Forums > Critique > Fun and Games > Female Models Only Critique (HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!)


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

ok...right now I have 9 people on the list to do...I'm going as fast as I Can.

Jan 06 10 12:03 pm Link


Omnipotent M

Posts: 5

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Can we make that 10? Haven't been critiqued in a long time, I think I'm overdue...

Jan 06 10 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 150

Walnut Creek, California, US

me plz very interested

Jan 06 10 12:21 pm Link


B Ford

Posts: 82

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Nope...didn't forget you...there's a mehtod to the any we go

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:

this image...and this entire set is by far the best in your port IMO
4.  Worst image

5.  Best Physical Attribute love that hair....espeically with it has some curl in it
6.  Worst Physical attribute thin lips
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. love your look, very fresh face, great hair....learn to express yourself more....try some wild ideas...shoot some iamges that have a theme to them...maybe bright colors, maybe a fairy tale...just something different...also....I Would like to see you in some business stripe suit and skirt, black stocking and heels...

Thanks for your input I agree I need to change it up some its great to get some new ideas.Thanks for taking the time to critique.

Jan 06 10 01:28 pm Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

OdetteDespairr wrote:
Hit Me!!!

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:
chose this one...not because it was the most revealing, but because it said soemthing...had a little story line to it.  Very well done.
4.  Worst image

5.  Best Physical Attribute nice breasts for sure
6.  Worst Physical attribute Hmm...hard to tell here...but the tushie looks a little that image with the ropes especially. (Nice image though)
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. Generally like what I that you aren't taking 100 shots of the same basic idea....try to limit the shots to per look (not a hard rule, but a nice one to follow.

Jan 06 10 01:49 pm Link



Posts: 481

London, England, United Kingdom


Jan 06 10 02:44 pm Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

tzeni_kas wrote:

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:
while I dont really like the tonal qualities of this image, I do like your wardrobe and pose...shows off the curves very nicely.  pretty face.
4.  Worst image
ehh...kinda boring...kinda flat, tones are off...Ehhh
5.  Best Physical Attribute hips
6.  Worst Physical attribute nose seems to have a little hook at the end.
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images. like what I see....but I have seen your port before and havne't seen much new stuff go up....rotate images out after a while unless they are just killer shots.

Jan 06 10 06:11 pm Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Mistress Blushes wrote:
me plz very interested

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 6
3.  Best image:
I chose this as your best because it's the one in which you look the most relaxed and the most genuine.

4.  Worst image
way too "staged"

5.  Best Physical Attribute  flat abs
6.  Worst Physical attribute some shots it looks really nice and in others it looks over worked....kinda dry and limp
7.  Listable? nothing in my currnet lists
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images. do some dramatic shots....get more involved with wardrobe, location and drama...

Jan 06 10 06:24 pm Link



Posts: 216

Aurora, Colorado, US


Jan 06 10 06:28 pm Link


Miss Munroe

Posts: 54

Akron, Ohio, US

skipped sad ?

Jan 06 10 06:28 pm Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Jenn Kendall wrote:
You skipped me from page 4?  Possibly?


1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 6
3.  Best image:

really like the rain FX on this one....nice off camera look

4.  Worst image

wrong angle on this shot, no depth to it....other shots do a better job of showing off your pretty face.
5.  Best Physical Attribute very pretty face
6.  Worst Physical attribute thin lips
7.  Listable? not in my current lists
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images. get involved in more dramaitc shots...put more attention into a detailed wardobe/location...tell a story with your images

Jan 06 10 06:55 pm Link



Posts: 278

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Me?...I havent got many professional photos in my port but would still like to know ur opinion with what I got smile

Jan 06 10 06:59 pm Link


Nicole Michelle

Posts: 1464

Albany, New York, US

How about me?

Jan 06 10 07:03 pm Link


Jessyka Ann

Posts: 10660

Hyannis, Massachusetts, US

umm skipped me...

Jan 06 10 08:27 pm Link


Shaun Tia

Posts: 1697

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Sadly skipped.

Jan 06 10 08:30 pm Link


Lisa NJ

Posts: 9

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Amazing thread.. would love to hear what you have to say...

Jan 07 10 12:37 am Link



Posts: 53

London, England, United Kingdom

pls can I have a go? I just updated my port

Jan 07 10 02:10 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

EmeraldSea wrote:
pls can I have a go? I just updated my port

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10:
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10
3.  Best image:
I chose this one because of the color contrasts and it seems to be one photo in which part of you came out in yor expression...the other photos seem to be more about the clothes than about you....nothing wrong with that if you want to be a fashion model.
4.  Worst image

5.  Best Physical Attribute love the skin tone
6.  Worst Physical attribute nose appears to be a bit wide near the end....
7.  Listable? noting in my current lists
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. like what I see....but as I said above, the images on here appear to be all about the clothes and not about you....again if you want to be/are a fashion model, then great...f not....then work on getting your own personality into the shots.  Also...why the 110 years age thing...makes it hard for people on MM to find you.

