Forums > Model Colloquy > Model rates


C.C. Holdings

Posts: 914

Los Angeles, California, US

MoRina wrote:
Do you realize that many models are intelligent and smart businesspeople? Our options aren't either fast food or modeling. Not that there's any shame in working fast food, but we aren't all choosing between minimum wage jobs or lowball offers from photographers who have no respect for us.

Yeah there are also many "I'm taking a break this semester [for the last 5 years]" models too

Its nice that they can be free to travel on a whim though. Sometimes I am jealous of hospitality and service industry workers, some just quit, go live and travel and be a muse, and then get a job at a different restaurant later

Oct 22 20 04:54 am Link



Posts: 6597

Uniontown, Pennsylvania, US

Anthony Greco Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

Although the quoted rates seem (extremely) high if You really want to work with this Model then propose a counteroffer, negotiate or politely decline. You may be surprised by any response,  or shocked.  smile

I would definitely not be handing out any USD up front, but that's just Me.

Oct 22 20 07:36 am Link


C.C. Holdings

Posts: 914

Los Angeles, California, US


Although the quoted rates seem (extremely) high if You really want to work with this Model then propose a counteroffer, negotiate or politely decline. You may be surprised by any response,  or shocked.  smile

I would definitely not be handing out any USD up front, but that's just Me.

Exactly, everything is negotiable. Sometimes it seems like a lost art, its like nobody gives a price so then nobody has a reference to make a decision with, and then someone gives a price and the other side balks!

That's just dumb.

Always counteroffer if you had something else in mind.

Oct 23 20 12:36 pm Link


Dan OMell

Posts: 1416

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Probably, your art is way above her personal comfort level. I was trying to put myself into her shoes, after looking into your port, and it looks like two options --
1) to rate something outrageous,
2) say that your approach, vision and/or compensation would not benefit her or not enough by any way possible

I cannot tell for sure, but to me, it looks like even some of very experienced travel models just will not accept absolutely all types of nudity, and, therefore, not in position to quote their regular rates.

But it's just me, maybe I'm totally and absolutely wrong.
I'm not judging anything and/or anyone. I saw all and all, and it's what I honestly think

Oct 24 20 07:54 pm Link


Rob Sinkus Photography

Posts: 699

JOBSTOWN, New Jersey, US

Anthony Greco Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

When I see rates like these, I move along to the next model.
Shooting models is not an everyday thing for me. I think the most times I've worked with a model was 4 over the course of a year. I don't have my own studio space, so a shoot involves getting all my equipment to the space, setting up & paying the rental fee.
I pay $50. an hour with a 4 hour minimum for a nude model.
Between that & the rental fee, it's not a good day for my cash reserve.
I shoot for contests & juried exhibitions.  I've won some prizes, but I can't say I have ever made a profit.

Oct 28 20 07:10 am Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2733

Los Angeles, California, US

Life is one long negotiation. The rates are just a quote; they can change in your favour. If you like the mode. Try and see if she works all days of the week. She may only work a few days a week. A counter offer should kept in mind that for a day  a nude model would like to make at least $800. YOU could offer 250 for 2 hours as she may have to travel. Nude models pay a price for exposure--job opportunities are more limited. If they teach and their nude modelling career is discovered they can be fired.

She may also think that nudes should only take an hour. Based on experience, unless it is multiple locations, it is something that I could wrap up in under an hour.

So her day may roll like this: 3 bookings, 2 cancellations, she gives the 1hr guy more time. . .arriving makeup and hair ready,  hoping he'll book her again.
If she has a deposit policy she may lose them if challenged by the customer. "She was late. . . ." etc, etc.

Tough gig.

Oct 28 20 08:10 am Link



Posts: 73

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

LavishPhotography wrote:
I simply LOVE this mundane comparison when it pops up in every photographer/model conversation.. But it too can go another way;

Models also love forgetting about the time and money they ask the photographers to buy their own equipment (which is an endless rabbit-hole) travel to/from a location, pay for any permit that may be needed, provide wardrobe, hair/mua, lunch/dinner, pay for Adobe/Editing softwares subscriptions, cloud storage, spending hours of personal time on end using/learning/mastering said softwares, pay for retouching, etc. etc. etc. and then after all that, we apparently owe you whichever pictures we had to pay you to shoot. That isn't free either.

