Forums > General Industry > tfcd: you're getting it for free....



Posts: 583

Culver City, California, US

long story short:

if you "COLLABORATE" with someone on a tfcd basis, please be considerate and try to help in whatever way possible. (NOT TALKING ABOUT MONEY)
even if its something as simple as picking up the cd and not expecting the photographer, mua or anyone to hand deliver it to you cause you dont want to wait for it in the mail or give out your address.

Feb 23 06 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

FabioTovar wrote:
especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

This attitude towards models is really mind blowing.

A model worth Postage.

Feb 23 06 01:19 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

FabioTovar wrote:
frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

Hmnmmm, you sort of make the model out to be an afterthought.

So what is it that you want?  Processing the images is part shooting. 

I guess I am just missing the point of the post.

Feb 23 06 01:26 pm Link

Makeup Artist

BridgitC-Makeup Artist

Posts: 231

Atlanta, Georgia, US

FabioTovar wrote:
yeah yeah I know thousand threads on this blah.
I need to vent.  so this is a frustrated letter to people who are involved in tfcd/tfp/tfwhatever

Dear Model/Makeup Artist/Hairstylist/anyone listening

We recently had a great shoot. im glad you approached me/i approached you. the pictures came out great and im happy with the shots for my portfolio. the only reason why i would shoot for free.

after having spent a lot of money on equipment/costume (possibly paid for mua possible not) and spent time figure out how to shoot you, location scouting and finding an model/mua/stylist... possibly not...i am now in the process of putting together all the images and retouching the best ones and the ones you requested.  so far ive put in a lot of work and will continue to do so to get you your end of the bargain.

Although i know you arent exactly nearby but i ask for a little help getting you the cd.  thank you for the calls asking for the cd i can appreciate your enthusiasm. i have it ready for you but do not have the time to personally deliver it to you. i have also incurred many expenses and do not want to add to it by paying the $3 postage plus im not even charging you the $1 dollar for the disk itself... ( i know it may not seem like a lot to you) but since you probably didnt spend one cent compared to the value of my equipment, costume, and additional whatever, i just dont feel like spending another dime. literally.....i feel like i could ask for a little help on your end.

please make an effort to COME and pick up YOUR FREE DISK. or make arrangements for COD postal service.  >>>>>anything would be appreciated especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

I can relate....Better to pay for postage than to pay for a whole shoot.....especially if some hot sh%t came out of it...Not everyone is that petty I would hope.

Feb 23 06 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 42

Memphis, Alabama, US

Nemi wrote:

This attitude towards models is really mind blowing.

To me it's saying the models time is worth nothing. If you want the model responsible for the delivery of the cd or whatever else then tell her/him that beforehand. Even the smallest details should be discussed and agreed upon.

Feb 23 06 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

FabioTovar wrote:
yeah yeah I know thousand threads on this blah.
I need to vent.  so this is a frustrated letter to people who are involved in tfcd/tfp/tfwhatever

Dear Model/Makeup Artist/Hairstylist/anyone listening

We recently had a great shoot. im glad you approached me/i approached you. the pictures came out great and im happy with the shots for my portfolio. the only reason why i would shoot for free.

after having spent a lot of money on equipment/costume (possibly paid for mua possible not) and spent time figure out how to shoot you, location scouting and finding an model/mua/stylist... possibly not...i am now in the process of putting together all the images and retouching the best ones and the ones you requested.  so far ive put in a lot of work and will continue to do so to get you your end of the bargain.

Although i know you arent exactly nearby but i ask for a little help getting you the cd.  thank you for the calls asking for the cd i can appreciate your enthusiasm. i have it ready for you but do not have the time to personally deliver it to you. i have also incurred many expenses and do not want to add to it by paying the $3 postage plus im not even charging you the $1 dollar for the disk itself... ( i know it may not seem like a lot to you) but since you probably didnt spend one cent compared to the value of my equipment, costume, and additional whatever, i just dont feel like spending another dime. literally.....i feel like i could ask for a little help on your end.

please make an effort to COME and pick up YOUR FREE DISK. or make arrangements for COD postal service.  >>>>>anything would be appreciated especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

Nobody's making you shoot tfp/cd.  If you think it's a ripoff, don't do it.  I'm sure you'll find someone who'll pay you what you think you're worth...eventually.

Feb 23 06 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 209

dont do TFP then?

