP.

Dec 03 05 06:50 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
TFP works for me, been making good progress smile

Of course surely they're interested in the images and not just the fact that I'm still open to TFP.

Confident about that? Then, test it. State the usual dosey-doh, "Due to my hectic schedule, I'm no longer available to do TFP" and stick by it for six months. First to see if you're addicted, second, a good way to see if the images you have on your various ports and sites can stand on their own. If you're able to bring in one wedding client based on the quality of your existing images (paying the standard rate for mid-to-large wedding), then hey, you got the sanity check you always needed.

Dec 03 05 06:58 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:

Confident about that? Then, test it. State the usual dosey-doh, "Due to my hectic schedule, I'm no longer available to do TFP" and stick by it for six months. First to see if you're addicted, second, a good way to see if the images you have on your various ports and sites can stand on their own. If you're able to bring in one wedding client based on the quality of your existing images, then hey, you got the sanity check you always needed.

What exactly would my portfolio have to do with getting a wedding client? Last I checked, I wasn't aware that photography as a profession was a priority of mine. I have bigger goals. Besides I'm not sure what reducing my availability would actually accomplish.

Dec 03 05 07:04 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
What exactly would my portfolio have to do with getting a wedding client? Last I checked, I wasn't aware that photography as a profession was a priority of mine. I have bigger goals. Besides I'm not sure what reducing my availability would actually accomplish.

Okay. It's not your priority. Still, you stated, "Of course surely they're interested in the images and not just the fact that I'm still open to TFP". Well, I gave you a way to test that theory. What is a mere six months for someone not in the profession?

Dec 03 05 07:31 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
Okay. It's not your priority. Still, you stated, "Of course surely they're interested in the images and not just the fact that I'm still open to TFP". Well, I gave you a way to test that theory. What is a mere six months for someone not in the profession?

Considering that my entire MM portfolio was built in the last 6 months with the bulk coming from Sept onward, I'd say it's significant.

And if you can't detect the sarcasm in that statement you quoted, then oh well.

Dec 03 05 07:55 am Link


Gary Davis

Posts: 1829

San Diego, California, US

VirtuaMike wrote:

Considering that my entire MM portfolio was built in the last 6 months with the bulk coming from Sept onward, I'd say it's significant.

And if you can't detect the sarcasm in that statement you quoted, then oh well.

Sarcasm can often be difficult to detect on the net, but I thought this instance was glaringly obvious hmm

Dec 03 05 01:29 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
Considering that my entire MM portfolio was built in the last 6 months with the bulk coming from Sept onward, I'd say it's significant.

And if you can't detect the sarcasm in that statement you quoted, then oh well.

Gary Davis wrote:
Sarcasm can often be difficult to detect on the net, but I thought this instance was glaringly obvious hmm

Sorry. Didn't see it. Wasn't looking for it anyhow, nor do I understand, or care about the intention behind it. Unless, it's something that applies in a positive manner for all working Photographers. Then, I'm interested in the meaning. Otherwise, I could give a flying fuck.

In regards to your statistics, what is the significance? I don't get it. As a Professional photojournalist back in my Army days, I cranked out three times as much as you in two months. What does it mean in the grand scheme of business things? Not a damn thing. To me, "significant" equals a major promotion, or cold, hard money cash and a list of clients paying, or not. Some of who are noteworthy even. I've shot Barbi Benton during a USO show. So what? Significance is not a website filled with nothing but TFP shots from a short duration featuring typical people and items found on the common street, or TFP hungry model wannabes just checkin out the scene or looking for a significant other or hookup and, or the occasional street clown wearing a tu-tu.

Significance is a Profit and Loss statement at the end of the year that shows you can feed and clothe yourself and family from your photography efforts.

Pretty pictures and compliments found on sites like these do nothing but feed the ego and vanity. After awhile, it behooves of you to do a sanity check. So, I'm asking you to try one suggestion. I dare you.

Dec 03 05 04:44 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

You should know this but contact a moderator if you feel someone is acting as a sluggo/manager/agent on this site.   Trust me,  It will be looked into.   

Mhana moderator.

Dec 03 05 04:56 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

MHana wrote:
You should know this but contact a moderator if you feel someone is acting as a sluggo/manager/agent on this site.   Trust me,  It will be looked into.   

Mhana moderator.


Dec 03 05 05:36 pm Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

Dec 03 05 05:41 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
Significance is a Profit and Loss statement at the end of the year that shows you can feed and clothe yourself and family from your photography efforts.

Pretty pictures and compliments found on sites like these do nothing but feed the ego and vanity. After awhile, it behooves of you to do a sanity check. So, I'm asking you to try one suggestion. I dare you.