When I get paid I actually let the photographer keep all the images more often than not... So whatever the photographer chooses to spend on the shoot is THEIR business. My time isn't made less valuable just because you spent a lot behind the scenes yourself.

I'm capable of doing my own hair and makeup, capable of doing my own retouching, and I currently also am paying for the entire adobe suite and 1TB of cloud storage... I also frequently travel to photographers and supply my own high-end wardrobe, not the other way around.

And then after that photographers still like to disrespect me like I am lower than them. Not to mention all the photographers that end up trying to get me in bed along the way that DEFINTELY ends up raising my rates. So if you are mad about high rates, maybe you should yell at the people in this industry that make it so dangerous.

I wasn't arguing anything was free to ANYONE... I was just saying that one photoshoot is at least a half-day I have to block off. A model's rates are based on her demand. If you don't like rates, simply work with another model. She obviously doesn't need you anyway.

Oct 28 20 07:39 pm Link


Image Of Time

Posts: 41

Dunnellon, Florida, US

On MM, you never know what a models wants to charge for a rate, I use to shoot tons of nudes but not so much any more.
I get tons of my work published, And 90% of it is not nude work.

80% of the time i go though an agency to find a model, because first off a high volume of the modes on MM try to quote strange rates.

Rate vary for models though an agency,  they vary on experience, accomplishments, popularity, and talent, NOT according to the type of modeling.

So Modeling rates, pretty much go by on who the model is, Example, if you want to get a bikini or fashion shoot for 4 hours, You can either pay $80.00 per hour or $10,000.00 per hour,.  Example Model on with very little accomplishments and experience, would be around the $80.00 rate,  How ever lets say you want to hire Izabel goulart or Eva Andressa, then your probably looking at a cost of $10,000.00 to $150,000.00 for a 4 hour session for a bikini shoot.

This is why you don't see many people with these names in their portfolio, because they don't work with them models,  and those who do, are either a major Publication, such as VOGUE or sports illustrated bikini, or a production company who is going to make millions of this..

Also back in the day when shooting nudes trying to find a decent model anywhere is hard to come by because yes maybe the model is attractive, but lacks the real experience to pull off anything worth wild.

use to find a ton of models would quote all the same hour rate for shooting nudes, which is really ridiculous, because not all models are worth the so called standard rate, i remember it being $100.00 per hour still to this day seems to be the case, but you have to realize not every model is worth $100.00 per hour , they seem to think so because they are posing nude, but that is not how a modeling rate should be applied, a new model just  started out who has had maybe 1 or 2 shooting experience, trying to get the same rate as a model who has over 5 years experience is a slap in the face to a talented experienced model, they seem to think just because they are doing nudes they should get that rate, which is a joke if you ask me, it's simply way off the charts..

A model should get what she deserves according to experience and talent, NOT simply because she is going naked lol.
that would be like a model starting out and walking the cat walk and expect to make 40 million dollars a year like Cindy Crawford is making this simply doesn't work that way.
sure if your looking to hire a stripper for a party or something like that, then that is reasonable.

To me i found this to be the case many of the models could care less of the quality of the work, or care less of it's artistic value, they are just finding another way to make a couple of hundred dollars for a couple of hours of going naked

This is the reason 90% of the time i tend to use an agency, because if you find the right agency, you get reasonable rates according to the factors that matter, not the genre of the modeling.

I've seen models on MM try to quote a $150.00 per hour nude shoot rate and, she has never been published once,  as maybe several shoots under her belt with various photographers who are unknown.

and my first thought is why should one pay  $150.00 per hour, they don't even have any idea of what talent they have if any, and can pull off the concept your looking for, this is insane..

But when you open a models profile and she has 5 pictures in her portfolio any one who would pay her even $100.00 per hour for a any shoot what so ever, has no idea what they are doing and not thinking strait..

They are a few Models On MM i worked with  in my time of this work, and they are very talented, and i would  gladly pay them $250.00 per hour for a nude shoot if i needed one, because #1 i would know what i'm getting for the money i'm paying.

#2 know they are reliable, One of them being Charlie Kristine, she has been doing this close to 20 years i have worked with her, and also know several photographers who worked with her as well, who has had the same experience i have had, all 100% top quality work..