Feb 23 06 01:28 pm Link


Southern Stars

Posts: 15

Chatan, Okinawa, Japan

Come on SF Dude - send the model her CD! It'll only cost you about half the price of a cup of coffee in San Fran. Better to have models on your side than ranting how cheap you are.

If postage is too much, try raising your day rate. Lighten up for Pete's sake! You never know then the big one is coming.

Feb 23 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 42

Memphis, Alabama, US

If you just want something to "show up and pose" you can buy it at Wal-Mart. Doesn't cost much, can be posed anyway you like, will always be on time and won't ever ask for a cd. They call it Barbie...

Feb 23 06 01:31 pm Link



Posts: 127

Pol-e H̱umrī, Baġlān, Afghanistan

lol the simple solution tongue

if its such a big deal, dont do it. if not... suck it up princess.

Feb 23 06 01:34 pm Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

FabioTovar wrote:

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

No, I really don't think you speak for many of us at all.

Feb 23 06 01:35 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Cynthia2 wrote:
If you just want something to "show up and pose" you can buy it at Wal-Mart. Doesn't cost much, can be posed anyway you like, will always be on time and won't ever ask for a cd. They call it Barbie...


Clever girl!!

Feb 23 06 01:37 pm Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

FabioTovar wrote:
frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

You speak for yourself and may 2 others. This is petty and cheap. $3 to mail the cd is nothing and a blank cd is only 29 cents unless you like to overpay for things,...oh...then I guess mailing the cd shouldn't be so much

Feb 23 06 01:39 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Fabio. . .Dahling. . .I gotta ask you. . .
What's your real battle with the model?  I mean. . .did everything just go all wrong?? 

Did she/he agree to pay for MUA and wardrobe and whatnot and then suddenly decide not to??? 

Or. . .did you have a discussion . . .agree to do a TFCD shoot (which. . .as best as I understand it being a newbie. . .would mean that you knew the model basically either didn't have money to pay you or didn't want to pay you). . .and NOW you're suffering from "buyer's remorse"???

Tell mama all about it.  Here's some cocoa and your woobie.

Feb 23 06 01:42 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 173

Los Angeles, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Fabio. . .Dahling. . .I gotta ask you. . .
What's your real battle with the model?  I mean. . .did everything just go all wrong??  Did she/he agree to pay for MUA and wardrobe and whatnot and then suddenly decide not to???  Or. . .did you have a discussion . . .agree to do a TFCD shoot (which. . .as best as I understand it being a newbie. . .would mean that you knew the model basically either didn't have money to pay you or didn't want to pay you). . .and NOW you're suffering from "buyer's remorse"???

Tell mama all about it.  Here's some cocoa and your woobie.

I may have just Fallen in Love with you!


Feb 23 06 01:44 pm Link


Model Klau Dia

Posts: 384

Los Gatos, California, US

Fabio Tovar,

It is admirable that you are confident to speak out loud exactly how you feel regarding your work and efforts. It is better to communicate your thoughts and needs prior to a shoot to reduce resentment issues or disatisfaction that may occur later.

It is only 3 dollars + your time, then again $3 + $3 + $3 + $3 + $3 adds up and your time is valuable.

I am sympathetic to your needs.

If you believe that your time is that valuable and you are putting in extended efforts
(1) Minimize =  Don't make the EXTRA efforts
(2) Maximize others Potencial =  ask for a litle help from time to time.
Don't be afraid to ask for additional styling, meeting half way etc etc etc.
* Your requests will often be met smile *

btw driving to pick up a *FREE cd may end up costing the model about $15.oo in gas depending where the model is coming to AND from... + her time + etc etc etc.

... and THAT is why it is " T R A D E   W O R K".

Feb 23 06 01:45 pm Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

.: Klaudia :. wrote:
Fabio Tovar,

It is admirable that you are confident to speak out loud exactly how you feel regarding your work and efforts. It is better to communicate your thoughts and needs prior to a shoot to reduce resentment issues or disatisfaction that may occur later.

It is only 3 dollars + your time, then again $3 + $3 + $3 + $3 + $3 adds up and your time is valuable.

I am sympathetic to your needs.

