Forums > Photography Talk > Adobe Abandons Photoshop CS7



Posts: 3664

Newport News, Virginia, US

I am also on a professional photographers forum and none of them (not one) likes Adobe right now, although some of them accept they will likely have to go with the subscription service.

May 08 13 05:41 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

Adobe has a very diverse customer base from large companies, mid size companies where Adobe products are an essential part of their business down to the stand alone photographer, who may make money on photography.

To the first two groups this is just a minor change in the cost of doing business with far less impact than many other changes that are ongoing ( think old SB topics).

For the individual photographer it may be a major expense, especially in relation to their profit. The last group is where the most push back will come and Adobe is betting most will eventually go along, time will tell. If they do not they can always fall back to a PS Light, something between PS and Elements for Legacy owners with product no longer supported and not compatable with new OS. For Adobe it may not be a bad move for the long term bottom line assuming Photographers do not find substitutes from companies they do not hate.

One issue I did see addressed somplace is that if you quite the Cloud service they will have an down compatability with older Legacy software, assuming you have an old copy that will still work and of course with new product NLA newer photographers will be screwed.

May 08 13 06:05 pm Link



Posts: 592

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

As I have found on other websites, this might just turn out to be a boom for us.. As CS6 will be sold this might in turn be the largest output for Plugins, and Canon as well as Nikon will always support the RAW format.

It also turns out that Lightroom will also update, as it is NOT a core program of the Creative Suite, thus, you SHOULD be able to convert to RAW, and then edit in CS6.

As for the 3 new things, that Photoshop CC offers now, its not even for photographers, or editors. I think think the shelf life on PS has expired, and we need to all understand that PS has found its edge to what they can technicaly do, or combat, such as motion sake. However they have no problem selling you software that cant do anymore than you can do now.

But Lightroom, will continue... Thus, it might just get cheaper for you..

May 08 13 06:11 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12989

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

salvatori. wrote:
Just curious, but is upgrading necessary? I mean, can you keep using the current version without the internet?

If so, don't buy the upgrade, unless there is a significant difference with upgraded features (which isn't likely).

Sure... Shit I was using Photoshop 5 on my old w98 machine last night,
It was kinda refreshing working on a less bloated operating system.

May 08 13 06:18 pm Link


California Girls Skate

Posts: 377

Los Angeles, California, US


May 08 13 06:18 pm Link


Michael Bots

Posts: 8020

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

A great comment buried in this MS Office thread

A New Version of MS Office Every 90 Days … ry-90-days

"Nothing says flounder like a rapid development schedule for a mature product."

May 08 13 06:19 pm Link


Dan D Lyons Imagery

Posts: 3447

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Pantelis Palios wrote:

Too inferior. GIMP only supports 8-bit image depths. You can't do shit, unless you shoot and/or retouch on jpegs or smth.

May 08 13 06:26 pm Link



Posts: 60

Los Angeles, California, US

StudioCMC wrote:
As for the 3 new things, that Photoshop CC offers now, its not even for photographers, or editors.

That's because the biggest growth market is in video not stills. We have seen how manufacturers are chasing the video market with DSLR features. The same trend applies to Photoshop. If fact, it's not only Photoshop. A lot of 3D software have new features that are all driven by video / animation.

Still photography hardware and software is very mature. Improvements are way past the point of diminishing returns. Meanwhile, look at the dramatic price to performance improvements Blackmagic is bringing to the market. Since the 5D II the indie film guys have been on a rapid ramp and companies are cashing in.