Photographers if your looking for a model to publish in any medium, you want to hire some one who has experience and talent to give you what your looking for.

if your looking to just take pictures of girls in the nude and have a stash of nude girls on your hard drive, then that really doesn't matter who you hire really in fact not even sure why you would pay a model for that when you can just go purchase already taken images to save you the trouble of all the work for a way less cost. LOL

Models when you work with a photographer , you got to ask your self one thing, why are these photographers hiring you, what are they doing with these pictures, many models seem to take job after job never know what ever became of these pictures after the fact or seen them published anywhere, this is something you should know because if you are in this for a serious run and try to achieve accomplishments, then this is a road to nowhere..

These photographers are just paying you to take pictures of you and then move on to the next model, and none of these images go anywhere, these are what you call unaccomplished photographers who are unknown probably will remain that way as well.

or on the other hand if your just in it to make some quick money, then none of that matter so long as you get the $ your looking to get..

Just something there to point out to those who would like to advance to some real accomplishments.
I know a model who who started on MM did a couple shoots with photographers, one day met the right photographer, and 1 year later has been published in Vogue magazine, then got the attention of others and now has earned herself enough to retired for life if she so desired to...

You can be anything you want to be, so long as you motivate yourself and go with the right choices..


AJCG Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

Apr 15 21 07:07 am Link


Image Of Time

Posts: 41

Dunnellon, Florida, US

Kayla_Ann wrote:
Not sure why you think you can let the photographer keep the images, they already own the copyrights to them when they take the pictures, just because the pictures are of you doesn't mean you have any rights to them, it just simply doesn't work that way.

The photographers own all the copyrights regardless of what any model thinks..
When you say the photographers  are trying to get you in bed with, you seem to flatter yourself,  they must be desperate photographers because i would never do anything unprofessional like that to try and get in bed with a stuck up model who thinks they  should be paid a going rate of over $100.00 per hour, when they got like  2 years experience, and only 21 pictures in their profile that are not even publish worthy, 

First off most of the models are not worth $100.00 per hour  or even $75.00
A model should get what she deserves according to experience and talent, NOT simply because she is going to get naked lol.
that would be like a model starting out and walking the cat walk and expect to make 40 million dollars a year like Cindy Crawford is making this simply doesn't work that way.

Now if your just one of them models who are not serious about the art or creativity, and are just found another way to make Two or three hundred dollars for a few hours work, kinda like a stipper or call girl, then i get that.

But i think it's insulting to a serious experienced model, to think you should get the same rate they do, because you got a vagina and are willing to let the photographers photograph it, that is totally a joke..

When I get paid I actually let the photographer keep all the images more often than not... So whatever the photographer chooses to spend on the shoot is THEIR business. My time isn't made less valuable just because you spent a lot behind the scenes yourself.

I'm capable of doing my own hair and makeup, capable of doing my own retouching, and I currently also am paying for the entire adobe suite and 1TB of cloud storage... I also frequently travel to photographers and supply my own high-end wardrobe, not the other way around.

And then after that photographers still like to disrespect me like I am lower than them. Not to mention all the photographers that end up trying to get me in bed along the way that DEFINTELY ends up raising my rates. So if you are mad about high rates, maybe you should yell at the people in this industry that make it so dangerous.

I wasn't arguing anything was free to ANYONE... I was just saying that one photoshoot is at least a half-day I have to block off. A model's rates are based on her demand. If you don't like rates, simply work with another model. She obviously doesn't need you anyway.

Apr 15 21 09:37 pm Link


Varton Photography

Posts: 203

New York, New York, US

AJCG Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

Yes I think so.
Average going rate I receive about is 100/h or $600 for the day (flat rate including nudity)

On a side note:
I think many of us, photographers on Mayhem, are perceived as total cash cows in general by models. When we get contacted, we get a generic greeting, an available date we can’t change and a rate quote that may or may not suit our budget or application. Fly by DMs in those travel notices are given most of the time without checking our bios or portfolio and lack of knowledge of our shooting genre or needs.

The truth of the matter is that I take no offense in getting unsolicited rate quotes or holier-than-thou attitude but even  high paid agency models are subject to competition and selection depending on a project budget, not necessarily on looks or expert skills. Supply and demand will be always there.
There are always less jobs then available models.