If you believe that your time is that valuable and you are putting in extended efforts
(1) Minimize =  Don't make the EXTRA efforts
(2) Maximize others Potencial =  ask for a litle help from time to time.
Don't be afraid to ask for additional styling, meeting half way etc etc etc.
* Your requests will often be met smile *

btw driving to pick up a free cd may end up costing about $15.oo in gas depending where the model is coming to and from... + her time + etc etc etc.

... and THAT is why it is " T R A D E   W O R K".

GAJHJHADFOG ISN'T THIS SHIT COMMON SENSE? Why oh fucking WHY does it need to be explained again and again and again and again.....

Feb 23 06 01:47 pm Link


Model Klau Dia

Posts: 384

Los Gatos, California, US

Nemi wrote:
GAJHJHADFOG ISN'T THIS SHIT COMMON SENSE? Why oh fucking WHY does it need to be explained again and again and again and again.....

Because people like to vent their *personal* situation and frustration.

It will never stop.

Feb 23 06 01:50 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 173

Los Angeles, California, US

FabioTovar wrote:
Dear Model/Makeup Artist/Hairstylist/anyone listening

We recently had a great shoot. im glad you approached me/i approached you. the pictures came out great and im happy with the shots for my portfolio. the only reason why i would shoot for free.

after having spent a lot of money on equipment/costume (possibly paid for mua possible not) and spent time figure out how to shoot you, location scouting and finding an model/mua/stylist... possibly not...i am now in the process of putting together all the images and retouching the best ones and the ones you requested.  so far ive put in a lot of work and will continue to do so to get you your end of the bargain.

Although i know you arent exactly nearby but i ask for a little help getting you the cd.  thank you for the calls asking for the cd i can appreciate your enthusiasm. i have it ready for you but do not have the time to personally deliver it to you. i have also incurred many expenses and do not want to add to it by paying the $3 postage plus im not even charging you the $1 dollar for the disk itself... ( i know it may not seem like a lot to you) but since you probably didnt spend one cent compared to the value of my equipment, costume, and additional whatever, i just dont feel like spending another dime. literally.....i feel like i could ask for a little help on your end.

please make an effort to COME and pick up YOUR FREE DISK. or make arrangements for COD postal service.  >>>>>anything would be appreciated especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

Besides being Petty as Hell..........this is a purely one sided point of view......Did you ever think about the models expenses?........That body is a timely thing to maintain......a gym membership is not free......Special Healthy foods are more expensive than Mc Donalds......Maybe she pays a trainer?........Her hairstylist....manicure and pedicure...Drive time to the shoot...gas and wear and tear on her car.......Stop your self absorbed whining and suck it up......HOME DEPOT CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH WOOD, NAILS AND A HAMMER TO ALLOW YOU TO BUILD A BRIDGE TO GET OVER THIS.

Feb 23 06 01:51 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

benson wrote:

The ex-hubby is funny!  Marry me??  Divorce me and let me keep my stuff???

Feb 23 06 01:55 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Ok Fabio, First off, shipping a CD by USPS is NOT $3.
It is $1.59
Second, a CD is basically FREE nowaday. (if you can not take the time to go to CompUSA when they are giving away spindles of them, then that is your problem!)
Even when not Free, They are less then 10 cents each in bulk.

So, $1.69?
If you can not afford to pay that for a beautiful model, then might I suggest another line of work!!!

From USPS website - Just so you know!

Media Mail® (Book Rate) 


Used for books, film, manuscripts, printed music, printed test materials, sound recordings, play scripts, printed educational charts, loose-leaf pages and binders consisting of medical information, videotapes, and computer-recorded media such as CD-ROMs and diskettes. Media Mail cannot contain advertising.

The maximum size is 108 inches in combined length and distance around the thickest part.

Mark each package "Media Mail" in the postage area. 

Media Mail Rates

not over
1 $1.59
2  2.07
3  2.55
4  3.03
5  3.51
6  3.99
7  4.47
8  4.81
9  5.15
10 5.49

For complete Media Mail rate tables, see Ratefold (Notice 123)(PDF) or Domestic Mail Manual Rates and Fees(HTML).

Feb 23 06 01:55 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Ty Simone wrote:
Ok Fabio, First off, shipping a CD by USPS is NOT $3.

Maybe he meant USPS Priority Mail.  That's pretty much $3.  He's still cheap in my opinion.  Reminds me of that Dominoes pizza commercial. . .the one were the dad asks the delivery driver if the $7 deal for a pizza is a good deal???  So he tells the kids they can turn on the lamp for like 10 seconds.  Funny shit.

