Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > SF2: Ess Effin Two > Proper Nutrition during Pandemic


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

What have you guys been eating?

I'm a bit paranoid where I get my food from with this thing going around.
Last few months have been a bit rough. I've been out of regular work, so I haven't been near the taco bell or the autoparts store that I usually get sustenance from. Usually I'd have a coworker or two going to a nearby coffee shop and they'd peer pressure me into some drink thats full of sugar. Not to mention our office has two beers on tap. Also haven't been getting pizza delivered.

I'm worried the lack of energy drinks, beer, and fast food will diminish my overall health. I'm not as young as I was 4 months ago. I've tried to supplement with hard liquor, coffee and lots of protein.
Is there any sort of negative long term health effect?

While sitting on my ass watching youtube I've noticed theres some advertisements that are health based, but I always skip them because I'm in a hurry to learn about easter eggs in a Marvel movie, or a weird history fact, or watch some awesome guitar solo! I'm sure those advertisements are smart and full of good advice, because I saw some old guy hold up a tomato and he was like:
"this is a tomato, think its good for you? ...think again!"
and im like *skip* 'cause tomatoes are dumb, ketchup is waaaaay better bitch!
and sometimes theres some dude with no shirt on at the end of the video talking about cardio burning carbs or something, but I've already watched the video. I'm not going to stick around and listen to this advertisement guy, and also put a shirt on!
Apparently, he doesnt know that all you need to get hot chicks is a camera. He's exercising like a dumbass.
What the hell is a carb anyways? every engine is fuel injection nowadays.
If you're backfiring through the carb and its burning you got an air /fuel mixture problem.

Did you guys just read all that? Forreals tho, whatcha been eating?
Whats good and easy to make without a lot of prep time or a big mess?

I'm thinking some sort of smoothie may be the key to survival in these times.
Mtn Dew, Bacon, nacho cheese, and chocolate chips would be a good blend of nutrients. Then a splash of vodka or some booze, add butter and salt to taste. Just pour it right into your gut and not burn any precious calories or time chewing.

Jul 15 20 01:37 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Buy the pre-cooked bacon and jars of mayonnaise.
Take a bite of bacon and spoon a glob of mayonnaise into yer pie hole.

You need fiber, Doritos. Avoid chicharonnes, too much like cannibalism.

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups.

The three food groups.

Use alcohol to wash down those little cannabis goo blobs that sort of look like vanilla wafers made out of piss colored Jello.
Take about 4 or 5 of them, they are weak. A fifth of vodka daily will prevent infection.

Jul 15 20 02:55 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Dark chocolate peanut butter cups sounds amaaaaazing.

Doritos are good, i prefer Goldfish Crackers.
That way they have fiber, cheese flavor, and fish is supposed to have something called omega-3 which sounds awesome and science-y. Plus I'm pretty sure they're made with Gluten a.k.a. Love.
Theyre best served while watching an underwater documentary. Disney+ has some watery shows in their Nat Geo section.
Also if you have that check out the Wild Yelllowstone show. S1 E1 "The Frozen Frontier" some Rams get all horny and fight and try to kick each other in the nuts. Not even joking.

Jul 15 20 04:46 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
Dark chocolate peanut butter cups sounds amaaaaazing.

Doritos are good, i prefer Goldfish Crackers.
That way they have fiber, cheese flavor, and fish is supposed to have something called omega-3 which sounds awesome and science-y. Plus I'm pretty sure they're made with Gluten a.k.a. Love.
Theyre best served while watching an underwater documentary. Disney+ has some watery shows in their Nat Geo section.
Also if you have that check out the Wild Yelllowstone show. S1 E1 "The Frozen Frontier" some Rams get all horny and fight and try to kick each other in the nuts. Not even joking.

Don't go to Trader Joe's and get a container of them, after that you will lay awake at night - drooling. Mmmm... dark chocolate and peanut butter. They should make huge ones, like a cake.

Ram nuts = Rocky Mountain Oysters. The kicked ones have been tenderized. Dip 'em in batter and deep fry 'em. Our bodies need grease or the joints get creaky.

Goldfish are pretty good but the Flaimin' Hot Cheetos are better, they remind you that you are still alive, mostly, sort of...

Jul 15 20 05:31 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Shadow Dancer wrote:
Goldfish are pretty good but the Flaimin' Hot Cheetos are better, they remind you that you are still alive, mostly, sort of...

I don't like spicy stuff that much, I'll still eat it, it just doesnt do anything for me. unless its smeared with wasabi.
In the fridge at work there was some hot sauce called "shit the bed" and then there was one that was supposed to be even hotter. I had some, and it actually made my ears hurt. Apparently the other guys who ate it experienced that too. I suppose it has something to do with those tubes that connect your ears to your throat. Hotness creeping. You'd have to be mostly dead to need that on your food to know youre still a little bit alive.