It is a free country; models or photographers can set rates as high as a mountain.
For sure they won't get much busy.

Apr 16 21 10:16 am Link


Angel House Portraits

Posts: 323

Orlando, Florida, US

Only one time I paid $80 to a model and that was years ago. The funny thing is I never paid more than $50 for the models I have in my port. Most are TFP. Some photographer pointed out they don't pay. The client pays the model. Go figure.

Apr 16 21 05:11 pm Link


Dan OMell

Posts: 1416

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Well, after Harpers Bazaar publishes you, as a model, on their cover, I gonna pay you [such and such stipulated amount] for putting my name as a photographer under the photo. I don't have a photo equipment or experience as photographer, I'm an investor. I invest my body (of work), not into other buddies or bodies.

If Sarah Silverman can talk like that, why cannot I?

P.S.: yes, absolutely "many models are VERY intelligent and smart business people". And they have very tough, hard, very demanding job, they got a lot of expenses, they're forced to do a lot of personal sacrifices. They are worth much more than they charge, usually. The problem is that many "photographers" (like me) don't have some permanent job in this industry and are not that talented, after all.

Jun 05 21 10:52 am Link



Posts: 66

Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Post hidden on Aug 27, 2021 05:33 am
Reason: violates rules

Aug 26 21 02:57 am Link


Yani S

Posts: 1101

Los Angeles, California, US

Laura UnBound wrote:
We're in the middle of a pandemic. None of those rates cover an ER bill 🤷‍♀️

We always been in a Pandemic. Example of one. The Flu is a yearly global pandemic that been happening for Centuries.
Just FYI

May 29 22 11:11 pm Link


Camera Buff

Posts: 924

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

Yani S wrote:
We always been in a Pandemic. Example of one. The Flu is a yearly global pandemic that been happening for Centuries.
Just FYI

Pandemic influenza is different to seasonal influenza.

There have been several 'global' influenza pandemics that have affected Australia, including the Spanish flu (1918), Asian flu (1957) and the Hong Kong flu (1968). The most recent was the 2009 swine flu pandemic.

Just FYI.

May 30 22 05:46 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 464

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Camera Buff wrote:

Pandemic influenza is different to seasonal influenza.

There have been several 'global' influenza pandemics that have affected Australia, including the Spanish flu (1918), Asian flu (1957) and the Hong Kong flu (1968). The most recent was the 2009 swine flu pandemic.

Just FYI.

I don't like Pandemics

May 30 22 09:09 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28666

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I've noticed some models are getting creative with their rates these days. My next shoot, the model quoted me $250 for the first 2 hours then $100/hr for each hour after that. I've never had a model quote me quite like that before but I wish more would. To me, that's a fair rate and I like how it was presented.

Another traveling model I recently contacted rather than demanding a deposit, made it optional but offered a pretty significant discount if you pre-paid for the shoot. I liked her approach as well.

May 30 22 09:20 am Link



Posts: 6

Sofia, Sofija grad, Bulgaria

I have often rise my rates for something that I would't shoot or the style isn't my cup of tea.
I have tried to explain the photographers before that the style they are shooting is not what i would like to take part in... and usually the conversation isn't very productive. As they try to convince me that their style is awesome and I would rather fit or not get any job. So... my aproach is to rise my rate to ridiculous amount so they just quit by themselves.

I am published in serval magazines and my rates are dependant on what the photos will be used for after the shooting. If they are only for portfolio purposes or the photographer wants to submit for magazines the rate is X. But if the photographer wants to sell the images or they are for advertising purposes the rates are way higher. So it's really depending of the outcome and the type of project we are shooting. Plus is there will be a MUA on set or i will do my hair/makupe and take some warderobe with me. Please consider those things before make some judgements on someones rates. And finally if the rate isn't ok with you you can always try to negotiate or quit. It's up to you.

May 31 22 01:59 am Link



Posts: 2

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

I have a question .. what are the basic pricing for modeling rates ..

How did you guys come up with your modeling rates/ pricing.
I’m trying to figure out out and I’m stuck .

