Forums > Critique > Serious Critique > (Politely) Judge My Profile!



Posts: 2

Los Angeles, California, US

Hey y'all!

I'm brand new here, and I thought before I get started on contacting models/posting casting calls, I'd get a review of my profile from some vets!

Here's a link to my MM photos:

Main things I'm looking for:
- Should I upload more shots? I've noticed that a number of y'all have a LOT in your profile, sometimes hundreds. Do you find that to be more helpful in getting work here or more distracting?
- How's my About Me? Would you want to shoot with me based off of it - why or why not?

Any other tips or tricks from you lovely people are more than welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Jul 08 20 09:56 am Link


Orca Bay Images

Posts: 33877

Arcata, California, US

For starters, more images is almost never a good tactic. Rather than baffling them with sheer numbers, dazzle them with a dozen of your best shots. It's all too common for people who have portfolios of hundreds of shots tend to repeat themselves, whether it's sequences of nearly identical shots from the same shoot or too-similar shots from different shoots. Redundancy is bad.

Your profile is really basic at this point, understandably so. It currently discusses what you'd like to move to. With experience, your profile can and should also tell more about what your working style is like and what a model might expect in working with you.

To be honest, your portfolio currently lacks he qualities needed in fashion and even portrait photography. The images are uniformly underexposed and dark. Too many similar headshots in which the model is looking up. You've also got several images in which the model is mostly obscured by leaves, shadow, a hand, or something else. You should be showing off the model, not concealing.the model.

Jul 08 20 09:24 pm Link



Posts: 9863

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Orca Bay Images, gave you some great feed back.

A suggestion I find helpful is to make a print of your photograph, then taking some sheets of paper move them around the photograph trying to find the best crop.


There seems to be a lot of non-model space above her head, try covering the space up with the paper sheets, would bringing the sides in help bring the viewers attention on the model?

Bright things distract the viewer’s eyes, try to Photoshop the lettering off her shirt, and see if that brings the attention to her face.

Best backgrounds are generally those that are blurred.

Pose is some times referred as looking for UFOs, because she appears to be looking up with out reason.

Something seems off with the photo, could be how it was exposed or processing.
This is a great background
Notice the skin tones and how vibrant it looks compared to your other images?

Believe a different crop could make this image pop.
Details, you have hair or something on models right shoulder.

I wish you well

Jul 13 20 06:47 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30130

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Quality over Quantity

Looks like You are heading in the right direction

Jul 17 20 12:06 am Link


Rough Hewn Images

Posts: 52

Salem, Oregon, US

I agree with the others.  If you are wanting color, make the colors pop.  Another options is to go B&W and pump up the contrast.  Take some time and go through others portfolios and notice the color and the distinct separation of the colors.  I have found on one if my cameras the auto-white-balance is not right so I need to start setting custom WB on it to get the correct colors.  Try using custom WB on a few shots and see what you get.

As for the posing, mix it up more.  The "UFO' observing is over used, have the models drill through the camera with their eyes.  While checking out the colors of other photos note the variety of posing.  Most of yours poses seem pretty static, find a way to breathe life into them.

Jul 17 20 09:14 pm Link


Fist Full of Ish

Posts: 2301

Aiken, South Carolina, US

The composition and lighting of some of your photos bring "National Geographic" to mind.  However, the color and other aspects aren't there.  I would suggest looking at a NG magazine and figuring out how you can rise to that level (which is pretty high).

Jul 19 20 01:45 am Link



Posts: 2

Los Angeles, California, US

Thank you everyone for the helpful feedback!

Jul 24 20 12:36 pm Link