
Jefferson Cole

Posts: 146

Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Hoping to hear models opinions on the subject of "model managers". Any reply will be appreciated.😊

Jul 20 24 06:18 am Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6642

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to, but I will guess.
Most freelance models book their own work. I also personally know and have worked with some models who travel frequently/full time and they have a significant other or travel partner who helps return messages and book work in tandem with the model. That allows her to focus on modelling and the partner handles logistics.
I used to travel heavily and it is very time consuming to do it all yourself, so I can't blame a model for bringing in help. Many models do this very successfully.
Now, if you are referring to someone who acts as an agent but isn't actually an agent, then I suggest not working with that person at all. Many photographers I know have booked models only to find out that the model wasn't comfortable with the shoot genre and had no idea prior. This can just be a big waste of time.

Jul 20 24 02:26 pm Link


G Reese

Posts: 916

Marion, Indiana, US

while your at it you and some of the models mite want to read the terms of service for this site, regarding "managers".
I know of a few that didn't that disappeared.

Jul 21 24 07:49 am Link



Posts: 20647

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I was originally going to stay out of this thread because, after all, it's in the "Model Colloquy" department and you specifically stated that you want to hear from models.

Well, for the purposes of MM I don't have a model account, nor would I want one... but surprisingly I've had professional experience as a model, and even as an actor in print, TV, Movies, and even a video game.  All of those gigs were obtained by professional, licensed model and/or talent agents, so I guess I'm actually qualified to give an answer.

Unlike most people that are looking for those type of gigs, I was hired by being at the right place at the wrong time.  I say that because I really don't like being in front of the camera (I'm much prettier behind the lens) but if forced to do it I'll oblige.

Y'see, I was in the TV production industry for several years and sometimes I'd get called in for some tech work and before ya know it some (foolish) producer would decide to hire me for an on camera part.

With that being said, my main job in the industries was production, post production, and technical.  I have worked with some of the most famous and revered managers in existence.  They're so good that they only have one or two high profile clients at a time, period.  Funny thing is that I had no idea of their power and influence on the industry when I was working with them (I wasn't their client, they were having me do technical production stuff).

From what I've witnessed at the MM and amateur level is that most people that claim to be 'managers' are simply GWC's, GW/OC's, or some buffoon that's just trying to get laid.  The same goes with most people that claim to be talent agents, scouts, and that sort of thing.  Sadly many people fall victim to their claims and their career (if they actually had a change in the first place) becomes stagnant or totally ends.

Most of the real managers have at least a bachelors degree in business.  One of the managers i'm thinking of was originally a CPA.  After all, a legitimate manager is the person that's dealing with the business side of their client.  None of them were photographers. They must have a good grasp of general business, labor and liability laws, contracts, negotiations, taxes, expense management and other 'dry' subjects that almost none of the 'wannabee / pretend' managers possess.

it's hard to believe that even a fairly busy model really 'needs' a manager, but of course there are exceptions.

Jul 21 24 10:10 am Link