So I was wondering what ideas, tricks , tips  you can can shine on me a little

The more knowledge i can get the better

Thank you I’m advance

Nov 16 22 07:40 am Link



Posts: 2

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

I have a question .. what are the basic pricing for modeling rates ..

How did you guys come up with your modeling rates/ pricing.
I’m trying to figure out out and I’m stuck .

So I was wondering what ideas, tricks , tips  you can can shine on me a little

The more knowledge i can get the better

Thank you I’m advance

Nov 16 22 07:40 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

WitchyBytch wrote:
I have a question .. what are the basic pricing for modeling rates ..

How did you guys come up with your modeling rates/ pricing.
I’m trying to figure out out and I’m stuck .

So I was wondering what ideas, tricks , tips  you can can shine on me a little

The more knowledge i can get the better

Thank you I’m advance

I'm just chiming in but there are no standard rates for internet models. Agency models would be different but there would be adjustments made according to location, supply of available models, number of local agencies available, successful marketing, etc.

If you are the only good model in a 50 mile radius and there are lots of photographers then you should be able to charge higher prices and stay busy. If there are lots of models and not so many photographers then the reverse is true.
If one model has great marketing and 10 don't, the one who does will get more gigs.

There are too many variables to account for, hiring a model is a personal decision based on preferences first and foremost but there are many bits and dabs that can change that dynamic for better or worse.
Asking around with the models, photographers, HMUAs etc. in your own area can give you a better idea whaat you can do where you are but it may not remain accurate if you go on tour. Sometimes you might be giving it away and others you might be priced out of the market.

Nov 16 22 04:34 pm Link


C Johnsen Photographer

Posts: 291

Portland, Oregon, US

$48 an hour works out to $100,00.00 a year salary.
google it..... =>  100k a year = hourly

Sep 02 23 01:40 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28666

Phoenix, Arizona, US

C Johnsen Photographer wrote:
$48 an hour works out to $100,00.00 a year salary.
google it..... =>  100k a year = hourly

The fallacy here is that she's shooting 40 hours/week. I doubt a single model here is shooting 40 hours per week. I would bet at most, maybe 8-10 hours/week, but the average (for an active model) is probably more like 2-4 hours.

Honestly, I've never really paid much attention to hourly rates. When I reach out to a model I say something like "I have a job available from 2:00-6:00, and it pays $400" (just throwing numbers out there.. may vary from job to job). She gets paid the $400 whether we shoot from 2:00-6:00 or not. I also always over estimate the time needed to account for things like chit chat, outfit changes, cleanup, model release, etc.

Sep 02 23 09:28 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45209

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Arizona Shoots wrote:

The fallacy here is that she's shooting 40 hours/week. I doubt a single model here is shooting 40 hours per week. I would bet at most, maybe 8-10 hours/week, but the average (for an active model) is probably more like 2-4 hours.

Honestly, I've never really paid much attention to hourly rates. When I reach out to a model I say something like "I have a job available from 2:00-6:00, and it pays $400" (just throwing numbers out there.. may vary from job to job). She gets paid the $400 whether we shoot from 2:00-6:00 or not. I also always over estimate the time needed to account for things like chit chat, outfit changes, cleanup, model release, etc.

I'm with you on that!  It seems to me that a typical freelance model would be fortunate to be shooting 8 hours a week.  So let's say $800 a week. 

Also like you, I throw a $ amount out there based on what we are shooting and what it is for.  A block rate at $400 is something I have done, especially for nudity or content purposes.  There are some what I consider awesome models I will shoot with non nude and pay their premium rates. I'm talking celebrity status or real friends I've worked with before.  If it's someone I've never worked with before, or a non nude, then I might pay below the $100 an hour mark  . maybe well below as I really like to get paid shoots once in awhile from models. I still do TFP.  You know, it's all negotiable!  wink

Sep 02 23 04:34 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28666

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
I'm with you on that!  It seems to me that a typical freelance model would be fortunate to be shooting 8 hours a week.  So let's say $800 a week. 

Also like you, I throw a $ amount out there based on what we are shooting and what it is for.  A block rate at $400 is something I have done, especially for nudity or content purposes.  There are some what I consider awesome models I will shoot with non nude and pay their premium rates. I'm talking celebrity status or real friends I've worked with before.  If it's someone I've never worked with before, or a non nude, then I might pay below the $100 an hour mark  . maybe well below as I really like to get paid shoots once in awhile from models. I still do TFP.  You know, it's all negotiable!  wink

It's all about what would motivate someone to drag their ass out of bed and drive across town.. And how late the rent is.