Feb 23 06 02:08 pm Link


Lamar Scott

Posts: 223

New York, New York, US

FabioTovar wrote:
yeah yeah I know thousand threads on this blah.
I need to vent.  so this is a frustrated letter to people who are involved in tfcd/tfp/tfwhatever

Dear Model/Makeup Artist/Hairstylist/anyone listening

We recently had a great shoot. im glad you approached me/i approached you. the pictures came out great and im happy with the shots for my portfolio. the only reason why i would shoot for free.

after having spent a lot of money on equipment/costume (possibly paid for mua possible not) and spent time figure out how to shoot you, location scouting and finding an model/mua/stylist... possibly not...i am now in the process of putting together all the images and retouching the best ones and the ones you requested.  so far ive put in a lot of work and will continue to do so to get you your end of the bargain.

Although i know you arent exactly nearby but i ask for a little help getting you the cd.  thank you for the calls asking for the cd i can appreciate your enthusiasm. i have it ready for you but do not have the time to personally deliver it to you. i have also incurred many expenses and do not want to add to it by paying the $3 postage plus im not even charging you the $1 dollar for the disk itself... ( i know it may not seem like a lot to you) but since you probably didnt spend one cent compared to the value of my equipment, costume, and additional whatever, i just dont feel like spending another dime. literally.....i feel like i could ask for a little help on your end.

please make an effort to COME and pick up YOUR FREE DISK. or make arrangements for COD postal service.  >>>>>anything would be appreciated especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

Isnt it Time for Prints or cd. Meaning the model provides his/her time for the prints/cd. so if the model made sure she got to your location, shouldnt you make sure her prints get to her location. I mean this is ridiculous. lets not forget that you are saving money too b/c had you gotten an agency model it would have cost you way more money than $4.

wow! the things that people complain about.

Feb 23 06 02:23 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Maybe he meant USPS Priority Mail.  That's pretty much $3.  He's still cheap in my opinion.  Reminds me of that Dominoes pizza commercial. . .the one were the dad asks the delivery driver if the $7 deal for a pizza is a good deal???  So he tells the kids they can turn on the lamp for like 10 seconds.  Funny shit.

Let's see.
He is a photographer.
Photography is a business.
Businesses are suppose to make money.
You make more money by spending less, not more.
So, He is basically a BAD BUSINESSMAN smile

A CD is Second Class mail (media)
Why pay first class?
Delivery time is the same

And here that Dominos Ad is $5 not $7, and is extremely funny.

Feb 23 06 02:23 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Ty Simone wrote:
Let's see.
He is a photographer.
Photography is a business.
Businesses are suppose to make money.
You make more money by spending less, not more.
So, He is basically a BAD BUSINESSMAN smile

A CD is Second Class mail (media)
Why pay first class?
Delivery time is the same

And here that Dominos Ad is $5 not $7, and is extremely funny.

Hmmm. . .if what you're saying is true. . .he could make the model pay the $3 for the shipping. . .the $1 for the CD and then add the credit card bill and bulk pack of CD's into his taxes as a business expense. . .THUS getting reimbursed by the model AND the IRS.  Sweet!

We can rebuild him and make him better.  Better than he was before.

Feb 23 06 02:29 pm Link


Absinthe Photography

Posts: 118

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Maybe he meant USPS Priority Mail.  That's pretty much $3.  He's still cheap in my opinion.  Reminds me of that Dominoes pizza commercial. . .the one were the dad asks the delivery driver if the $7 deal for a pizza is a good deal???  So he tells the kids they can turn on the lamp for like 10 seconds.  Funny shit.

Ok kids...Lamp Time's over!



Feb 23 06 02:31 pm Link


WULF Photography

Posts: 130

Colorado Springs, Colorado, US

Sounds like he was pestered by a model waiting on the CD and got annoyed.  He mentioned "calls".  I think he's asking for patience more then anything.  We all get to be petty some times.

Feb 23 06 02:34 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

It seems everyone missed the OP's point... It's not about the cost of a cd or the cost to mail it or any of that... He's just venting some frustration about the labor and time intensive process photographers go through to get good photos.
He's just venting some general frustration... so what.  I'm amazed at the thought and energy some people put into their effort to set him straight about "what's what".