May 08 13 07:07 pm Link


Dan D Lyons Imagery

Posts: 3447

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Repeat after me: Ba-aa-aa-aa-aaaaahhhhh. Like sheep. many will simply "Like" this move/giving Adobe our hard-earned cash - and will thank Adobe for sparing the sand from the Vaseline on their one-eyed purple-headed shaft while they drive it to us as we're cleaning our toe-lint hmm  I just upgraded to LR 3 & CS5 about a year ago. Before that, I was using Nikon's View NX/2 (considered Capture NX/2), and Photoshop Ver 7.0; on my workstation is CS5, on my laptop CS2. I use my laptop for converting pix in LR3 then sending them off, which is 65% of what I do/shoot. The higher cost is not what is off-putting to me while considering upgrading. I *like it. It does a lot of good things for photography, in my mind. However, this Big Brother gotcha-bytha-ballz "Cloud" bullshit? Their people must've been in a *green cloud when they decided they'd concoct this scheme. appx 10-15% of my workflow exists in Adobe Photoshop. ONLY. My workflow is 100% lossless, starts at 14-bit and ends as a 16-bit TIFF. Photoshop can tongue my gooch all day and night and during the next morning; I'd rather wait for film cameras to have a digital preview-screen, and for technology to advance in processing  the negatives created.

Adobe: FAW-QQQQQQQqqqqqqqqqqq.....................

DBIphotography Toronto (Blog On Site) 
DBImagery Toronto (Website)

May 08 13 08:55 pm Link



Posts: 1253

Atlanta, Georgia, US

DBIphotography Toronto wrote:

Too inferior. GIMP only supports 8-bit image depths. You can't do shit, unless you shoot and/or retouch on jpegs or smth.

Your sure about that?

May 08 13 08:59 pm Link


YZF Jeff

Posts: 256

Statesboro, Georgia, US

at this point in time i can't see where i need anything more than what CS5 and LR4 can do. maybe 5 years from now when windows 7 support is where XP is at now and through some BS we get forced to use a newer version because windows 8 or 9 or whatever won't support running CS5/6, then it might matter. i think by then i'll know if i'm still limited by CS5 and LR4 in my workflow.

given current hardware performance on a good win7 machine i don't think anybody needs to be worried too much for a while.

May 08 13 09:13 pm Link



Posts: 573

San Marcos, California, US

I absolutely despise subscription programs of any sort.

If I had Adobe stock I would sell it.

Adobe has lost me as a continuing customer of Photoshop. I may upgrade Lightroom, but I will never go to CC programs.

When there is a steady stream of subscription income the motivation to innovate will be gone. I suspect several truly viable alternatives to Photoshop will appear within a year and I will be investigating all on them.

Goodbye corporate thieves.

May 08 13 09:19 pm Link


Dan D Lyons Imagery

Posts: 3447

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Gulag wrote:

Your sure about that?

I considered them seriously when I was still new and didn't see the advantages of spending the $ on a full-featured image-manipulating program . Christ, over the winter of 2010/2011 I was using, then Picasa 3! GIMP made my brain gimped when I downloaded it at first, so I took a close look at the end-results before I even bothered trying to actually *use it. Sure enough, it only supported working with 8-bit images - and had an 8-bit workspace. JUNK. I'm pro-quality, not quantity & speed hmm

DBIphotography Toronto (Blog On Site) 
DBImagery Toronto (Website)

May 08 13 09:32 pm Link



Posts: 5302

Pomona, California, US

If people here don't like the change..
All the photographers here on Model Mayhem should sign a petition saying they are against it and send it to adobe..
It may not mean much but it show how much so many disprove of the change..
There are a ton of members here.

May 08 13 09:33 pm Link


Dan D Lyons Imagery

Posts: 3447

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

GRAF wrote:
I absolutely despise subscription programs of any sort.

If I had Adobe stock I would sell it.

Adobe has lost me as a continuing customer of Photoshop. I may upgrade Lightroom, but I will never go to CC programs.

When there is a steady stream of subscription income the motivation to innovate will be gone. I suspect several truly viable alternatives to Photoshop will appear within a year and I will be investigating all on them.

Goodbye corporate thieves.


May 08 13 09:34 pm Link


Dan D Lyons Imagery

Posts: 3447

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Philipe wrote:
If people here don't like the change..
All the photographers here on Model Mayhem should sign a petition saying they are against it and send it to adobe..
It may not mean much but it show how much so many disprove of the change..
There are a ton of members here.

I've got a more appealing proposition: those of us who aren't happy with the changes? Don't pay. "The customer's always right", because when he ain't happy him and his moolah walks off to someone who can make him smile. Adobe wants to give it to us in the rectum and down our throats hard & fast and we either pay or don't play? Fuggem. Their competitors - who've been non-existent since the turn of the century - will be there to take all the scraps. Thew scraps add up, hey?

