Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > FootNote's Serious Critique


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Alright with the new forums I am going to go ahead and give this a try. If you want my advice I have a few requirements and preferences so I can actually give you advice that may be useful to you. I will try and be tough but also helpful.


Must be a model.
Tough Skin.

Ok, that's actually simple enough.

Jan 14 10 04:44 am Link


Grace R

Posts: 2779

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

I do modelling. I have very thick skin. Let's get serious wink

Jan 14 10 05:31 am Link


Ania N

Posts: 358


Jan 14 10 05:39 am Link


Vee Kaye

Posts: 96

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Bring it on! Skin as tough as nails, despite the age!

Jan 14 10 05:43 am Link


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Grace R wrote:
I do modelling. I have very thick skin. Let's get serious wink

Alright, the first thing that comes to mind when I look at your work is everything comes in twos. Most your photos have a second identical image right next to it.
Girls cutting their hair off is always something intresting because bald girls are one of the few things that are taboo. While this is a good photo of your face.. it makes you look like you have a hairy bake.

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I like both these photos but they both have problems, the first one you really cant see your face the second one, your expression does not exactly go with the fact you are being restrained. One big problem with both is the fact part of your body is blown out.

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I love the first image, The biggest problem here would be that big ass "+" sign right next to your nipple distracting from the overall photo. The second one I really am not a fan of the pose and the way your hand is cupping your armpit.

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I love this, but I would love this more if it looked more like you had the skull on, rather then have it at a angle.

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Love it, nothing to say against it. I will say this though: I use to live in Vicenza tongue

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I absolutely love these two. My only complaint would be  your leg hair stands out a bit and your feet look dirty when overall the photo should be almost all white.

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It almost looks like the soul reason you have this is the fact its colored. I would cut this first.

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I would love both these images so much more if you where just by yourself. Its always great to get two hot girls together and shoot, but when you are going for a Art look more then a glam look you got to make sure the second girl is actually adding something to the photos more then just a second set of boobs.

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I am on the fence with this one, I see no reason why I shouldent like it.. but for some reason I am not a huge fan of it either.. not sure why the skull is there.. to me it almost looks like it was a object laying around and thats why you chose that rather then something more meaningful.

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A fun image but simply put I dont see it adding anything to your profile other then your smile.

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I really dont like the angle of these photos at all. BUT I think you doing more story board photos would be great for you.

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Your expression really kills the first image. And i Do love your second photo you been hiding that ass of yours the whole time!

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An example of when photography ruins good bondage. The bondage looks good but the backdrop looks like a sheet hanging up. Again your expression looks board, like you dont want to be there.

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I can see how a lot of people would love this but not really for me. Big problem is it looks like a lot of missmatched stuff. Most your clothing along with your cigar is very "manly" but you have heals on. Glancing at the image it looks like it would be an older photo 50's or so but you have your Mac book and blackberry

Jan 14 10 07:06 am Link


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Ania N wrote:
All three of these photos are amazing, but put them together and they really don't mix.

Again, all three amazing photos, I love the fact it is telling a story but the second photo is really the weakest as far as the story telling goes.

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Really have nothing to say, all outstanding images.

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Absolutely love it, but the images feel a bit soft though.

Love the expression on this one!

Very strong image. Its nice to see a single image so you can actually see YOU and not cram 4 images into one photo slot.

So far your weakest image. You look great in it, as always but the photo it self is simply not that good. I wont comment on it too much because it has to do with the photographer not you the model.

Again, you look stunning but the photo it self is no good, again, nothing you can do.

Amazing photo, amazing pose, amazing make up.

Love it, wish I shot it.


Summery: You are an extremely strong model, I have no advice for you as far as modeling goes. The advice I do have is that you should try and get single images to use in your portfolio rather then multiple images.

Jan 14 10 07:42 am Link


Jocelyn Lu

Posts: 358

Mountain View, California, US

I'd love your opinion smile

Jan 14 10 07:43 am Link



Posts: 129

New York, New York, US

Wow...those were great breakdowns! That's what I need!

Jan 14 10 09:45 am Link


Brittany Ariel

Posts: 52

Lake City, Florida, US

Thick would be delighted.

Jan 14 10 12:42 pm Link


Hell kat

Posts: 1005

Warrington, England, United Kingdom

I can take it

Jan 14 10 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 59

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I need general critique as well as help weeding out the worst pictures.

Jan 14 10 05:58 pm Link


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Vivian Wei wrote:
Bring it on! Skin as tough as nails, despite the age! … up_id=&ua=
A fun image no doubt good for an ad for adopting dogs or something. Only complaint is how the dog looks half asleep and you look so alive, If the dog was laying on his belly and actually had his head up alert rather then on his side then that would have improved the image 10x fold.

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Two OK images that could have been very good. Problem is the floor is dirty, you have a wire haning down on the top of the frame. It would have also been a lot better I think if you actually where preforming with the sheet, doing tricks rather then just standing there with it. The second one is a little bit better but you could still do so much more with it, dont be afraid to risk a pose and try something new. That and your hand is missing in the second one?

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Very cute but the image it self is very soft, also your legs are halfway blown out and the edging between the wall and floor is just distracting.

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Yes! Your cute! Ok other then that the photo really is just a snapshot and doesn't really do anything to add to your port.