Sep 02 23 09:54 pm Link


Dan Howell

Posts: 3577

Kerhonkson, New York, US

C Johnsen Photographer wrote:
$48 an hour works out to $100,00.00 a year salary.
google it..... =>  100k a year = hourly

no, it works out to $48/hour.

Sep 04 23 02:49 am Link


David L. Stevens

Posts: 1129

Jacksonville, Florida, US

AJCG Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

I'm thinking it is probably she does not want to shoot with you for whatever reason-the rates are ridiculous.

Sep 04 23 07:37 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45209

San Juan Bautista, California, US

AJCG Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

She doesn't want to shoot with you.

I don't want to shoot weddings anymore. The bridezillas finally unnerved me to that point, along with hobbists who shoot weddings for FREE!  Cellphones over my shoulder bother me.  So instead of saying I don't shoot weddings, I have one package. It is my "Rock Star" package for $50,000 USD .. so far no takers.

Sep 04 23 03:29 pm Link


Lallure Photographic

Posts: 2086

Taylors, South Carolina, US

That might work if they were top quality models with pretty perfect physical appearance, and lots of skills. Otherwise, no, that doesn't compute. There are few models like that, on this site. There are far better opportunities for them in large cities, working with agencies.

I prefer NOT to use rates, as that is the big city stuff, and where I am now is far from big city. I prefer to use the term "session fees." You schedule a block of time, and you stop at the end of that time, and there is a total fee. If you choose to work longer, then the fee must be amended, assuming the model can do that.

The truth is, a large percentage of the models on this site, are not professionals, nor do they have ideal physical characteristics, nor do they have lots of skills. They certainly are not professional in their behavior towards photographers.

There's also the issue here, that models seek jobs, where they get to travel, and have those travel expenses covered, by those they get to convince they are worth that. I am totally opposite...........I prefer local models, who I can teach skills to, and train how to model, who I can shoot with more than once. I also think that applies to my concept of "session fees". Makes more sense in this kind of environment.

I would rather stop shooting models, than go back to the big city though. Enough said.


Sep 07 23 01:53 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45209

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Lallure Photographic wrote:
That might work if they were top quality models with pretty perfect physical appearance, and lots of skills. Otherwise, no, that doesn't compute. There are few models like that, on this site. There are far better opportunities for them in large cities, working with agencies.

I prefer NOT to use rates, as that is the big city stuff, and where I am now is far from big city. I prefer to use the term "session fees." You schedule a block of time, and you stop at the end of that time, and there is a total fee. If you choose to work longer, then the fee must be amended, assuming the model can do that.

The truth is, a large percentage of the models on this site, are not professionals, nor do they have ideal physical characteristics, nor do they have lots of skills. They certainly are not professional in their behavior towards photographers.

There's also the issue here, that models seek jobs, where they get to travel, and have those travel expenses covered, by those they get to convince they are worth that. I am totally opposite...........I prefer local models, who I can teach skills to, and train how to model, who I can shoot with more than once. I also think that applies to my concept of "session fees". Makes more sense in this kind of environment.

I would rather stop shooting models, than go back to the big city though. Enough said.


I've never heard of this "big city verses country" rates thing.  The rates quoted were ridiculous even for a professional model.  There are some excellent models for less. I still say that she didn't want to shoot with him.

Sep 07 23 05:41 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28666

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
So instead of saying I don't shoot weddings, I have one package. It is my "Rock Star" package for $50,000 USD .. so far no takers.

And then outsource the job to someone for $5k who does weddings. Winning!

Sep 07 23 06:18 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45209

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Arizona Shoots wrote:

And then outsource the job to someone for $5k who does weddings. Winning!

You get it! lol

Sep 07 23 06:23 pm Link


Lallure Photographic

Posts: 2086

Taylors, South Carolina, US

The reality is, The last model I photographed was $200. for the day, and she did the full gamut of glamour. including fully exposed nudity.

