Forums > General Industry > Funniest Shoot Moments...


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Ok, I almost put this in the funniest shoot thread but I did not think it really fit since it wasn`t the shoot that was funny. It was just a specific moment....
Reply with your funniest shoot moments...

On one of my first fetish shoots, which involved the girl some of you have seen in my art nudes of a girl on a beach, nude and in a corset. This shoot actually took place the next day.

This girl has a heart of gold and is just as sweet as can be. We are taking a break from shooting for a while. She is sitting on the ground next to my chair and she had a crop in her hand which she was using for the shots we just did of her nude but with a makeshift corset she made by wrapping herself broken rib style with black electrical tape.Ironicly she is much on the submissive side and not someone who would normally be weilding the crop.
She was talking for a few moments to my fiance who was assisting me at the shoot and was sitting on the other side of me at the time,and as she was talking, she was  very non chalantly swinging the crop in short little swings , not paying attention to what was happening. You know how it is when you see someone talking and they are fidgeting and such.
Well, the crop started to make contact with my pant leg. Knowing she had this submissive side I sort of knew what reaction she would have once she realized what she was doing. Being as easy to get along with as I am, and  that this is one of those special people who you meet and work with who could do no wrong in your eyes, I don`t say anything.  I just look down at the crop tapping my pant leg, look at her waiting to see how long it takes her to notice. Well, in mid sentence she happened to lose track of the point she was trying to make, looked up at me and then this"huh?" expression came to her face, then she noticed she was tapping me with the crop, shrieked a shriek the likes of which I have never heard, dropped the crop,almost as though she were shaking a spider off of her hand, got up and ran "oh sh*t, im sorry sorry sorry, f*ck, I didnt mean it, it was a nervous twitch or something!im sorry!"

Although she moved to Washington state for Med school days after that shoot 4 years ago we still keep in touch and I still tease her about that.

Mar 05 06 02:15 am Link