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Ok the photo it self, again it adds nothing to your port. BUT It shows you actually preforming and that is great. Sooo I am kind of indifferent on this one, it shows you have a skill set but does not add anything to your port. So I would leave it for the time being but dont be afraid to replace it once you get a photo showing of your skill as a dancer.


Summery: You are a very good looking model and it seems to be a skilled dancer, dont be afraid to bring that to a shoot! You also seem to have the basic idea of how to pose yourself, but dont be afraid to take risks, I honestly thing what you need to do to improve your self is work with better photographers right now a lot of your images are all "half-way" done.

Jan 15 10 12:49 am Link



Posts: 6822

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

do it, srsly!

Jan 15 10 12:56 am Link


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Jocelyn Lu wrote:
I'd love your opinion smile … up_id=&ua= … up_id=&ua=
Alright the first photo really shows off your long legs but other then that it really is just a snap shot. The second snap shot... simply just a snap shot it adds nothing at all to your port.

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Again, both snapshots, but this time wearing the same clothing, You absolutely need to lose one of these, if not both.

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Now this is a great shot, elegant and beautiful. Problem is its not done, no fault of your own but this image still needs to be retouched and it would be so much better!

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At first looking at the thumbnail I was kind of "eh" and then I enlarged it and found its really not that bad of a image, I actually do like how the hair is halfway in your face, what I don't like though is how your legs are posed.

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Great pose but you need to work on your facial expression, also when wearing thin skin tight clothing like that anything you have under that is going to show, like with that one on the small of your back you can see a thin line going across. Also, the cheap thing your sitting on, looks cheap. Not good.

____________________ … up_id=&ua=
You look pissed that your there. Now in some images looking pissed is good, but for this it really does not work very well. Also your strap is halfway sticking out of your back. All in all its a nice dress and it looks like your in a studio with good lighting but yeah, nix it.

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Smiles! These are truly lovely, they show off your great smile and are great for a headshot to show what your face looks like, but you only need one. So I would nix the top one and keep the second.

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I like this one because it shows your whole body, its great to show off your figure like this. The photo and photoshop it self is not good at all but the photo still has a porous so that is good.

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When I first saw this I thought... "Yayyyy I am hanging out at my highschool steps!" But yeah. Snapshot, nix it.

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A good pose but the angle it is shot at makes me want to tilt my head and fall over. Again, it looks like it was a snapshot taking at highschool with some filter done in photoshop.

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I think with these two images that makes three photos with the same clothing on. The first image is a great pose but the clothing is crap, the second image, again, great pose but why are you wearing ballerina shoes on the sidewalk in cloths you go to school in? Get your ass to the studio and get dressed up with your ballerina shoes and show us some moves there!

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A decent headshot, I dont really have anything good or negative to say about it.

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Please do us, and yourself a favor, get these highschool senior shots outttttt of your portfolio they do nothing to add to your port and more then likely bring it down.

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Not bad honestly, but it does not do much as far as showing you off as a model.

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I am glad to see you actually got dressed up but, the photo it self is not all that great. The shadows the B&W... just not good.


Summery: Look you have an amazing look to you, when I first looked at you my mind went right to "elegant" You have a lot of things holding you back though, first would be your clothing, nothing is wrong with it, if your going to school or the mall but as far as photoshoots go.. not good at all. You are also setting the bar Wayyyyyy to low for yourself. You are on a modeling website here, and live in TX I know you can find some good photographers to work with you, you dont need your friends to take snapshots of you anymore. I would love to work with you if I lived near you but, alas I dont.

So, what you need to do is trim down your port quality over quantity, start working with better photographers and try and work with some clothing designers too!

Jan 15 10 01:23 am Link


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Lorenzo Pierre Adams wrote:
Wow...those were great breakdowns! That's what I need! … up_id=&ua=
This photo really does not do much other then show off your body, which is good because now photographers know what kind of body you have, but as a photograph it really does not do much to improve your port.

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With out a doubt one of your better photos. Not sure what to add, not a great one but not a bad one either.

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I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this image, I see your oiled up.. got some sort of wings behind you? but.. yeah I have no idea.

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Not bad at all, the photo it self is not great but to me, for your look, it looks like it is going in the right direction. Do more shots like these.

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All simple snapshots that add nothing to your port.

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Head shots and body shots are good, but you only need one of each, You should have a head shot, 3/4th shot like you have two of now, and a whole body shot head to foot.


Summery, well it is clear you are just starting out, and I will admit I know next to nothing about male models and agency's. It seems to me though you got the height, your thin, and handsome so I dont see why you would not try and go to a agency and see what they have to say. Keep working on modeling cloths that seems to be a area your stronger in.

Jan 15 10 02:09 am Link


Vee Kaye

Posts: 96

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Thank you so much for your time! you're analysis was very indepth and helpful. smile

Jan 15 10 02:11 am Link


Grace R

Posts: 2779

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Just a quick note to say I really appreciate the time you took over my critique. I might not agree with everything in it, but it definitely gave me something to think about and I really appreciate such an in-depth critique. Thank you smile

Jan 17 10 12:06 pm Link



Posts: 6334

Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

I have thick skin... and I suppose I'm a model... so if you are still doing this then please go for it ^_^

Livvy xox

Jan 17 10 03:24 pm Link



Posts: 1694

Los Gatos, California, US

please. smile

Jan 17 10 06:19 pm Link


Franko Photo

Posts: 1622

San Jose, California, US

OK - I'm in....

Jan 17 10 06:20 pm Link