For those who had minimal flexibility, I paid a flat fee of $50. for the session. Most of those were very short sessions, for a specific look, like jewelry, or dancing to a boom box, etc.

It is obvious that most models have no concept of what photographers even earn, themselves, for their work. You would be very shocked at how modest their incomes are. Of course, a celebrity photographer in NYC has a lot of money flowing in their projects, but then they are in debt for 2 million dollars, also, and then the economy went south..............and that photographer may have to declare bankruptcy, despite their fame.

You have to understand the reality, and put aside the pipe dreams. Most photographers do well, to even support a family on their incomes. Expecting them to be willing to pay outrageous hourly fees for a model is not going to happen very often at all. They simply can't afford to do that.


Sep 08 23 05:14 am Link



Posts: 67

Neumayer - permanent station of Germany, Sector claimed by Norway, Antarctica

Lallure Photographic wrote:
The reality is, The last model I photographed was $200. for the day, and she did the full gamut of glamour. including fully exposed nudity.

For those who had minimal flexibility, I paid a flat fee of $50. for the session. Most of those were very short sessions, for a specific look, like jewelry, or dancing to a boom box, etc.

It is obvious that most models have no concept of what photographers even earn, themselves, for their work. You would be very shocked at how modest their incomes are. Of course, a celebrity photographer in NYC has a lot of money flowing in their projects, but then they are in debt for 2 million dollars, also, and then the economy went south..............and that photographer may have to declare bankruptcy, despite their fame.

You have to understand the reality, and put aside the pipe dreams. Most photographers do well, to even support a family on their incomes. Expecting them to be willing to pay outrageous hourly fees for a model is not going to happen very often at all. They simply can't afford to do that.


That may be your reality, but it isn't reality for everyone. If paying low rates gets you the type of results that you want, then good for you. But that isn't everyone's business model.

Sep 08 23 06:44 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45209

San Juan Bautista, California, US

AJCG Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

The OP answered his own question! There is nothing wrong with asking those rates.  If the model is an excellent model with a large following on social media, I have considered paying those rates. I call them "celerbity" rates.  We have had models who were "celebrities" on this website in the past. I made a top ten list once of models who were very popular that I wanted to shoot with as a "wish list" but some of those models worth the higher rates have moved on from this website.  You could have gotten Lindsay Lohan at those rates awhile back ago. That's another story!  lol 

As for this model in question asking the high rates fo the OP .. it is her prerogative to set her rates, and the photographers to either accept the rates hiring her or pass over this model for someone else.

Lallure Photographic wrote:
The reality is, The last model I photographed was $200. for the day, and she did the full gamut of glamour. including fully exposed nudity.

For those who had minimal flexibility, I paid a flat fee of $50. for the session. Most of those were very short sessions, for a specific look, like jewelry, or dancing to a boom box, etc.

It is obvious that most models have no concept of what photographers even earn, themselves, for their work. You would be very shocked at how modest their incomes are. Of course, a celebrity photographer in NYC has a lot of money flowing in their projects, but then they are in debt for 2 million dollars, also, and then the economy went south..............and that photographer may have to declare bankruptcy, despite their fame.

You have to understand the reality, and put aside the pipe dreams. Most photographers do well, to even support a family on their incomes. Expecting them to be willing to pay outrageous hourly fees for a model is not going to happen very often at all. They simply can't afford to do that.


This is the opposite end of the spectrum!  Wow!  $200 for a day! That's a low ball price if I've ever heard one!  I'm pretty sure that geography plays a role in this.  There are many incredible models in the Carolina's.  The housing is far less expensive than in Calfornia where I'm stuck at this time.  Many models and photographers are struggling for work everywhere. When I am able to pay $100 an hour, that is the typical going rate here.  Maybe a little more .. but based off half day rates of $400 that is pretty close to it. The models in North Carolina will love me when I travel through and can pay California rates!  lol

MoRina wrote:
That may be your reality, but it isn't reality for everyone. If paying low rates gets you the type of results that you want, then good for you. But that isn't everyone's business model.

You are 100% correct!  Again it's a matter of geography, who needs it the most, and negotiation.  I love photographing models, fast cars and rock stars.  I will negotiate with people for those projects.  Weddings used to be my bread and butter, but since I've been turned off by Bridezillas, I wont shoot a wedding for less than $50,000.  That is my "Rock Star Package" and it is worth it because I am worth it!  In the meantime, I would be happy to shoot with you at your rates if geography, time and need were to come together.  It's all negotiable.