Jan 07 10 05:51 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Nicole M Berg wrote:
How about me?

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7.5
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:
love the iahr and eyes here...very pretty and seductive.
4.  Worst image
as compared to the other shots in your port this is the worst....not really all that bad in all fairness.just kidna eehhhh...a compared to others.
5.  Best Physical Attribute eyes
6.  Worst Physical attribute thin lips
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images. same as the person above you....all of the images seem to be about the wardrobe or the MU and the photog/client is simply using you as a canvas....there's nothing wrong with that if that is what you do....but something that caught my attention.  Also I noticed that most of your images had the same expression in them....just kinda that blank look on th eface.

Jan 07 10 05:59 am Link



Posts: 1487

Los Angeles, California, US

I'm curious ^.^

Jan 07 10 06:33 am Link


Deeniz Villegas

Posts: 16

Dallas, Texas, US

Ill play..

Jan 07 10 07:20 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Shaun Tia wrote:
Sadly skipped.

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8.5
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 9
3.  Best image:
reall like the BW and dramatic look here...well done by all involved.
4.  Worst image … 4e1bf7.jpg
Flattens out the otherwise round and firm tushie...sad

5.  Best Physical Attribute this was a hard one.....such a pretty lady....I am gonna have to go with the the tushie...nice and firm!
6.  Worst Physical attribute small some shots they really look nice and round and in others they do not...don't know if it's the pose, the lighting, the post work or what...but either way it caught my attention.
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. I thinik you're the over all body and that shot of you wearing the ripped white t-shirt that is

Jan 07 10 07:51 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Lisa NJ wrote:
Amazing thread.. would love to hear what you have to say...

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:

4.  Worst image
I think most of your images are at the same level as far as quality, so I picked this one as my least fav because of how your face is framed by the hair...the bangs  look I didn't care for.
5.  Best Physical Attribute lips
6.  Worst Physical attribute nose...needs to be tapered a iittle more.
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images. really like them...would like to see more...step out of the fashion world and do some drama...some shadow play work, somel lifystyle shots.

Jan 07 10 07:59 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

SarahElisabeth wrote:
Me?...I havent got many professional photos in my port but would still like to know ur opinion with what I got smile

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7.5
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:

4.  Worst image

just a bad shot...mostly technical issues...not pose issues.

5.  Best Physical Attribute those long legs
6.  Worst Physical attribute thin lips
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images. like what I see so far....relax and shoot as often as you can.  Also try to incorporate more location shots and intiricate wardrobes into what you do....let your images tell some sort of story.

Jan 07 10 08:05 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Jessyka Ann wrote:
umm skipped me...

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 6.5
3.  Best image: … b1555b.jpg

4.  Worst image
the reason I chose this as the worst really has not much to do with you and more to do with the harsh light fall off and shadow issues.  Shadow is good, but it should be subtle

5.  Best Physical Attribute breasts
6.  Worst Physical attribute tatoos
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. like your's nice to see someone who legitimately wants to shoot for the art rather than for the $$$.

Jan 07 10 08:14 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Sarah_ wrote:
I'm curious ^.^

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8.5
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7.5
3.  Best image:

4.  Worst image
no depth to the image, the colors are flat, out of focus a wee bit....just not even close to the others in your port.
5.  Best Physical Attribute eyes
6.  Worst Physical attribute legs....nice and long, but a bit linear...need a bit more taper to them IMO
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. you're a the images for the most part...the breakfast at tiffanys shot is nice.

Jan 07 10 08:27 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Deeniz Villegas wrote:
Ill play..

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10:
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10
3.  Best image:

4.  Worst image
you have lovely hair, and in this shot it disappears into the color depth here at all and no physical depth behind you to show distane.
5.  Best Physical Attribute hair
6.  Worst Physical attribute nose....seems to be crooked/bumped
7.  Listable? nothing in my current lists
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA Model
9  General thoughts on your images.
When all you have, ultimately, is a head shot, your facial expression is vital to a good image.  A model cannot generally get away with a vacant look on their face.  There is a difference between vacant and non focused.

Might I suggest the following?  Go out and purchase a few magazines…Redbook, Cosmo, FHM, playboy, doesn’t really matter as long as there are women inside displaying a variety of expressions on their face.  I would suggest that you try to mimic their expressions until you are comfortable displaying your own.  Also, I would suggest you create a list of expressions…sad, happy, angry, sinful, distraught, envy, greedy, sexy, lustful, etc.  Tape it to your bathroom mirror and everyday, take 5 minutes and run through that list watching yourself in the mirror.

Jan 07 10 08:31 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Miss Munroe wrote:
skipped sad ?