Feb 23 06 02:35 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I don't think Fabio got the response he expected!

Feb 23 06 02:36 pm Link



Posts: 223

Emeryville, California, US

benson wrote:
Besides being Petty as Hell..........this is a purely one sided point of view......Did you ever think about the models expenses?........That body is a timely thing to maintain......a gym membership is not free......Special Healthy foods are more expensive than Mc Donalds......Maybe she pays a trainer?........Her hairstylist....manicure and pedicure...Drive time to the shoot...gas and wear and tear on her car.......Stop your self absorbed whining and suck it up......HOME DEPOT CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH WOOD, NAILS AND A HAMMER TO ALLOW YOU TO BUILD A BRIDGE TO GET OVER THIS.

By the looks of some of these models you know damn well they're not in the GYM!...And the only exercise they get is working up a sweat at the club after you had a MUA make them look better than before and a hair stylist who fixed-up the doo; Pompous beggars.

Feb 23 06 02:36 pm Link



Posts: 62

LA JOLLA, California, US

Alan from Aavian Prod wrote:

Hmnmmm, you sort of make the model out to be an afterthought.

So what is it that you want?  Processing the images is part shooting. 

I guess I am just missing the point of the post.

I think the point was that she spent a lot of time and money to do this shoot, and is breathless that the model wants her to spend more money to mail the cd....

It all boils down to the photographer not charging anything for the shoot, now that it's all over with...feels robbed.  Just maybe....

Feb 23 06 02:38 pm Link


Lost Coast Photo

Posts: 2691

Ferndale, California, US

You must be joking, right?

Spend thousands on camera gear, and you can't spend a couple of bucks on stamps?  I use those little cardboard mailers, and it takes exactly two stamps to send a CD.

Let's go beyond the pettiness, let's look at it in a strictly pragmatic way.  It astounds me how little value some people here place on their own time.  Mailing a CD means a buck or so to buy the mailer, two stamps, and dropping it in the box probably when you're going past the post office anyway, but worst case scenario for most people is driving a mile or two.

Having the model pick it up means multiple e-mails or phone calls, plus the time spent waiting for someone who might be 15 minutes late, or who might want to talk for a while.  Now if you just would rather spend more time with the pretty girl, fine, say that.  If it's the money you're so worried about, assume one hour @ whatever you consider your rate to be; and I'll bet you've just exceeded the cost of mailing the disk.

Feb 23 06 02:39 pm Link



Posts: 62

LA JOLLA, California, US

Nemi wrote:

GAJHJHADFOG ISN'T THIS SHIT COMMON SENSE? Why oh fucking WHY does it need to be explained again and again and again and again.....


Feb 23 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 207

Marietta, Georgia, US

Todd Steinwart wrote:

No, I really don't think you speak for many of us at all.

THATS where your wrong.....I know what he's getting at, and its a gripe that many share ( perhaps not YOU ), its not just the scouting location, time spent getting the model to agree ( like pulling teeth sometimes ), getting props together, lining up MUA, etc., etc., etc....The list is sooooooo long of things to do FREE, why can't she at LEAST make a trip to pick up the damn thing !!

Of course she's ( actress ) putting in time too....countless things a woman does to primp......but nothing NEAR what the director & producer ( photog ) has to do.

Feb 23 06 02:43 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
It seems everyone missed the OP's point... It's not about the cost of a cd or the cost to mail it or any of that... He's just venting some frustration about the labor and time intensive process photographers go through to get good photos.
He's just venting some general frustration... so what.  I'm amazed at the thought and energy some people put into their effort to set him straight about "what's what".

Oopsiedaisy!  Mind you. . .I'm new. . .and a tad slow at times. . .can understand and respect his "frustration" but didn't he KNOW that going into it??

How often does a job turn into more than you bargained/bartered/traded for as a photog Ian?  I'm curious b/c I certainly don't want a thread like this posted in reflection of my enthusiasm after collaborating with a photog to do a TFP shoot.

Feb 23 06 02:45 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

FabioTovar wrote:
yeah yeah I know thousand threads on this blah.
I need to vent.  so this is a frustrated letter to people who are involved in tfcd/tfp/tfwhatever

Dear Model/Makeup Artist/Hairstylist/anyone listening

We recently had a great shoot. im glad you approached me/i approached you. the pictures came out great and im happy with the shots for my portfolio. the only reason why i would shoot for free.

after having spent a lot of money on equipment/costume (possibly paid for mua possible not) and spent time figure out how to shoot you, location scouting and finding an model/mua/stylist... possibly not...i am now in the process of putting together all the images and retouching the best ones and the ones you requested.  so far ive put in a lot of work and will continue to do so to get you your end of the bargain.

