Forums > Model Colloquy > Models who do not shoot nudes but post nude photos



Posts: 865

Lancaster, Pennsylvania, US

"I shoot nudes, I just don't want to shoot them with YOU!"

Oct 09 21 11:17 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28696

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Just an FYI, the Photographer in the OP was killed in a car accident back in January 2021.

Oct 10 21 09:39 am Link


All Yours Photography

Posts: 2731

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

If there seems to be ambiguity between their stated limits and their portfolio, I will generally ask an open question, such as "Please tell me about your comfort level".

Assuming that I am willing to change my concepts in order to shoot with this model, their response usually gives me enough information to plan what I am going to shoot with her.  IF she becomes more comfortable with me as the shoot progresses and she lets me know this, the scope of the shoot can expand accordingly.  Otherwise, i  will stick to whatever we had discussed prior to the shoot.

Jan 07 22 11:58 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

All Yours Photography wrote:
If there seems to be ambiguity between their stated limits and their portfolio, I will generally ask an open question, such as "Please tell me about your comfort level".

It's useless to ask a third person why someone does what they do.

Ask the model in question for clarification but don't attempt to get into a deep analysis of her motives.

Jan 08 22 06:40 am Link



Posts: 383

Gurnee, Illinois, US

I figure it's "If I'm willing to shoot nudes with you I'll tell you. If you have to ask, the answer is 'No.'"

Also, if a model isn't willing to shoot nudes with you, it's silly ("unprofessional") to be jealous of the photographers she is willing to shoot nude with.

Jan 08 22 09:03 am Link


Iona Lynn 2

Posts: 58

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I have three nude modeling jobs booked this week, two photo, one art drawing class.

I don't have a "full fontal nude" in my portfolio right now because it is a new MM portfolio, but that has not stopped me from booking jobs.

As for shooting nudes or not shooting nudes, it all depends on the POTENTIAL client/photographer...
Just because I work with one person does not mean I will work with another, every single job is different, every single person is different. generally the more professional & easy a person is to work with, the more likely I will book with them.

If someone needs 45 messages back & forth & refuses to answer basic shoot/set/location questions, then I'll let them know that they need to find someone else to work with.

I'm here to create art, not talk endlessly about creating art.

Jan 14 22 07:29 am Link


Jay West

Posts: 2

Chico, California, US

Maybe so they don't get bombarded with photographers interested in one thing - nudes - or so they can meet the photographer first and see how  they like working with them? As for why they say nudes but don't post any is they feel like it isn't their best work. But yeah, it's helpful to know how a model's body looks before the second shoot, if it ever happens. Especially if they're being paid for the first shoot. IMO it's best just to put yourself out there a little bit if you're adventurous enough to pose for nudes, we need to know and don't want to be disappointed. Seriously. We don't want to be thinking that you should have kept your clothes on and/or posing as a poser with the kind of body to rock it. Any woman (or man) should have at least some angle at which they look good without clothing. If you don't have a suitable shot like that then you shouldn't pretend that you're something you're not. Bottom line.

Jan 20 22 08:51 pm Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

Laveen Photo wrote:
Models who do not shoot nudes but post nude photos

Also, some models say that they shoot nudes but do not post any nude photos.

It makes no sense for me to ask anyone other than THAT MODEL why she does what she does.

Jan 21 22 08:21 am Link



Posts: 6

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

Sometimes photographers aren't quite sure what nudes mean. For me it's something beautiful with no open legs etc. Something I would be happy to put in my portfolio. But more of the photographers ask for unpaid nude photoshoots. I don't do those type of photoshoots. I may consider if the photographer is really good and have amazing idea... but other than that i want my payment, which isn't actually cheap!

I have modeling on different workshops for art nude and there is always some rules that need to be followed. One of the main ones is do not try to shoot the model from behind, or angle to try catch the intimate parts!

I have been to many nude shoots and there are really akward ones where the photographer isn't pro enough!

So once more the models would shoot nude , but in certain rules, payment etc.