First the inability to detect sarcasm, and now I'm getting taken out of context. My significance statement earlier was addressing your "mere six months" comment hence the statistics, but since we're here . . .

We have differing reasons as to why we shoot. To me significance is progress - I gain satisfaction in seeing improvement in my images. I see the world differently now. I view people differently now. Is it out of your definition of sanity to believe there is more to photography than the money? If it feeds your ego to call me out then enjoy, but I take pride in my work and it stands on its own.

I'd be more worried about your ability to read and comprehend than my sanity. I already know I'm nuts.

Dec 03 05 10:37 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:

First the inability to detect sarcasm, and now I'm getting taken out of context. My significance statement earlier was addressing your "mere six months" comment hence the statistics, but since we're here . . .

We have differing reasons as to why we shoot. To me significance is progress - I gain satisfaction in seeing improvement in my images. I see the world differently now. I view people differently now. Is it out of your definition of sanity to believe there is more to photography than the money? If it feeds your ego to call me out then enjoy, but I take pride in my work and it stands on its own.

I'd be more worried about your ability to read and comprehend than my sanity. I already know I'm nuts.

Sorry if I didn't get your sarcasm right away. Some styles of sarcasm is obvious to different people and some aren't. And so? Now, you're getting defensive, thinking I'm calling you out, when I saw and sprang at an opportunity to invite you to try a test. A friendly test and nothing, but a test. Now, you're taking a pot shot at my reading comprehension ability. Silly boy.

Since I immigrated to this country, I have always been concerned about increasing my reading, writing and counting abilities, which is why I'm able to make the money I do every year with the potential to triple that if I really, really wanted to apply myself and quadruple it if I incorporated some bullshit and cons into my repertoire, and double the quadruple if I didn't have to sleep, but I don't. Plus, I like to sleep like a lazy cat on some days.

Dec 04 05 01:47 am Link


oliver mendoza

Posts: 86

San Francisco, California, US

i'm kilroy.

Dec 04 05 01:53 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
Sorry if I didn't get your sarcasm right away. Some styles of sarcasm is obvious to different people and some aren't. And so? Now, you're getting defensive, thinking I'm calling you out, when I saw and sprang at an opportunity to invite you to try a test. A friendly test and nothing, but a test. Now, you're taking a pot shot at my reading comprehension ability. Silly boy.

Since I immigrated to this country, I have always been concerned about increasing my reading, writing and counting abilities, which is why I'm able to make the money I do every year with the potential to triple that if I really, really wanted to apply myself and quadruple it if I incorporated some bullshit and cons into my repertoire, and double the quadruple if I didn't have to sleep, but I don't. Plus, I like to sleep like a lazy cat on some days.

I wasn't taking a pot shot. I was only stating the obvious. Congratulations on your financial success but your people skills and humility could use work. Silly boy could easily be misconstrued as derogatory.

Regarding your test, thank you but no. One thing I've realized about photography is that it's something I need to figure out on my own. If you think you've made it then more power to you.

Dec 04 05 01:58 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Oliver Mendoza wrote:
i'm kilroy.

I save the red Starbursts for last.

Dec 04 05 01:59 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


One thing that does concern me is that I think you're a Model Manager and have access to at least one model profile I'm aware of to play mind games. I find it funny that this one model tagged my port, and a couple of minutes later, sent a private msg saying, "let's shoot" and when I replied to her to call me (as a test), I find that she went and tagged your port and a minute or two later, you tag her port. This kinda has me suspecting that it's not one of those random coincidental things.

So, are you logging on as her and playing games? I checked just now to see if she read my message and funny thing, it was read right around the same time you came back online a while ago and inserted your latest reply to this thread.


Funny thing you know. When she was online making the tags last night, it was around the same time you were making replies to this thread and tagging her port.

C'mon now man. If you're doing that, and biting off of William Hung's popularity to increase yours, don't you think you should be more concerned with that versus my ability to detect your sarcasm?

Humor me man. Humor me.

Dec 04 05 02:01 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Oh. I have a question too Mike that's been bugging me for a couple of months now and I've been wanting to ask you personally, but since we're here... How come ever since you shot with Angela, she stopped speaking to me, replying back to my e-mail, and phone call? I find that kinda strange and out of character for her.

Dec 04 05 02:05 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:

One thing that does concern me is that I think you're a Model Manager and have access to at least one model profile I'm aware of to play mind games. I find it funny that this one model tagged my port, and a couple of minutes later, sent a private msg saying, "let's shoot" and when I replied to her to call me (as a test), I find that she went and tagged your port and a minute or two later, you tag her port. This kinda has me suspecting that it's not one of those random coincidental things.