DBIphotography Toronto (Blog On Site) 
DBImagery Toronto (Website)

May 08 13 09:37 pm Link


Philip of Dallas

Posts: 834

Dallas, Texas, US

I think the best way to stop this, will be lawsuits - class action and DOJ. They are abusing a monopoly that affects millions of people.

Adobe is setting a horrible precedent that needs to be stopped, before more software companies follow suit.

May 08 13 09:59 pm Link



Posts: 1253

Atlanta, Georgia, US

DBIphotography Toronto wrote:
ISure enough, it only supported working with 8-bit images - and had an 8-bit workspace. JUNK. I'm pro-quality, not quantity & speed hmm

GIMP's web site says,

"Unstable version of GIMP is now capable of working in 16 and 32 bit per channel modes, both integer and float. Color management has been improved as well, and thanks to support by AMD and Google the GEGL library can do GPU-side rendering and processing with OpenCL.

The current development branch, GIMP 2.9.x, supports higher bit depths than the 2.8 and older 8-Bit-per-component..."

May 08 13 10:24 pm Link


mathieu drut

Posts: 404

Santa Clara, California, US

Gulag wrote:

GIMP's web site says,

"Unstable version of GIMP is now capable of working in 16 and 32 bit per channel modes, both integer and float. Color management has been improved as well, and thanks to support by AMD and Google the GEGL library can do GPU-side rendering and processing with OpenCL."

That's because Gimp 2.6 hasn't reached Turkmenistan yet smile

May 08 13 10:33 pm Link



Posts: 12221

Los Angeles, California, US

Gulag wrote:

GIMP's web site says,

"Unstable version of GIMP is now capable of working in 16 and 32 bit per channel modes, both integer and float. Color management has been improved as well, and thanks to support by AMD and Google the GEGL library can do GPU-side rendering and processing with OpenCL.

The current development branch, GIMP 2.9.x, supports higher bit depths than the 2.8 and older 8-Bit-per-component..."

Oh great! The Unstable version has professional features.
That's useful. (sarc)

May 08 13 10:34 pm Link



Posts: 1253

Atlanta, Georgia, US

GIMP's web site also mentions adjustment layer feature is coming too. If you need to work in CMYK or LAB color mode, sorry GIMP simply doesn't have it.

May 08 13 10:38 pm Link


Roy W Butler

Posts: 2

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ladies and gentlemen, the Adobe announcement has caused a major backlash not only in the US, but from literally millions of users worldwide from all professions, the internet and Adobe Corporate phones have lit up.

Google searches and you will see a multitude of responses with the majority being extremely negative.

Adobe management made a public statement today they were "not expecting" as much resistance from the professional community as they have received during the last two days.

Educational facilities worldwide are even beginning to be very vocal that the new business model structure will create a major financial crisis for budgets that are often made years in advance.  Plus many educational facilities do not have their graphics platforms connected to the internet for security reasons.  As of right now per Adobe, even yearly subscribers will have to connect each platform seat to the internet every 99 days for validation renewal or the software STOPS running. 

I have owned my companies for over 40 years and have used Adobe since before Adobe was Adobe (thats 20 years) with all our software being legally purchased.

We have done a lot of research since the announcement and currently only have one Adobe product that is not CS6 and that will be purchased today online in CD boxed version.  I called Adobe today and was told all CS6 product will be maintained and patch upgrades available till June 6th.  But with our current WIN 7 platforms and absolutely no intention of upgrading to WIN 8, we will be able to continue uninterrupted daily producton for at least another 4-5 years while all this shakes out.  They also told me that new camera software updates will be made available to CS6 into the forseeable future but would not provide a cut off date.  I personally think this is because there would be way too much backlash from the professional camera manufacturers.

We will NOT be using the Adobe rental subscription service for many rational reasons nor do we currently have any vendor that has our bank account access for automatic monthly withdrawals.  There are way too many continual and factual horror stories out there and was just experienced again by tens of thousands of utility service subscribers throughout the southeast when there was a company software "error", and excessive deductions made from their bank accounts with still no resolution several days later.