Jan 30 22 04:14 am Link



Posts: 5

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I have a book of work that spans almost 20 years. I did a lot of nude or implied in years past and now not available to do so. I do not think it would be a full accurate profile to share my "art" and just delete that part of my life. I still love fine art, I may do so in the future; but have to be honest in what I am available to do NOW

Feb 01 22 10:51 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 464

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

jazzy_tiffie wrote:
I have a book of work that spans almost 20 years. I did a lot of nude or implied in years past and now not available to do so. I do not think it would be a full accurate profile to share my "art" and just delete that part of my life. I still love fine art, I may do so in the future; but have to be honest in what I am available to do NOW

I just saw your profile and I can't believe how beautiful you are!! Please message me your Instagram, I want to follow you.

Feb 01 22 04:04 pm Link


All Yours Photography

Posts: 2731

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

Laveen Photo wrote:
Thanks all, the answers do add some perspective. I guess I am one that likes clear communication of parameters, but I am probably too old-school. I also realize that I probably have a different take on the definition of implied nudes. To me if a model is nude but covers up or does not expose to the camera vital areas of her anatomy that is still nude. To me implied nude is where you compose a shot of a model who is covered but make it look like she could be nude (I probably tend to take things a bit to literally). For example, I know of a photographer who has done a series of shots with models in short shorts and tube tops sitting with their knees up. You see no clothing (which is there). To me that is a truly implied nude. That said I recognize that  cover-ups are generally referred to as implied.

Thanks again.

Technically, many of the photos you see are "demure nudes" where the model is nude but posed so that nipples and labia are not seen by the camera.  At least on MM, these get lumped under the category of Implied nudes in general conversation.

Feb 05 22 10:50 pm Link


donald ransburg

Posts: 9

Belton, Texas, US

Some models are comfortable with shooting nudes with certain
photographers. There are lots of beautiful people in this world.
Sometimes photographers can send the wrong vibe.
I've had models pose for me, and have said that
they would only do these types of shots with me and no
one else.
Don't ever try to talk someone into doing something that makes
them uncomfortable.  People tend to talk
And interpret things wrong.
Remember choose your photographer, and or
model wisely.
The type of photographs that a photographer displays to the public
can say a lot about the photographer to the
individual who's looking at them.
Thou shall not judge.

Jun 23 22 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 364

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, US

John Jebbia  wrote:
Just an FYI, the Photographer in the OP was killed in a car accident back in January 2021.

Sorry to hear that

Jun 23 22 09:59 pm Link


Malleus Veritas

Posts: 1339

Winchester, Virginia, US

Laveen Photo wrote:
Something that has puzzled me for some time is that I will frequently see model profiles where the model says she does not shoot nudes; however, when you go to the portfolio there will be nudes. Probably most frequently they will be cover-ups or maybe only show the model from the back. I find it confusing when the portfolio is not consistent with the "don't shoot nudes." I would love to get an understanding of this seeming contradiction.  Personally, I do not bring up the topic of shooting nudes until I have at least shot once with a model and then I may never bring up the subject. Ultimately I wonder if it would be inappropriate in that type of situation to bring up the subject with the model. I would appreciate any thoughts on this topic.

Honesty and direct communication is difficult for a lot of people, especially when it comes to nudity (or sex).  Our society creates some very fucked up thinking on those subjects, which creates an attitude that you can't be open or honest about what you really do versus the image you want to project. 

Slut shaming is a real thing models have to deal with.  So are unwanted advances.  And a host of other issues.

On this platform many models check 'no' on 'shoots nudes' because they don't want to show up in searches for nude models.   Maybe they used to shoot nudes, but don't any more.  Maybe they are selective about who they'll shoot nudes with. 

At the end of the day, they don't owe you an explanation why they have nude work posted but aren't interested in shooting nudes with every random GWC who comes along.