Although i know you arent exactly nearby but i ask for a little help getting you the cd.  thank you for the calls asking for the cd i can appreciate your enthusiasm. i have it ready for you but do not have the time to personally deliver it to you. i have also incurred many expenses and do not want to add to it by paying the $3 postage plus im not even charging you the $1 dollar for the disk itself... ( i know it may not seem like a lot to you) but since you probably didnt spend one cent compared to the value of my equipment, costume, and additional whatever, i just dont feel like spending another dime. literally.....i feel like i could ask for a little help on your end.

please make an effort to COME and pick up YOUR FREE DISK. or make arrangements for COD postal service.  >>>>>anything would be appreciated especially since all you did was show up pose and leave..............

frustrated photographer (i speak for many of us)

Any model worth shooting is also worth the postage to send her the CD!

Feb 23 06 02:46 pm Link



Posts: 42

Memphis, Alabama, US

Bob4friends wrote:

THATS where your wrong.....I know what he's getting at, and its a gripe that many share ( perhaps not YOU ), its not just the scouting location, time spent getting the model to agree ( like pulling teeth sometimes ), getting props together, lining up MUA, etc., etc., etc....The list is sooooooo long of things to do FREE, why can't she at LEAST make a trip to pick up the damn thing !!

Of course she's ( actress ) putting in time too....countless things a woman does to primp......but nothing NEAR what the director & producer ( photog ) has to do.

Feb 23 06 02:51 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Ian Weintraub wrote:
It seems everyone missed the OP's point... It's not about the cost of a cd or the cost to mail it or any of that... He's just venting some frustration about the labor and time intensive process photographers go through to get good photos.
He's just venting some general frustration... so what.  I'm amazed at the thought and energy some people put into their effort to set him straight about "what's what".

It's fine to vent, but the fact is all the models I know go through a similar set of processes in what they do, which is why I give them the respect and consideration that I would any other artist I would collaborate with.  My point is that if the OP dosen't feel that tfp/cd is a fair and balanced situation, he shouldn't do it...The idea that someone in the situation is "getting it for free" is indicative of that feeling.

Feb 23 06 02:52 pm Link



Posts: 42

Memphis, Alabama, US

Bob4friends wrote:

THATS where your wrong.....I know what he's getting at, and its a gripe that many share ( perhaps not YOU ), its not just the scouting location, time spent getting the model to agree ( like pulling teeth sometimes ), getting props together, lining up MUA, etc., etc., etc....The list is sooooooo long of things to do FREE, why can't she at LEAST make a trip to pick up the damn thing !!

Of course she's ( actress ) putting in time too....countless things a woman does to primp......but nothing NEAR what the director & producer ( photog ) has to do.

The model probably would pick up the damn thing if it was discussed beforehand. If this type of arrangement seems so unfair to you, DON'T do it. Seems simple enough to me.

Feb 23 06 02:55 pm Link



Posts: 2387

Olympia, Washington, US

Jayne Jones wrote:

Oopsiedaisy!  Mind you. . .I'm new. . .and a tad slow at times. . .can understand and respect his "frustration" but didn't he KNOW that going into it??

How often does a job turn into more than you bargained/bartered/traded for as a photog Ian?  I'm curious b/c I certainly don't want a thread like this posted in reflection of my enthusiasm after collaborating with a photog to do a TFP shoot.

All I can do is speak from experience.  All of my shoots with models have been tfp/tfcd.  I know that what I did to prepare for the shoots and the work done afterwards to process and get the photos to the model was far more time intensive and costly than any preparation that the models put into the shoot.  Also, as far as I know, none of the models I've worked with ever had paid work at the time I shot with them.  I'm not complaining about tfp/tfcd.  I'm not whining.  All I'm saying is that it is frustrating and, if the photographer has talent and put care and money into being prepared for a shoot, it's definitely a better deal for the model.  Again, I think the OP was just venting a general feeling of frustration and it's not about him being too cheap to send a cd or anything like that.

Feb 23 06 02:58 pm Link