Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > SF2: Ess Effin Two > Whoa! What if someone wrote a movie script where..


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

...the actor had to play the parts of the kid in the flashback scenes when theyre still a kid.
Then the movie takes a lifetime to make and the kid has to want to act their whole life.
Probably good idea to get lots of b roll.

Thats like a trippy thought maaaaan.

Jun 26 20 09:01 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9781

Bellingham, Washington, US

You need to get the entire family on board too, for authenticity.

The movie crew will need to consider the transitions as well and provide for continuity since many of them will die in a fire or something.

You will need one billion dollars, plus snacks.

Jun 27 20 09:50 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Our lives ARE a movie we dont even watch 'cause we're too busy texting.

Hashtag stoner thoughts

Jun 27 20 10:12 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9781

Bellingham, Washington, US

Doesn't appear I can get my required budget.

Therefore, I resign from this project.

The liability is high, what if the kid wants to do it and then ODs on Fentanyl when they are 16?
Gotta start over, write a different movie or hire a stunt double. As long as you're at it, might as well hire a stunt triple or quadruple, get a better price.

Jun 27 20 11:10 pm Link


Motordrive Photography

Posts: 7088

Lodi, California, US

"Boyhood" is a must watch movie from Richard Linkleter,
it was shot with the same cast over twelve years.

Many things could have happened off set to derail this
ambitious project, but it turned out really good.

Jul 01 20 04:55 pm Link