Just wait till Adobe is hacked and it will not be if, but when.  It's already happened to Microsoft, Apple, Sony, major banks and numerous other companies worldwide.  See where that leaves you on that last minute deadline when your software stops working and cannot connect for required monthly validation.

Adobe users, review the real facts, advantages and disadvantages of the subscription service and you will see it is heavily weighted in Adobe favor for more $$.  Adobe is definitely not hurting financially, look at their current P & L.  They may have recently laid off 800+ personnel but also just completed phase one of their new 600,000 square foot ultramodern complex in American Fork, Utah, just south of Salt Lake City, and begun hiring 1,000's more new employees.

If you are not happy with the decision, do as we did earlier today, contact Adobe Sales & Customer Service departments and make your voice heard.  Post to numerous internet forums such as this one, trust me they have teams of people and computer systems scanning the internet reading all this stuff. 

Your comments are what it will take to have these idiotic, money grabbing decisions revised, otherwise be another quiet sheep and suffer the long term consequences.  Several other large companies have recently pulled crap similar to this in their respective industries and had to back pedal very quickly due to consumer revolt. 

Consumers are heard with their voice, money and feet.  Without consumer support, no company or service can stay in business!

May 08 13 10:59 pm Link


Dan D Lyons Imagery

Posts: 3447

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

mathieu drut wrote:
That's because Gimp 2.6 hasn't reached Turkmenistan yet smile


GIMP isn't for me. I gave it an honest whirl, but I felt like a mental midget trying to use that crap (I went back & tried it later). I tried a *number of alternatives, but settled on Sagelight Professional. It converts images from a wide variety of manufacturers, it is compatible with may for-photoshop filters, it allows you to create & store your own (limited) presets, and it's cheap as all hell! I'm sure it's still under $100, and it comes with unlimited updates. Auto-updates. It works in a 16-bit workspace. One beef is that you can't do things like manipulate or alter the ICC profiles (although it reads virtually any you'll try it with!). MAJOR 2 beefs are A) it's colour rendition has a more reddish tone that Photoshop's, so unless you slightly desaturate most images they could come out looking like you saturated them or smth. When it opens and/or saves an image as a (lossless) TIFF, the EXIF data is stripped. However, neither problem is something you cannot fix with Photoshop 7.0 (I was then-using) or above. They're due for another major update this Fall.

Sagelight is a major element in my current workflow, and has been since April 2011.

Sagelight Pro was a major reason this image came out as it did - clean - shot at ISO 4000:

May 08 13 11:08 pm Link



Posts: 1253

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Roy W Butler wrote:
If you are not happy with the decision, do as we did earlier today, contact Adobe Sales & Customer Service departments and make your voice heard.  Post to numerous internet forums such as this one, trust me they have teams of people and computer systems scanning the internet reading all this stuff.

No, you don't. As Gordon Gekko puts it, greed is good. If we can stop putting our money into Adobe's hands,  that'll work much faster than anything else.

May 08 13 11:14 pm Link



Posts: 2490

San Leandro, California, US

Using cs3 and start looking at alternatives

May 08 13 11:28 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

DBIphotography Toronto wrote:
Too inferior. GIMP only supports 8-bit image depths. You can't do shit, unless you shoot and/or retouch on jpegs or smth.

Gulag wrote:
Your sure about that?

When can we see 16-bit per channel support (or better)?

For some industries, especially photography, 24-bit colour depths (8 bits per channel) are a real barrier to entry. Once again, it's GEGL to the rescue. Work on integrating GEGL into GIMP began after 2.4 was released, and will span across several stable releases. This work will be completed in GIMP 3.0, which will have full support for high bit depths. If you need such support now and can't wait, cinepaint and Krita support 16 bits per channel now.

The current development branch, GIMP 2.9.x, supports higher bit depths than the 2.8 and older 8-Bit-per-component...

Note the current stable version of GIMP is 2.8.4.

May 08 13 11:28 pm Link



Posts: 439

Los Angeles, California, US

GIMP here I come.