Jul 19 22 10:27 am Link


Stephen Dubois

Posts: 14

Narragansett, Rhode Island, US

LadyOrias wrote:
i can only speak on generalities as i dont speak for all models,  but......

if a woman's bio says they dont shoot nudes but you see them its usually because of one of these reasons.....
1) the nude pics are old and theyre no longer comfortable with their body
2)  the woman is in a relationship that precludes her from appearing that vulnerable anymore
3) they dont want random solicitations exclusively for nude work and would rather that type of dynamic evolve though mutual understanding after working together enough times
4) theyre pivoting their focus to change their image and define a clear new direction for a career shift, etc.
5) they only do nudes under specific situations like if its paid or for a published photographer (which they should clarify)
6) The want nudity to be their artistic choice in the moment and work together on ideas that they may be open to evolving when theyre moved by the moment
7) they want to be the one to solicit photographers for nude work to ensure theyre portrayed in a style that they find classy
8) they dont want to be lumped into the nude model pool which can be seen derogatorily by some
9) they change their limits like they change their underwear and theres no hope of ever making sense of things
10) banana banana 9 is not an even number

in general if you see it,  they shouldnt be offended when you seek clarification, but you shouldnt only be contacting them for something they blatantly say they dont do. that just sounds creepy.  if you're interested in working with them anyway, then lead with that then later just politely inquire which of their listed limits or portfolio are more updated because you were confused

Jul 22 22 09:03 am Link


Stephen Dubois

Posts: 14

Narragansett, Rhode Island, US

Well said.. I know it's an old thread but I felt compelled to reply.
I was thinking what it comes down to is if they feel comfortable working with you they will. Even if they state they don't. Again there are many factors, what ever they decide is fine with me but they won't get the same rate if we agreed to a nude session in advance. But due to the characters out there. I personally I won't typically shoot nudes on a first session.

Jul 22 22 09:11 am Link



Posts: 1040

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

In some cases, they may have posed nude for a job that included a non-compete clause. They're now contractually prohibited from posing nude. Most will explain what they will do when you inquire but you need to be specific and make sure she defines categories of nudity the same way she does.

I wish we could find a way separate collections of previous work that a model is proud of and wants to display from what really helps me decide whether I want to shoot with her. I want to see "mug shots" of the face and body she's bringing to work with and examples of the type of work she's willing to hire out for today.

Oct 13 22 08:29 am Link


Jay Kilgore

Posts: 798

Edina, Minnesota, US

Ken Marcus Studios wrote:
Or . . .  I love to shoot nudes, but only with photographers that I want to shoot nudes with.

100% this. Just because a model is open to shooting nudes doesn't mean s/he is open to shooting it with EVERYONE.  Some models don't check it off as a category or will say they don't because they want to weed out the creepers that are ONLY looking for nudes.

Oct 23 22 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 75

Arlington, Virginia, US

Jay Kilgore wrote:

100% this. Just because a model is open to shooting nudes doesn't mean s/he is open to shooting it with EVERYONE.  Some models don't check it off as a category or will say they don't because they want to weed out the creepers that are ONLY looking for nudes.

I only shoot nudes. Does that make me a "creeper" by default?

Oct 28 22 12:42 pm Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

jazzy_tiffie wrote:
I have a book of work that spans almost 20 years. I did a lot of nude or implied in years past and now not available to do so. I do not think it would be a full accurate profile to share my "art" and just delete that part of my life. I still love fine art, I may do so in the future; but have to be honest in what I am available to do NOW

Thank you for stating this Jazzy! This is perfectly stated. I am also a 20 year veteran model. From 2005-2017 I toured extensively as an art nude model. I even shot a lot fetish and glamour nude work too. However, in 2020 my limits changed. What I am booking changed. A lot has changed with my career.

I noticed some smart a$$ added my nude images on his list of 'does not shoot nude'. I was wondering what that was all about? Some photographers seem really thin skinned when a model is no longer is available for nudes. It's no offense. However, as an older model nearly 40, I have my personal reasons I no longer shoot nudes. Honestly, I am just a different and older woman now. People change and careers change. Why should a model be expected to shoot the same styles she shot at 20 in her 40's? She has physically changed and the type of bookings for older models tend to be different. Models change, evolve and grow. Why should a style she shot in her past be expected decades later? Any other career path, people seem to accept and expect people change. But in modeling, photographers seem bothered by it.

I have been really struggling to convey this change on my profile recently. I keep coming back to re-edit my profile. I am still unsure how to explain the change?

Nov 30 22 09:05 pm Link


G Reese

Posts: 914

Marion, Indiana, US

Samantha Grace wrote:
Thank you for stating this Jazzy! This is perfectly stated. I am also a 20 year veteran model. From 2005-2017 I toured extensively as an art nude model. I even shot a lot fetish and glamour nude work too. However, in 2020 my limits changed. What I am booking changed. A lot has changed with my career.