Jul 15 20 07:26 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:

I don't like spicy stuff that much, I'll still eat it, it just doesnt do anything for me. unless its smeared with wasabi.
In the fridge at work there was some hot sauce called "shit the bed" and then there was one that was supposed to be even hotter. I had some, and it actually made my ears hurt. Apparently the other guys who ate it experienced that too. I suppose it has something to do with those tubes that connect your ears to your throat. Hotness creeping. You'd have to be mostly dead to need that on your food to know youre still a little bit alive.

As with everything, there are good choices and poor ones. Real wasabi? Or pseudo-imitation horse-radish stuff?
Real wasabi is $$$$. Good though, nothing quite like it. Most of us get that green glop that gives you an "ice cream headache" for 10 seconds and goes away. It's pretty OK I guess.

Same thing with hot sauce, the ultra-super-hotter-than-fuck-shit has no real flavor, just burn.
Try one of the Melinda's hot sauces, they make tasty stuff. Or make tasty stuff yourself. I make a habanero ginger mango garlic onion hot sauce that tastes amazing and slowly creeps up on you. But it won't turn your eyeballs inside out or make you blow your brains out your nose, not that hot. Just threshold of pain hot with lots of flavors.

So, foof.

We forgot about bacon maple bars. Rocket Donut closed up here, dunno where to get one now. They are evil.

Jul 15 20 08:12 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

I just had coconut milk, dipped some oreos in it. Pretty good stuff.
Think ive only ever had coconut milk once before, years ago when some model left it in my fridge. She also had some granola looking stuff here, it was called "cereal" but there wasn't any marshmallows or prize inside. talk about a crappy cereal!

When I ordered groceries the other day I bought coconut milk too just because I figured the store would have it since non-islander cow milk can be low in supply lately. Last time I ordered I didnt get the milk because low stock, this time i got both coconut milk, and regular milk! I dont even like milk, but i like making mashed potatoes with it. side note: still to this day I think of Laura Unbound when I think of mashed potatoes.

Back on topic: Coconut milk, I assume it comes from cows somewhere on a tropical island?
I read the carton, it didnt say what island, or if Moana owns the cows or not. I'd like to think she does, and the cows wear grass skirts and sing songs while they pee milk into buckets. They just dont put enough information on the carton.
The other milk i got at least says its from california and i know chocolate milk comes from brown cows, so at least theres no surprises there.

Jul 15 20 09:35 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Coconuts are Hawaiian Zombies. They start to dry out so they climb trees and sort of turn into these wooden skull thingies.
They attach themselves to the palm trees to suck moisture out, gotta keep their brains wet. Ask Al Bundy, he knows about keeping your brain wet.

Then, they wait until people walk underneath and they fall on them. If they can knock them out then they can occupy the body and take on a new life. Half the time they just knock them dead as fuck and then dry out themselves.

Coconut milk is zombie brains homogenized with palm tree blood. That's what makes it good.

I never was one of the "cool MM kids", never hosted a model or nothing. I had my time in Fresno, all the ladies wanted to pose. That was before MM, I moved north in April 2005.

Up here I sort of let that die. Too busy playing guitar. Now I want to work with a couple of lovely Canadian models and it would be quite the con game to get across the border, if they even let me which they probably wouldn't.

So it goes.

Jul 16 20 12:07 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

zombies?! is it strange I want coconut milk even more now?
I've spent the last couple years doing mostly guitar stuff too! awesome haha.

So far im 1 for 2 when it comes to hosting models visiting from Canadia.
Few years back no problem, model made it through the border. However January of 2019 another Canadiaian model got stopped at the border and held for hours and denied entry. They searched all her stuff too. She was more famous-y like been on TV, and movies, and things so they probably googled her and were like "no way you cant come in cause youre totally gonna try and secretly work in the USA!" cause need a visa or whatever. It was a sad day.

Youre correct in thinking it would be tricky to arrange anything involving a border, especially anytime soon.

Jul 16 20 12:41 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
zombies?! is it strange I want coconut milk even more now?
I've spent the last couple years doing mostly guitar stuff too! awesome haha.

So far im 1 for 2 when it comes to hosting models visiting from Canadia.
Few years back no problem, model made it through the border. However January of 2019 another Canadiaian model got stopped at the border and held for hours and denied entry. They searched all her stuff too. She was more famous-y like been on TV, and movies, and things so they probably googled her and were like "no way you cant come in cause youre totally gonna try and secretly work in the USA!" cause need a visa or whatever. It was a sad day.

