Forums > General Industry > Should I add better pics?


Whyte Chocolate

Posts: 13

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yesterday someone told me I should add better pics. This person also said that I dont look good in any of my pics. Should I get better pics?

Apr 22 05 05:19 pm Link


Tito Trelles-MADE IN NY

Posts: 960

Miami, Florida, US

Hello, if the person who told you about your photos is a male...ask him out... you will have the answer:)  of course anyone can have better photos, models and photographers, that's why we both keep going. I find your profile a very decent one. Let me know when you come to NY. Take care. T

Apr 22 05 05:33 pm Link


Daniel Hice Image Works

Posts: 576

Kennesaw, Georgia, US

Better!?!? To me it sounds like someone who lives in a "If it's not my way it's wrong" world. Your pics are very different from the style in my profile but how does that make them wrong, we have different styles. I happen to think your profile is great!

EDIT: The pic titled simply "Swimsuit" gave me chills. If your ever interested give me shout, it's a big city but I bet we could find each other easy enough.

Apr 22 05 06:02 pm Link


Brian Kim

Posts: 508

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Don't flip out. You're always going to get some schmuck who wants to critique your work. Everyone always wants "better" work up. Maybe a BETTER word to use would be newer work. I like to throw up new shots and take down old ones, just because new work shows what's really goin on.

Apr 22 05 06:37 pm Link


Joe Paul Studios

Posts: 358

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

You've got a great look, and look great in you folio. Don't worry if someone else doesn't like you book - photography is an art, and artists are very tempermental. What will please one person may be hated by another. If you are not sure about the photos, ask people you really trust, and ask more than one of them. Or, shoot with another photographer, and judge the results after that. (I'd be happy to do a shoot with you if you make it down to South Florida). Many times you may not have been at your best, or worse, the photographer was not at their best, at a given shoot, but that does not necessarily make the photos "bad". (And yours are not).

Apr 22 05 07:07 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

I have looked at you port. and it looks fine to me. I like the fact that you included tear sheets, it shows that you've been published and with that comes a lot of experience.

Apr 22 05 07:13 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

Just a follow-up. The person that told you that you needed better images was a photog. Right?

Apr 22 05 07:14 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Posted by Brian Kim: 
Don't flip out. You're always going to get some schmuck who wants to critique your work. Everyone always wants "better" work up. Maybe a BETTER word to use would be newer work. I like to throw up new shots and take down old ones, just because new work shows what's really goin on.

Brian hit it, no matter how good, medeocre or bad our pics are we naturally will want to improve on them and change the looks from time to time. Even if they're great, if you always show the same ones they get stale and people will stop coming back to see the same old pics. It also makes you look as if you're not doing any new work which is not what you want.

We always need new pics to show. It's a neverending process. You have some nice pics and I wouldn't lose any sleep worrying about one persons comment (now if everyone said you need better pics right now then that might be different).
At your stage you should be shooting with the more advanced photogs only. This will/should build you a more advanced portflio with different looks and styles.

No matter how good my work may look to others I am always telling myself, damn, I need better pics. Try to learn what really works and what doesn't. When you know a good pic when you see it and recognize the bad ones you can critique your own work. If a person critiques your work just look at their work. Are they that good to make a critique? If they are just take note their advice and thank them, if not just ignore them.

You have some good pics up. A couple are iffy but nothing to fret over at this very moment.


Apr 22 05 07:18 pm Link


Whyte Chocolate

Posts: 13

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yea he was a photog.

Apr 22 05 07:21 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Posted by Whyte Chocolate: 
Yea he was a photog. 

Anyone we know or you'd rather not say? I don't want to cause any wars here. Email me.

Apr 22 05 07:33 pm Link


Scott Johnson Studios

Posts: 3353

Wausau, Wisconsin, US

I think that was the photographers way of trying to get you to shoot with him.

Posted by Whyte Chocolate: 
Yea he was a photog. 

Apr 22 05 07:36 pm Link


Whyte Chocolate

Posts: 13

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I dont want to tell because like you said, dont want to start any wars.. smile Scott, If he wanted to shoot with me why would he say something mean. He said alot more stuff then I wrote down.

Apr 22 05 07:39 pm Link


Glamour Studio /Gary

Posts: 1237

Good thinking Scott. The fact this photog was trying to get a shoot puts this in a different light.

Whyte Chocolate, this is going to have to be your decision since you don't want to devulge enough to give advice. Do "you" think this photog will give you killer pics? Is his work  the kind you need or want?

Apr 22 05 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

The key is to SHOW LESS---but BEST.
One photo that ROCKS will capture a PHOTOGS imagination---but a BAD ONE will leave a sour after taste.

Apr 22 05 08:03 pm Link


Whyte Chocolate

Posts: 13

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Why dont you all just go to my page and post some comments on my pics. If you like them I will keep them on, if you dont I will take them off. I have a bunch of other pics. I wont be mad if you dont like some of them.

Apr 22 05 08:10 pm Link



Posts: 18

Fairfield, California, US

Hmmm, your shots are just fine! this is a business of perceptions, one persons perceptions will be different than the next persons. Some people will like what they see others will not, it's a waste of your time to stress on what one photog said to you.
Just keep on doing what you feel is your best work and try to gravitate toward people who honestly feel the same.

Apr 24 05 05:38 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Some of your pictures look great in "non-biased" opinion when focusing on Subject, Compostion and Clarity. Some of your photos look amateur...

Yes, always add photos.  "Better" is an opinion - you might want to decide on what your actual target market is and focus on what will appeal to them.

Professionally speaking.

Apr 25 05 09:57 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

With any   images you are going to share , it's ones that should be your best. We tend to flood so many images of our work, as a photographer or model. Take time out and look at the images, do not put a hand full of images from one shoot into tend to have the same look. We forget so easy to not edit images, have someone else look at them also before you post them.

Apr 25 05 10:03 am Link