I noticed some smart a$$ added my nude images on his list of 'does not shoot nude'. I was wondering what that was all about? Some photographers seem really thin skinned when a model is no longer is available for nudes. It's no offense. However, as an older model nearly 40, I have my personal reasons I no longer shoot nudes. Honestly, I am just a different and older woman now. People change and careers change. Why should a model be expected to shoot the same styles she shot at 20 in her 40's? She has physically changed and the type of bookings for older models tend to be different. Models change, evolve and grow. Why should a style she shot in her past be expected decades later? Any other career path, people seem to accept and expect people change. But in modeling, photographers seem bothered by it.


I have been really struggling to convey this change on my profile recently. I keep coming back to re-edit my profile. I am still unsure how to explain the change?

I do agree we certainly have more than a fair share of jerks. Love your attitude.You'd be a joy to work with.

Dec 01 22 06:07 am Link


Red Sky Photography

Posts: 3898

Germantown, Maryland, US

M59Photography wrote:

I only shoot nudes. Does that make me a "creeper" by default?

Some "creepers" only shoot nudes.
Some "creepers" do not shoot nudes.
Some "photographers" only shoot nudes.
Some "photographers" do not shoot nudes.

Dec 01 22 06:44 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

Samantha Grace wrote:
I noticed some smart a$$ added my nude images on his list of 'does not shoot nude'. . . However, as an older model nearly 40, I have my personal reasons I no longer shoot nudes.

You explain this way down in the bottom of your profile. You could avoid FUD by placing a statement at the top of your profile.

At one time (it may still be in effect) MM had a rule that if a model stated no nudes and a photographer asked her to pose nude, he would be kicked off of MM.

Dec 01 22 07:06 am Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

Samantha Grace wrote:
Thank you for stating this Jazzy! This is perfectly stated. I am also a 20 year veteran model. From 2005-2017 I toured extensively as an art nude model. I even shot a lot fetish and glamour nude work too. However, in 2020 my limits changed. What I am booking changed. A lot has changed with my career.

I noticed some smart a$$ added my nude images on his list of 'does not shoot nude'. I was wondering what that was all about? Some photographers seem really thin skinned when a model is no longer is available for nudes. It's no offense. However, as an older model nearly 40, I have my personal reasons I no longer shoot nudes. Honestly, I am just a different and older woman now. People change and careers change. Why should a model be expected to shoot the same styles she shot at 20 in her 40's? She has physically changed and the type of bookings for older models tend to be different. Models change, evolve and grow. Why should a style she shot in her past be expected decades later? Any other career path, people seem to accept and expect people change. But in modeling, photographers seem bothered by it.

I have been really struggling to convey this change on my profile recently. I keep coming back to re-edit my profile. I am still unsure how to explain the change?

My feeling is that you don't owe anyone an explanation or justification of what your limits are and what you are available to shoot. Just state it plainly and don't even reply to people who haven't read your profile first or those who choose to ignore your stated limits. In my experience, any discussion or justification just just opens you to receiving nasty messages and retaliation.

Dec 01 22 10:26 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

G Reese wrote:

I do agree we certainly have more than a fair share of jerks. Love your attitude.You'd be a joy to work with.

Thank you. I tend to have a more optimistic personality. I always look forward and I tend to be more self improvement minded. How can this improve? I am glad to know my positivity comes through digitally. I swear some of the jerk attitudes must be a form of sexism. Let's punish her because she shot nude 10 years ago. Now you are forever labeled a whore. You can never be anything but. But as I see it, the modeling competition has changed for me. There are fewer models my age still modeling. While there are photographers who want to shoot older women nude. I am finding the offerings as a model has changed. A lot less nude offers and more commercial and lifestyle. Nude modeling is very much a young models game. Which is fine too. In my late 30's it would be foolish to compare myself to a 23 year old model. It would also be foolish to expect the same bookings as at 23.  I feel a model should be honest with such career changes. As I have been joking lately, I am not forever 21. I am completely okay with that. The change in my books reflect that. Heck, I am at an age were if I shop and wear Forever 21 clothing... it looks like I am trying too hard!