Youre correct in thinking it would be tricky to arrange anything involving a border, especially anytime soon.


Guitar and music have been my creative channel for a LONG time. Before photography. I've managed to scrape together a nice little home recording studio setup and am recording my songs. I've got quite the backlog, I hated the results I got with 4 track cassette and DAT and now everything can sound amazing if I play well.

I don't have any shoots lined up, would not be opposed to an outdoor shoot but haven't felt like it was a productive use of my time either. My passport is essentially useless, nobody wants Americans to come and infect their country. I don't blame them.

Back to Death Food!
The Grocery Outlet here has Krack-A-Toa tater chips. The Ghost Pepper ones are super hot, I like them.

The other thing that you have to get at Trader Joes is their Ultra Chocolate and Coffee Blast ice creams. Mix them together and eat a bunch, you'll be awake and twitching days later...

Jul 16 20 09:32 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Pizza is my favorite pizza topping.
The best way to eat pizza, is to put a slice of pizza on top of your pizza.

Jul 17 20 09:04 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Jul 17 20 01:47 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

no more ribwich. sad
the animal they made it from is extinct.
not sure what animal that was, just know that it was way smaller than a cow or pig and with more legs.

now what am I gonna eat for lunch?

i was thinking about smushing some twinkies and ding dongs together. in Europe they call it a dinky!

Jul 23 20 01:47 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
no more ribwich. sad
the animal they made it from is extinct.
not sure what animal that was, just know that it was way smaller than a cow or pig and with more legs.

now what am I gonna eat for lunch?

i was thinking about smushing some twinkies and ding dongs together. in Europe they call it a dinky!

Probably a walking catfish, they are nothing but ribs.
They are too dumb to die, probably dug holes and will stay down there for thousands of years until humans forget about Ribwiches.

Fry the Twinkies in mayonnaise first, then it's the 3 food groups - Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Mayonnaise.

Don't drink too much water, it just dilutes stuff. Drink 151, it dissolves everything so you can digest it.

Jul 23 20 09:57 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

what about some roasted Mynock? but do i have to go to Ardennia to get it?

Jul 23 20 02:02 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
what about some roasted Mynock? but do i have to go to Ardennia to get it?

Kinda chewy but you could just take your time masticating and maybe they would reproduce.
So you could just sit there and eat, at least until you ran out of alcoholic beverages.

Some people up here boil shrimp until they are all rubbery, I don't know what is wrong with them.
Clams are different, they are just like chewing gum made of meat, only nasty.

Jul 23 20 06:45 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

clam flavored chewing gum! i think youre onto something.
a good brand name would be "Clum". the name sounds as good as it tastes!

i didn't have time to eat the usual amount of garbage today, because I was working on a car. Troubleshooting some coolant related issue. I did spend a lot of time sticking my face in an engine bay and smelling for coolant leaks. I like to think some of the coolant I inhaled will nourish me forever since that chemical never leaves your body. Also got some electronics cleaner splash back in my mouth when I was cleaning electrical connector plugs on a 12v DC system. That means i got vitamin D and C.

I got my normal daily recommended dietary allowance of booze tho.
Had some Sake to celebrate successful repair of a Japanese auto. Then later I had a gin drink.
Whenever I drink gin, I pour some in for me, and then pour some more in for Amy Winehouse. R.I.P.
shes my spirit animal.

Jul 23 20 11:14 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
clam flavored chewing gum! i think youre onto something.
a good brand name would be "Clum". the name sounds as good as it tastes!

i didn't have time to eat the usual amount of garbage today, because I was working on a car. Troubleshooting some coolant related issue. I did spend a lot of time sticking my face in an engine bay and smelling for coolant leaks. I like to think some of the coolant I inhaled will nourish me forever since that chemical never leaves your body. Also got some electronics cleaner splash back in my mouth when I was cleaning electrical connector plugs on a 12v DC system. That means i got vitamin D and C.

I got my normal daily recommended dietary allowance of booze tho.
Had some Sake to celebrate successful repair of a Japanese auto. Then later I had a gin drink.
Whenever I drink gin, I pour some in for me, and then pour some more in for Amy Winehouse. R.I.P.
shes my spirit animal.

Clams are nasty, gum is just a goo blob. Yes, bound to be a top seller. People can swill down Clamato and chomp on Clum.

Cars make me want to win the lottery. Just drive them until they run out of gas. Call a taxi and have a guy come by and set it on fire. Go buy a new car with a full tank. Fuck it.

Drinking coolant is good if you live in a hot area. Up here in the winter we inhale natural gas to keep warm.