May 08 13 11:47 pm Link


YZF Jeff

Posts: 256

Statesboro, Georgia, US

"They may have recently laid off 800+ personnel but also just completed phase one of their new 600,000 square foot ultramodern complex in American Fork, Utah, just south of Salt Lake City, and begun hiring 1,000's more new employees."

i work in the newspaper industry so i completely understand corporate trimming the fat. however the money spent on a building will never make a profit on that loss of human involvement. good employees are worth so much more than an 'ultra modern complex'. i won't split hairs on the firing of 800 and rehiring of fresh blood, that could be management issues and red tape, who knows. what i do know is that unless adobe can sell us a product that we not only want but need to use to remain competitive, they will fail, and fail very quickly. as i said earlier, unless they can improve on CS5 and LR4 so much to the point that it makes me open up my wallet, they won't gain my business. i don't spend money to pay for advertising, i spend money because i need a product. adobe would do well to sell to a market that buys instead to trying to appeal to a market that holds on to old products instead.

May 08 13 11:49 pm Link



Posts: 1253

Atlanta, Georgia, US

YZF Jeff wrote:
"They may have recently laid off 800+ personnel but also just completed phase one of their new 600,000 square foot ultramodern complex in American Fork, Utah, just south of Salt Lake City, and begun hiring 1,000's more new employees."

i work in the newspaper industry so i completely understand corporate trimming the fat. however the money spent on a building will never make a profit on that loss of human involvement. good employees are worth so much more than an 'ultra modern complex'. i won't split hairs on the firing of 800 and rehiring of fresh blood, that could be management issues and red tape, who knows. what i do know is that unless adobe can sell us a product that we not only want but need to use to remain competitive, they will fail, and fail very quickly. as i said earlier, unless they can improve on CS5 and LR4 so much to the point that it makes me open up my wallet, they won't gain my business. i don't spend money to pay for advertising, i spend money because i need a product. adobe would do well to sell to a market that buys instead to trying to appeal to a market that holds on to old products instead.

If you can open up LR's About window, you can see out of total 19 engineering members, 14 are PRC professionals based on that names listed. I suspect LR has been coded in China. Only firing 800? Bring it on, Adobe.

May 09 13 12:04 am Link


YZF Jeff

Posts: 256

Statesboro, Georgia, US

hahaha well i try to stay out of specifics when i have no data to back it up, you may have a good point there but i can't dig any deeper. anything and everything can be vague, you could cut 800 employees that were all temps that contributed nothing, or cut 10 employees that really mattered. it's not my place to speculate, but i feel ya.

my bottom line is that i expect adobe to sell me a product i want to buy or need to buy for the right price. if they can't deliver i'll keep getting by as is, and they won't get any profit from me. a prime example is say PCB, i'll gladly throw down $500 for an einstein that benefits me and helps my work flow. selling me a re-badged copy of CS5 etc for a monthly fee isn't in the budget. give me features that significantly help me save time and i'll gladly throw money at adobe.

May 09 13 12:38 am Link


Perry Van Dongen

Posts: 89

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Apparently I'm in the minority but I got a cloud subscription as soon as it became available. It costs me $50/month which is about the same as my phone bill so I look at it as just another utility.

For that $50/month I get to use ALL of Adobe's products (that I use and then some) plus they are updated as soon as the updates are available. I can run them on any computer I am using no matter where I am, Mac or PC... you can't do that with the stand alone software.

Yeah, I'm not a professional, just Joe Shmoe with a camera, and even though I might be paying more in the long run (which I don't think I am) the cloud has made Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, etc. affordable for me.

...and no, I don't work for Adobe... that I know of.

May 09 13 12:56 am Link



Posts: 5298

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Perry Van Dongen wrote:
Apparently I'm in the minority but I got a cloud subscription as soon as it became available. It costs me $50/month which is about the same as my phone bill so I look at it as just another utility.

That's OK if you need, want and can afford that. I don't need or want anything other than PS and cannot afford that subscription.

May 09 13 01:25 am Link



Posts: 118

Stavanger-Sandnes, Rogaland, Norway

Philipe wrote:
If people here don't like the change..
All the photographers here on Model Mayhem should sign a petition saying they are against it and send it to adobe..
It may not mean much but it show how much so many disprove of the change..
There are a ton of members here.