Sep 08 23 11:23 am Link



Posts: 4

Atlanta, Georgia, US

guess it depends on where you live.  I have no problems booking models for no fee in Atlanta.

Jan 16 24 01:39 pm Link


Gold Rush Studio

Posts: 378

Sacramento, California, US

Model MoRina wrote:
Models are free to ask whatever they want. If you want to work with a particular model and her rate is too high then you can either negotiate or walk away. It's not that hard.
I don't understand why photographers ask models for rates if they have a specific number in their head already they are willing to pay. Why not save the back and forth and just tell someone what you're willing to pay and they can either accept, negotiate or ignore? Why does there need to be drama?
You also didn't say in your post what your message to her contained or what you were asking her to shoot. There are a lot of factors that affect a rate quote. Usage, location, content, etc etc.

Agreed. 100%.

Jan 17 24 11:29 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 5

Murfreesboro, Tennessee, US

AJCG Photography wrote:
I was recently quoted the following rates by a model on here. She is not famous or anything.  I thought they were very much above average industry rates and was wondering if I am missing something.  The other thought I had was, maybe these are the rates she quotes when she really doesn't want to work with someone.

Casual indoor/outdoor: USD175/hour
Glamour/Dramatic: USD250/hour
Implied nude: USD450/hour
Fetish: USD400-500/hour (depends)

From a recent shoot that I did for art, I was quoted the following:
“non-nude rate is $150/hour.
Nude rate is $300/hour
implied would be $200/hour”
Edit:*i have been quoted more and less than this before*
My personal opinion about it is that if they want to charge $1000/hr then it’s fine.
I might not say yes to hiring them for a shoot because as it stands, making a painting I am at a net negative selling one especially after I factor my time in (not even accounting for a photoshoot).
That being said none of that is their fault, and I totally support any evaluation someone has for their time. I don’t create art for the money, it’s a need.
You never know what goes into their evaluations.
I don’t add much to their portfolio. I’m sure that’s calculated to some value. Additionally I enjoy shooting people that do a performance art of some degree. Which means if their time is quoted less than $250 clothed, I find that fair for someone who gets paid normally based on performance arts.

So when it boils down to it yes you can get cheaper, but I don’t ever argue with someone, negotiate, or second guess what their worth is. For all i know, I may already be quoted “less than” the normal rate.

Implied nude, nude, and fetish are super difficult for the model. I don’t typically shoot that and it isn’t a preference but I have for art and I was just grateful they were willing to do it for a shoot. Again if they want $1000/hr for that, it’s up to you to say yes or no. The evaluation isn’t wrong.

Jan 17 24 01:46 pm Link


C.C. Holdings

Posts: 914

Los Angeles, California, US

C.C. Holdings  wrote:
I compensate for time and I don't compensate on a sliding scale of skin, although I understand that many models do and there is a market for tiered exposure. Most of my shoots involve a degree of nudity and my budget is coincidentally high enough for that as well.

Enough of you photographers are pinching pennies and wasting so much time negotiating that models with higher rates will also accept a quickly offered $100/hr rate.

3 years later: now I compensate on a sliding scale of skin.

I shoot with a very expensive model that comes with some extremes of ideal feminine features, natural versions of the "unrealistic body standards" that less feminine women drilled into the collection conscious as unrealistic. This scarcity was worth it to me so I accepted those rates.

I'm completely aware that I can still offer a different model $100/hr, so this thread should just be about offering rates or moving on to a different model

Jan 17 24 02:35 pm Link


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

This is 2020 thread but I'll reply.

I also take pictures. MM is not my income.

My MM rates as model are $35 and hour for local shoots in the genres I shoot, (this portfolio style and art modeling.) Hours, dates and other logistics are agreed upon prior.

If the photographer is getting paid for the shoot then it is different.

If we agree to trade, then it is trade. Currently I am doing trade while I'm returning and out of practice. Although, I am not an "online professional" model just a real life, creative person who is looking to model and shoot.

Jen B

Jan 19 24 04:44 am Link