Forums > General Industry > Connections



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

It seems a lot of issues in our forms  are of images that photographers shout out here. Well, lets bring a lighter  side to one issue that focuses on the  models. Yeah! Time to put  aside the ego’s of photographers and listen to what mode look for in working with photographers. No this is not a bash the shooter computer game, but what I want to come away from here is understanding the relationship between the model & photographer. I can only show examples of my relationships with working with people in front of my camera. I have worked with models over the years where I have a few that I have worked when since my early years of crawling to learn my craft. Of those I have shot over the years, it’s become a relationship where they are partners in the create image that is placed into the films emulsion.
I have gotten to the point where I talk very little with the models when shooting, yet we sometimes storyboard what it is of the outcome to our work together. This is just a example of my relationship with models, I am not saying you will always get those doing this always. It’s something to just shoot and say that is the creative process and think very little into the eye of the process of working to an ends of the image.So! What is it about those times when everything clicks and there is magic in a shooting for you. We can look at tons of images here and no one ever ask the question of the model as to what was it about working with these creative mad personalities........each shooter brings in their own personalities or crank up the stereo so loud you get the beat and you are driven into  that 125sec @ F/11 I got that shot. So let me know your feelings, as it does make us all understand what is the connections.

Apr 25 05 06:57 am Link