Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > SF2: Ess Effin Two > Unprofessional Things Models say to Photographers



Posts: 2535

Orlando, Florida, US

Have you done this before?

Sep 24 16 12:10 am Link



Posts: 6688

Santa Monica, California, US

Have you done this before?

I think that is cute, if its naivete.

A model here threatened to 'hunt me down.' He did that thru my yahoo email so I didnt report him to MM.

Sep 24 16 01:24 pm Link


Toto Photo

Posts: 3757

Belmont, California, US

DespayreFX wrote:
... it's happened to me several times already..

What sort of camera do you use?*

*Both a response to OP and to DespayreFX's post.

Sep 30 16 03:24 pm Link


Python Photos

Posts: 609

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

I've not had any bad experiences that I can remember, and I haven't read the other thread on things that have happened to models. I believe that a few distinctions are important. We use the term "unprofessional" as if being "unprofessional" is the worst thing someone can do. The problem is that we're sometimes using the word "unprofessional" as a euphemism for other, more series actions.

Soliciting a model is illegal and morally wrong. (For that matter, a model saying that she'll throw in a "happy ending" to the shoot for an extra fee is also soliciting and also illegal.) Touching a model roughly to the point of assault is illegal and morally wrong. For that matter, a model being physically abusive towards a photographer would also be illegal and morally wrong. A model bringing an escort who pilfers from the photographer is illegal and morally wrong. A model bringing an escort who threatens the photographer is illegal and morally wrong. I can understand the victim on either side not trying to make a police report and prosecute because proving the case may be impossible. If I were on a jury, I'd have a hard time convicting anybody on either side if the case were just "model said - photographer said" regardless of the sex of either model or photographer. I'm not sure the best way to solve the problem, but euphemistically calling the problem "unprofessional" seems to be downplaying the issue.

In a step below the criminal, there are actions that are crude and morally wrong even if they don't rise to the level of criminality. Some touching may not reach the level of "assault" but is still crude and creepy. Some comments are so far out of line that they are morally wrong even if they don't rise to the level of criminality. An escort wandering through the photographer's home or parts of the studio not in use is being creepy even if he/she doesn't steal anything. These actions are a serious problem on every side, and they go beyond simple lack of professionalism.

A big "gray zone" between what is truly wrong and what is unprofessional is canceling a shoot after someone has invested money that cannot be recovered. Generally, the models are more often guilty of this transgression than the photographers.

"Unprofessional" is more in line with actions that do no harm but are out of line with accepted standards of professional/proper conduct. A model being very late to a shoot, particularly without notification, or cancelling at the last minute is unprofessional. An escort who fidgets with everything on the set is unprofessional. Springing a wardrobe change or suggestion on a model at the last minute is considered unprofessional by some. Personally, I don't see the problem as long as the wardrobe suggestion is within the bounds of the original idea although I generally wouldn't make the suggestion unless I had a good rapport with the model. I was once at a shoot where a couple of other photographers were blocking my angle for a series of poses that the model was doing. When I had my turn, I asked whether she could repeat the same poses for me, and she looked at me as if I were a hayseed fresh off the bus. I've occasionally asked a model to go back to a pose because I wasn't quick enough to get the shot, and they generally just ignore me and keep posing. Apparently, asking for a return to a pose that the photographer misses is some kind of faux pas.

If we wanted to do some good for photographers, we might want to have a discussion of "professionalism" for escorts. I realize that most escorts are not professional in the sense of being paid, but a shoot being TFP does not excuse either the model or the photographer from certain standards of behavior. I realize that models with an established clientele can generally work without an escort and prefer to do so. I realize that photographers who have an established group of models who work with them can insist that models not bring an escort. Both of these groups will attack the idea of standards for escorts because they don't need escorts. For those of us who haven't reached that point, some agreement between models and photographers on standards for escort behavior would be helpful.

Feb 26 17 09:52 pm Link


A Thousand Words

Posts: 590

Lakeland, Florida, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

It's never happened to me.   smile

It's never happened to me either. But then again, I'm fat and ugly.

Mar 09 17 05:21 am Link


Grouchy Retired Nova

Posts: 3294

Tucson, Arizona, US

Well, if I ever need to show examples of narcissism for a Psych class, I can print out some of the posts from the original thread and get a guaranteed A...

Apr 27 17 04:20 am Link



Posts: 16685

Key West, Florida, US

An inappropriate remark by a model can lead to a positive experience!

Apr 29 17 06:55 pm Link


Roy Hubbard

Posts: 3199

East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, US

One agreed to marry me

May 03 17 06:13 pm Link



Posts: 20623

Las Vegas, Nevada, US


May 09 17 10:29 pm Link



Posts: 19182

New York, New York, US

~ "I wanna do 'outside' shots"
~ "Can I see those pics you just took"
~ "It's cold/hot, can we wait?"
~ "I don't like .... outfits"
~ "Can you put a filter on this shot?"

Jun 26 17 03:43 am Link



Posts: 51

Lawrence, Kansas, US

This is actually  a pretty informative thread. Glad I'm reading it so I know what NOT to do...

Aug 28 17 05:19 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US


Oct 01 17 11:42 am Link


j francis photography

Posts: 511

Los Angeles, California, US


Oct 03 17 01:15 pm Link