Forums > Hair, Makeup & Styling > OK who else did "Frank Fishers" email?

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I hate to be  skeptical when it comes to offers of work but let's face it, if it looks, talks, walks, like a duck.... Frank Fishers a "photographer" emailed me this morning  saying he found my profile on Model Mayhem interesting and he would be glad if we can work together. He has a client that needs a catalog update for a new magazine release. I thought okay here we go. So I responded and mentioned I couldn't find a website for him.  That was explained in his response back to me. I had asked him if he'd hired a makeup artist yet and if he can give me some more information and let it go. His response was well bizarre comes to mind nevertheless he gave me the date he told me I would be part of a crew he said I must be passionate have a professional appearance delivering exceptional work listening skills and I have to have an up-to-date knowledge of available hair stylist kits.  I'll be paid $1,300 with 50% deposit listed my responsibilities etc etc.  oh yes and it would be a positive experience for me.  I have to say he did spell all the big words correctly! Frank if you do indeed exist you are a unique and to use your word interesting character however dear Frank I do believe you're a duck.  anybody else get an offer from Frank just curious?

Feb 27 18 05:58 pm Link



Posts: 20625

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

rick lesser wrote:
... anybody else get an offer from Frank just curious?

Thousands of people did.

Feb 28 18 02:57 am Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

And I thought I was special. 😂

Feb 28 18 06:56 am Link