Here´s a petition: … tion-model

I have signed it.

May 09 13 04:41 am Link



Posts: 13456

Denver, Colorado, US

Perry Van Dongen wrote:
Apparently I'm in the minority but I got a cloud subscription as soon as it became available. It costs me $50/month which is about the same as my phone bill so I look at it as just another utility.

For that $50/month I get to use ALL of Adobe's products (that I use and then some) plus they are updated as soon as the updates are available. I can run them on any computer I am using no matter where I am, Mac or PC... you can't do that with the stand alone software.

Yeah, I'm not a professional, just Joe Shmoe with a camera, and even though I might be paying more in the long run (which I don't think I am) the cloud has made Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, etc. affordable for me.

...and no, I don't work for Adobe... that I know of.

If this new pricing model is right for your business, no problem.  But, if one believes this article,  it does seem that only one-third of C'S customers are on the current version.  Many, like me, skip a generation or two and only upgrade when there is a compelling need.  THAT is a big change 2/3 of us ......for small fry and big guys alike. … le-at-all/

May 09 13 05:06 am Link



Posts: 2513

Campobello, South Carolina, US

WMcK wrote:

That's OK if you need, want and can afford that. I don't need or want anything other than PS and cannot afford that subscription.

Then you only have to pay $19 a month.

May 09 13 05:12 am Link


Mike Collins

Posts: 2880

Orlando, Florida, US

Hmm.  This is what I think.  I think Adobe has gone about as far as they can with Photoshop.  What "new" features" will they come out with and how often to justify the on going subscription as opposed to stopping at PS6 and using that for, I guess, forever?  Hell, some people have stopped at even earlier versions already with no plans to ever update.  I'm still debating about even updating to CS6.  I have CS 5 and I see only a few minor add ons that I have yet to say "I really need that for my workflow."  Actually, I was doing fine with  CS4 and updated to CS6 just so I wouldn't have to pay full price for CS7.  Guess I don't have to worry about that.

May 09 13 05:35 am Link



Posts: 4582

Brooklyn, New York, US

So the vig for just PS is $19? for how long? when will it increase (because you know it will increase)?

May 09 13 05:38 am Link



Posts: 2513

Campobello, South Carolina, US

Mike Collins wrote:
Hmm.  This is what I think.  I think Adobe has gone about as far as they can with Photoshop.  What "new" features" will they come out with and how often to justify the on going subscription as opposed to stopping at PS6 and using that for, I guess, forever?  Hell, some people have stopped at even earlier versions already with no plans to ever update.  I'm still debating about even updating to CS6.  I have CS 5 and I see only a few minor add ons that I have yet to say "I really need that for my workflow."  Actually, I was doing fine with  CS4 and updated to CS6 just so I wouldn't have to pay full price for CS7.  Guess I don't have to worry about that.

Yeah, they have to find a way to keep revenue flowing.

May 09 13 05:58 am Link



Posts: 2513

Campobello, South Carolina, US

Vito wrote:
So the vig for just PS is $19? for how long? when will it increase (because you know it will increase)?

I'm sure it will increase eventually.

May 09 13 06:02 am Link



Posts: 8652

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US

Perry Van Dongen wrote:
Apparently I'm in the minority but I got a cloud subscription as soon as it became available. It costs me $50/month which is about the same as my phone bill so I look at it as just another utility.

For that $50/month I get to use ALL of Adobe's products (that I use and then some) plus they are updated as soon as the updates are available. I can run them on any computer I am using no matter where I am, Mac or PC... you can't do that with the stand alone software.

Yeah, I'm not a professional, just Joe Shmoe with a camera, and even though I might be paying more in the long run (which I don't think I am) the cloud has made Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, etc. affordable for me.

...and no, I don't work for Adobe... that I know of.

I got the 30 dollar a month offer because I owned an entire suite and went with it, in June I go up to the $50 a month. For me it's actually cheaper due to the fact that I'm on both Windows and Mac machines, I no longer have to purchase a license for each, the only program they offered was Lightroom that you could install on either.

But I also do audio, video and web work so having access to every Adobe program on both my Mac and PC is great...

May 09 13 07:07 am Link