Forums > Model Colloquy > ADVICE: On Getting Signed to Agency During COVID


Melody To

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

I would love the community's input on my situation:

I heard back from an agency I applied to online. He wanted me to come in to do a test shoot. However, with the increase in cases in NYC I did not feel comfortable with that. He respectfully understood and said it may be best to wait until COVID lightens up since most projects are in person anyways, but he'll keep me in mind for virtual projects (he was very kind about it!).

Did I lose out on this opportunity by declining an in person shoot? Or do you think I will actually be considered for the future? Once COVID lightens up I have the full intention of reaching back out to him.

This has been racking my brain and don't want to pester him of course, so I appreciate the advice in advance.

Dec 15 20 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 6597

Uniontown, Pennsylvania, US

Melody To wrote:
Did I lose out on this opportunity by declining an in person shoot?

IMO It would depend upon the legitimacy of the Agency,  You refer to them in singular as in Agent.  As far as playing it safe during a Global Pandemic I see no harm it that.

Dec 16 20 02:19 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11733

Olney, Maryland, US

Melody To wrote:
. . .  he'll keep me in mind for virtual projects . . .

Did he offer you a virtual test shoot?

Dec 16 20 05:53 am Link



Posts: 229

Phoenix, Arizona, US

It's very doubtful you missed out on any opportunity by not going in for a test shoot.  That request alone creates suspicion in terms of how legitimate the agent is.  Who is the agent and with what agency?

Dec 16 20 06:28 am Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18916

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

So what would your do if they signed your and wanted you to go to a shoot for a commercial/ ad out of town where you had to fly?
Millions of people live and work in NYC every day, those with jobs are grateful that they are employed.

Dec 16 20 06:36 am Link



Posts: 534

Flagstaff, Arizona, US

Melody To wrote:
I would love the community's input on my situation:

I heard back from an agency I applied to online. He wanted me to come in to do a test shoot. However, with the increase in cases in NYC I did not feel comfortable with that. He respectfully understood and said it may be best to wait until COVID lightens up since most projects are in person anyways, but he'll keep me in mind for virtual projects (he was very kind about it!).

Did I lose out on this opportunity by declining an in person shoot? Or do you think I will actually be considered for the future? Once COVID lightens up I have the full intention of reaching back out to him.

This has been racking my brain and don't want to pester him of course, so I appreciate the advice in advance.

It’s the old “will get back to you” line. He may get back to you, but in the mean time he might have found someone else.

Dec 16 20 07:50 am Link


Melody To

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

Mark Salo wrote:

Did he offer you a virtual test shoot?

I asked if there was any way to do it virtually, and he responded with the statement I wrote above - to hold off until COVID lightens up!

Dec 16 20 09:05 am Link


Melody To

Posts: 5

New York, New York, US

It's very doubtful you missed out on any opportunity by not going in for a test shoot.  That request alone creates suspicion in terms of how legitimate the agent is.  Who is the agent and with what agency?

It's a boutique mother agency in NYC with a small roster of models. Their website is pmpmgmt. com.

Dec 16 20 09:09 am Link



Posts: 229

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Melody To wrote:
It's a boutique mother agency in NYC with a small roster of models. Their website is **OMITTED FROM QUOTE**.

Okay, thank you.  (If you prefer, please re-edit your above post to remove their name.)

I see the purpose and intent behind what they are doing so I cannot outright say they are not legit in terms of their vision for what they're trying to accomplish.  Right now, it seems accumulation of talent for a "someday scenario"  via a niche market.

The question becomes whether or not they have the drive, network, and connections to pursue and book work for their talent. In NYC, especially, that is fairly important.

You would probably have gone in, taken some "test shots" then signed some semblance of an agreement for representation and permission to list and use your images on the site.   It seems just this shy of a photo mill once the talent base builds up for a better photo package pitch but I am not affirming that as definite.

(I doubt you are missing anything by not signing with this management company, but as you mentioned, he was very polite and understanding regarding not coming in at the moment, and is okay with having you come in later to join the list.)

However, if this is important to you, there is no listed operational business entity under that name, and unlike model "agencies", management companies often work much harder to hustle work for their clients in terms of visibility and other work.

Is he working for his clients to get that work for them?  I see an empty Instagram (not the end of the world, I don't use mine much myself - but for a management company - seems a bit - 'ishy', no?)

Either way, don't let the feeling of missed out keep you up at night on this one.

Dec 16 20 09:30 am Link