So, are you logging on as her and playing games? I checked just now to see if she read my message and funny thing, it was read right around the same time you came back online a while ago and inserted your latest reply to this thread.


Funny thing you know. When she was online making the tags last night, it was around the same time you were making replies to this thread and tagging her port.

C'mon now man. If you're doing that, and biting off of William Hung's popularity to increase yours, don't you think you should be more concerned with that versus my ability to detect your sarcasm?

Humor me man. Humor me.

Oh snap. I've been discovered!!!

I just can't come up with anything witty to say after hearing something like that. There really are crazier people than me.

Dec 04 05 02:09 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:
Oh. I have a question too Mike that's been bugging me for a couple of months now and I've been wanting to ask you personally, but since we're here... How come ever since you shot with Angela, she stopped speaking to me, replying back to my e-mail, and phone call? I find that kinda strange and out of character for her.

I've been playing Lambs with her. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

Dec 04 05 02:11 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:

I wasn't taking a pot shot. I was only stating the obvious. Congratulations on your financial success but your people skills and humility could use work. Silly boy could easily be misconstrued as derogatory.

Regarding your test, thank you but no. One thing I've realized about photography is that it's something I need to figure out on my own. If you think you've made it then more power to you.

You're denying you took a pot shot at my reading comprehension? C'mon man. Are you the queen of de nile?

Dec 04 05 02:13 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:

Oh snap. I've been discovered!!!

I just can't come up with anything witty to say after hearing something like that. There really are crazier people than me.

How can you have heard what I typed? Oh, you mean, "read something like that". You should be concerned with your grammar.

Dec 04 05 02:14 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:

You're denying you took a pot shot at my reading comprehension? C'mon man. Are you the queen of de nile?

Reiterating, yes. Denying, no.

Dec 04 05 02:15 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:
I'd be more worried about your ability to read and comprehend

VirtuaMike wrote:
I wasn't taking a pot shot.

VirtuaMike wrote:
Reiterating, yes. Denying, no.

I must have a vision problem too.

Dec 04 05 02:30 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:

VirtuaMike wrote:
I'd be more worried about your ability to read and comprehend

VirtuaMike wrote:
I wasn't taking a pot shot.

I must have a vision problem too.

Hint. When I said I was stating the obvious, that was another instance of my sarcasm.

Dec 04 05 02:32 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:

Hint. When I said I was stating the obvious, that was another instance of my sarcasm.

Well, you fun filled sarcastic bundle of a joy you. How could I have missed that!? Will you please stop communicating in simple English and stick to basic smoke signals?

Dec 04 05 02:44 am Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Joe K. Perez wrote:

Well, you fun filled sarcastic bundle of a joy you. How could I have missed that!? Will you please stop communicating in simple English and stick to basic smoke signals?

Very well then. Puff puff give, puff puff give.

Dec 04 05 02:45 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

VirtuaMike wrote:

Very well then. Puff puff give, puff puff give.


Note in private journal: After some personal research and experimentation on some indigenous island code named "MM", it's easy to see why the native inhabitants stuck to the use of bongos as the preferred, defacto tool for long distance communication. Much to learn, but I feel I am making progress. If it were not for the tie I wore, I probably would've mated with the Chief's daughter.

Dec 04 05 02:58 am Link


Jon Scott Visual

Posts: 1529

Joe - I didn't at all mean to imply that you're a GWC, I'm sorry if that's what you took my meaning to be.

But you obviously know the "filter set" and its intent.  Give me a break - if you want to book the model badly enough, you'll jump through the hoops set out before you, whatever they may be.  If you don't, then you won't.  Many see a manager or agent listed and go no further simply because of that - and your telling of your experience as a manager proves that not all managers are evil.

VirtuaMike - Yep, the model will often contact you.  What I meant was that often, if you contact the listed "agent" or "manager," it's the model; see above, Joe explained the filter.

Dec 04 05 12:17 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

JHoward wrote:
Joe - I didn't at all mean to imply that you're a GWC, I'm sorry if that's what you took my meaning to be.

Thanks J. It's cool. I didn't take it to heart. Technically I am a guy, but has a camera. Not "with" a camera. As if it were my date, or something. Har. Har, har.

Dec 05 05 02:38 am Link


Bill Tracy Photography

Posts: 2322

Montague, New Jersey, US

There's been several times where I have contacted a model for a job and I would get a reply that would just say "not interested."

Then like a week or so later I would get another email saying: "Sorry, that was my manager that replied to your email. I'm actually very interested in this project. Let me know some more details."

I'm thinking sometimes these so called managers are either keeping these models to themselves or have no idea what the model's actual interests are.

Dec 05 05 08:25 am Link