Dec 01 22 10:54 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Mark Salo wrote:
You explain this way down in the bottom of your profile. You could avoid FUD by placing a statement at the top of your profile.

At one time (it may still be in effect) MM had a rule that if a model stated no nudes and a photographer asked her to pose nude, he would be kicked off of MM.

Oh yeah! I forgot they had that rule way back around 2005. Which also seems extreme too. I remember about 10 years ago, there was a mod who was the problematic p*orn police as I would call him. He made me remove my Playboy credits. I am curious what the rules are on MM these days? Honestly, the whole shooting nudes and not shooting nude tends to not be as straight forward as Yes/ No. A lot of models once posed nude and no longer do so for many different reasons. Some models shoot conservative style implied nudes while other shoot adult style nudes. So, the concept of shooting nudes is nuanced. Selecting 'Yes' to shooting nudes when a model no longer shots nude, but shot nude in her past seems not accurate. Could come off like a bait and switch.

Thank you for the tip Mark. I did add a bit at the top of my profile about my availability changing. I do not mind people contacting me about shooting nudes at all. Doesn't offend me at all. I am simply wanting to be accurate in my bookings and not waste the time of a potential client. I do not think marking 'yes' to shooting nudes when I am not currently available to do so is accurate. Hopefully, this suggestion clears about any confusion. Because I do see the fact people can easily find nudes of me on MM to be confusing. Many nudes are linked to my profile in terms of credits. It is interesting people assume it's because a model is "too good' to shoot nudes or a husband is limiting her. It can be as simple as some models are bored with shooting in that style. Or she has signed a noncompete contract so she is exclusive. She is choosing a bigger paycheck. Yes, I do not think it needs an explanation for the reason. Just it is good to be transparent with potential bookings.

Dec 01 22 11:06 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

Model MoRina wrote:

My feeling is that you don't owe anyone an explanation or justification of what your limits are and what you are available to shoot. Just state it plainly and don't even reply to people who haven't read your profile first or those who choose to ignore your stated limits. In my experience, any discussion or justification just just opens you to receiving nasty messages and retaliation.

That is a good way of thinking of it. I am simply trying to be accurate that way no one feels mislead in bookings. I do notice in explaining some people seem to be looking for loop holes. It is interesting since the shutdowns, I am noticing a lot of older models aren't touring as often. A lot of us are creating our own content. I am sure there is a level of frustration with this coming from photographers. At one time there was an oversaturation of models. Now there are fewer models taking bookings. A lot of models aren't traveling or touring anymore. So, I completely see both sides.

Dec 01 22 11:18 am Link


gary yong

Posts: 51

Beijing, Beijing, China

They shoot nudes on condition that they trust you. If you would pay them, respect models' privacy an could d show them that you are real photographer not a dirty man who only wants to watch the body, then you will meet the right model to shoot with you.

Dec 02 22 05:16 am Link



Posts: 90

Seattle, Washington, US

Some models need to be comfortable with a photographer before posing nude.  There is a huge degree of comfort and trust involved in the process.  They may need to work with you more than once before building enough comfort and trust to pose nude for you.

(edited to correct a typo)

Dec 02 22 07:41 am Link


G Wilson

Posts: 48

Dallas, Texas, US

Dan Howell wrote:
I have said for years (decades now) that models are free to set their own boundaries and apply them as inconsistently as they choose. Shoot them or move on. Not worth getting grumpy about.

In truth this is the only way to view this topic sanely!

I shoot a lot of nude glamour and find that if you do what the models have been screaming for years, you'll find many more are ready to get to work than not.

1. state your intended genre and concept
2. where you intend to shoot.
3. when you intend to shoot
4. compensation provided
5. extras- wardrobe HMUA stylist etc.
6. perks-travel fees, lodging etc.

Stating all this in your communication will get you a direct response. Stating in your casting works even better.

Dec 03 22 07:38 am Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

G Wilson wrote:

In truth this is the only way to view this topic sanely!

I shoot a lot of nude glamour and find that if you do what the models have been screaming for years, you'll find many more are ready to get to work than not.

1. state your intended genre and concept
2. where you intend to shoot.
3. when you intend to shoot
4. compensation provided
5. extras- wardrobe HMUA stylist etc.
6. perks-travel fees, lodging etc.