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7.5
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 7
3.  Best image:
like this image because it shows the shape of the leg and the tushie helps add soem hip in there as well.
4.  Worst image
bad bad bad...take it down.  you are much too pretty to have this shot in your port

5.  Best Physical Attribute legs
6.  Worst Physical attribute nose...a bit wide
7.  Listable? nothing in my current lists
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. don't fill up the MM page with images just to ake space..that pic of you in the poilice get up is really bad.  Shoot as often as you can and relax a little bit.
When all you have, ultimately, is a head shot, your facial expression is vital to a good image.  A model cannot generally get away with a vacant look on their face.  There is a difference between vacant and non focused.

Might I suggest the following?  Go out and purchase a few magazines…Redbook, Cosmo, FHM, playboy, doesn’t really matter as long as there are women inside displaying a variety of expressions on their face.  I would suggest that you try to mimic their expressions until you are comfortable displaying your own.  Also, I would suggest you create a list of expressions…sad, happy, angry, sinful, distraught, envy, greedy, sexy, lustful, etc.  Tape it to your bathroom mirror and everyday, take 5 minutes and run through that list watching yourself in the mirror.

Jan 07 10 08:38 am Link


Mimi Demure

Posts: 5

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

I'd like to know what you think if you're still critiquing. Many thanks in advance.

Jan 07 10 08:46 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Kristen_Rayne wrote:

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 8
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10
3.  Best image:

4.  Worst image

5.  Best Physical Attribute hair
6.  Worst Physical attribute Hmmmm this was hard to decide...I am going with nose... a bit wide at the base.
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA
9  General thoughts on your images. such a pretty woman...diverse thing I REALLY noticed is that the your hair style really changes your over all look.  when it has a little curl in it, it really works....when it's flat straight, not so much....the wet look also suits your nicely.  your hair is key!

Jan 07 10 08:48 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Mimi Demure wrote:
I'd like to know what you think if you're still critiquing. Many thanks in advance.

Mimi Mimi are all woman.

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 9
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 9
3.  Best image:

4.  Worst image

5.  Best Physical Attribute're breasts are perfection.
6.  Worst Physical attribute slightly thin upper lip
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. would LOVE to see you do some real classic pinup...go all out on location, wardrove, lighting, it up right,  you alrady have some that are close....but attention to detail is key to getting a nice clasic pin up shot.  Also, you are much too beautiful to have shots with bad post work....such a pretty lady!

Jan 07 10 08:55 am Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

things have slowed down all of a sudden

Jan 07 10 10:06 am Link


Jessyka Ann

Posts: 10660

Hyannis, Massachusetts, US

Joseph Reed Photography wrote:

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 6.5
3.  Best image: … b1555b.jpg

4.  Worst image
the reason I chose this as the worst really has not much to do with you and more to do with the harsh light fall off and shadow issues.  Shadow is good, but it should be subtle

5.  Best Physical Attribute breasts
6.  Worst Physical attribute tatoos
7.  Listable? yes and have
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA model
9  General thoughts on your images. like your's nice to see someone who legitimately wants to shoot for the art rather than for the $$$.

My tattoos, my scars...everything about my body is what makes me ME.

Jan 07 10 12:02 pm Link


Sloane Victoria

Posts: 203

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I wanna play!

Jan 07 10 12:07 pm Link


Rebecca Newman Photography

Posts: 1631

Tampa, Florida, US

Joseph Reed Photography wrote:
things have slowed down all of a sudden

I was skipped on page 2 new years eve!! sad poo

Jan 07 10 12:16 pm Link


B Paige

Posts: 390

Bristol, Virginia, US

I would love your feedback!

Jan 07 10 12:19 pm Link


Emily i

Posts: 85

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Want to know what you think... I have upgraded my port a bit. smile

Jan 07 10 12:25 pm Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Sloane Victoria wrote:
I wanna play!

1.  Physical Beauty 1-10: 7.5
2.  Sex Appeal 1-10 6.5
3.  Best image: … 95f21b.jpg

4.  Worst image

5.  Best Physical Attribute breasts
6.  Worst Physical attribute ass
7.  Listable? nothign in my current lists
8.  Are you a 'model' or a GWBB/RA GWBB....99% of your images all focus on pure T/A shots....don't misunderstand, there's something to be said for T/A, but mix it up a little bit.
9  General thoughts on your images.
Might I suggest the following?  Go out and purchase a few magazines…Redbook, Cosmo, FHM, playboy, doesn’t really matter as long as there are women inside displaying a variety of expressions on their face.  I would suggest that you try to mimic their expressions until you are comfortable displaying your own.  Also, I would suggest you create a list of expressions…sad, happy, angry, sinful, distraught, envy, greedy, sexy, lustful, etc.  Tape it to your bathroom mirror and everyday, take 5 minutes and run through that list watching yourself in the mirror.

Jan 07 10 12:48 pm Link


J D R Photography

Posts: 2261

Vincennes, Indiana, US

Jessyka Ann wrote:
My tattoos, my scars...everything about my body is what makes me ME.

if that's true, it's kinda sad.  Your heart and mind is what should make you who you are.

Jan 07 10 12:50 pm Link


Morrighan Rafferty

Posts: 79

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Me plz

Jan 07 10 12:52 pm Link