Stating all this in your communication will get you a direct response. Stating in your casting works even better.

Yes to this.  Unfortunately, there will still be those whose first message to a model begins and ends with "what are your limits?" No. That's not how this works. Lol

Dec 03 22 07:49 am Link


Samantha Grace

Posts: 3228

Los Angeles, California, US

G Wilson wrote:

In truth this is the only way to view this topic sanely!

I shoot a lot of nude glamour and find that if you do what the models have been screaming for years, you'll find many more are ready to get to work than not.

1. state your intended genre and concept
2. where you intend to shoot.
3. when you intend to shoot
4. compensation provided
5. extras- wardrobe HMUA stylist etc.
6. perks-travel fees, lodging etc.

Stating all this in your communication will get you a direct response. Stating in your casting works even better.

It would be nice if it where that simple. The reality I have found, people don't read. Then get upset when you politely explain a slight fault that was missed. I would sometimes appreciate a simple, 'Oh I was so excited to contact you I forgot to read your profile.' I'm a big fan of being transparent and honest. I have accepted because I have other venues outside of modeling. This is just the modern world. I call it the Craigslist mindset. Haha... if you have ever tried to sell anything on craigslist, you will find the same insanity over there. But 20 years ago, when I worked with the public I saw this behavior a lot less. It seems something that has come with the internet and easy access to everything at your finger tips.

Dec 03 22 11:25 am Link



Posts: 3

Frederick, Maryland, US

Znude! wrote:
It's no more confusing than models who say they model but really don't.

I needed this chuckle. Truth is funnier than fiction - every time.

Dec 06 22 09:03 pm Link


Jon Winkleman Photo

Posts: 152

Providence, Rhode Island, US

Consent for anything is never a blanket consent in every situation. Some models might generally not be interested in shooting nudes but may choose to make an exception for a particular photographer who they are both comfortable with and like their work. Also some models have shot nudes previously and are proud of the work they have previously done but are not interested in doing future side shoots. Some models might say yes to nudes in their profile but after looking at a particular photographer’s work or talking to them might not want to do nudes with them. A MM profile or portfolio is not a signed contract with potential photographers. Talk to the models without being pushy and see where you have common ground.

Jan 18 23 09:59 am Link


Nat the droid

Posts: 95

Sacramento, California, US

Giod to see MM hasn't changed

Jan 21 23 01:24 am Link



Posts: 18

Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia

I believe that in many cases where the profile says 'No' but the folio has nude photos is that the model has changed what she's happy to shoot but hasn't updated her folio images to match or just has a different interpretation of 'nude' to mine.
I also see the inverse, models that do shoot nudes but don't advertise it possibly for the same reason.
No judgement from me, can be a little confusing sometimes.

Apr 19 23 03:48 pm Link


Lallure Photographic

Posts: 2086

Taylors, South Carolina, US

Mostly it means one of two things...............they have received criticism from friends or family, and they have decided to discontinue it, OR.............they have a new boyfriend who disapproves of it.

Some might have had a bad experience with a photographer, but that is far less common.

I agree they should remove those images from their portfolio,  when their genres and their images are in conflict. Otherwise they can be misleading to those considering hiring them. Just had a similar issue last week, where a model had a topless image, from the back, and specified she doesn't do nudes. The problem with that simplistic "nudes" catch all, is that it doesn't clarify whether a model does topless only, and not full nude. That is a flaw in the system here. Some models will do topless, but not full nude. Asked for clarification from the model on that issue, and got ZERO response.


Sep 08 23 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 1760

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I recently removed some modeling categories from my profile. Even if you can find it in my portfolio, I may not want to shoot it anymore. I might still be proud of what I created, I just don't want to make anymore.

I can see how it might be misleading... even if I put it in my profile, people don't really read all that well.

Sep 12 23 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 846

Charleston, South Carolina, US

What could be wrong with asking a simple question? "I am interested in shoot nudes, are you open to taking about it?" There need not be any drama, no hurt feelings, no arguments. The model can say simply, "Nope" or "Maybe, tell me what you have in mind" or "Sure, let's talk." The photographer then accepts what the model said.

This is not difficult.

Sep 13 23 07:07 pm Link