I can't put gin near my head. It is the anti-me.

Amy Winehouse is awesome, love her too. Crow is my spirit animal, I am crow. They love me and they make me laugh.

Jul 24 20 10:15 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Shadow Dancer wrote:
Crow is my spirit animal, I am crow. They love me and they make me laugh.

Thats funny you said that. We're a lot alike. I have a fondess with crows / ravens. its mutual too!
I dont like people as much.

The other week 3 days in a row I drove to the coast to hike and chill on the beach. it was nice getaway.
All three days i was hanging out with some Ravens. One of my friends asked me how i knew it was the same ravens. I told her, i just did, cause theyre my friends.
Looking back in my phone, one of the oldest pictures is a selfie i took with those same ravens 2 years ago!
so the last day I posed for another selfie the same way with them and sent her the pic.
i made duck face and a peace sign.

I liked that no matter where i go along this 2 mile stretch of beach and no matter how many other people are there, when i show up the ravens find me, follow me, and settle down just a couple feet away. i like their company and they like when i share my trail mix haha. They arent quite brave enough to eat it from my hand, but theyre ok with being just a couple feet away. in those three days i probably spent about 20 hours laying on the sand just staring at the ocean with some other people in sight. maybe just some boats.
it was amazing.

Plus i gotta admit i feel pretty bad ass hiking along the beach and i have these two big old birds flying next to me and landing on rocks until i catch up. just the three of us traveling down the beach together, plus im in dark colors too. so we match. One little girl commented to her dad about it when i was sitting up on a rock and there was a Raven on nearby rocks on either side of me.

Jul 24 20 05:14 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:

Thats funny you said that. We're a lot alike. I have a fondess with crows / ravens. its mutual too!
I dont like people as much.

The other week 3 days in a row I drove to the coast to hike and chill on the beach. it was nice getaway.
All three days i was hanging out with some Ravens. One of my friends asked me how i knew it was the same ravens. I told her, i just did, cause theyre my friends.
Looking back in my phone, one of the oldest pictures is a selfie i took with those same ravens 2 years ago!
so the last day I posed for another selfie the same way with them and sent her the pic.
i made duck face and a peace sign.

I liked that no matter where i go along this 2 mile stretch of beach and no matter how many other people are there, when i show up the ravens find me, follow me, and settle down just a couple feet away. i like their company and they like when i share my trail mix haha. They arent quite brave enough to eat it from my hand, but theyre ok with being just a couple feet away. in those three days i probably spent about 20 hours laying on the sand just staring at the ocean with some other people in sight. maybe just some boats.
it was amazing.

Plus i gotta admit i feel pretty bad ass hiking along the beach and i have these two big old birds flying next to me and landing on rocks until i catch up. just the three of us traveling down the beach together, plus im in dark colors too. so we match. One little girl commented to her dad about it when i was sitting up on a rock and there was a Raven on nearby rocks on either side of me.

That's awesome.
A few days ago I was walking to the store. Power lines above me. 2 crows were about 20 feet in front of me and 10 feet apart on one line. They say me and started a raucous greeting - cawing with enthusiasm and volume. I looked up at them and laughed because they were awesome. As I kept walking, I would reach the location of the farthest crow and the other crow would fly 10 feet in front, land and keep cawing. They did that 5 times, it filled me with joy - they were so LOUD!!!!

A while ago I came out of Goodwill and while I was walking to my car I spotted a gull with a big tortilla chip in it's beak. It was surrounded by 3 crows, they triangulated it and kept fucking with it, trying to get the tortilla chip. The gull was really big but it couldn't attack one crow because 2 more would fuck it up. They circled the gull, bobbing and weaving. There were other gulls around but they don't give a shit, too stupid. I watched for a while, laughing. Then I went home.

They really had it trapped, it couldn't bite the tortilla chip to eat it because most of it would fall on the ground. It couldn't fly away with 3 crows right there, they would mess with it and get the tortilla chip. It just stood there, trapped and miserable. I knew who was getting the tortilla chip and I wanted to stay but I needed to be somewhere. It still makes me happy.

Jul 24 20 05:32 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

thats really funny! I was smiling reading all that. its great to see them work as a team. Gulls don't really do that. Poor gull had no back up.

about 15 years ago i was driving out of the apartment complex i lived in, and a massive amount of crows came out of the trees on the main street and blacked out the sky. there had to be about 50 of them. they all flew over me.
I was stopped in my car watching, looking up through the windshield, and then i see a little feather floating down. so i hit the window roll down button, and stuck my hand out the window. the feather landed right in my hand!
i still have the feather. i got a little picture frame and put in in there.

Jul 24 20 08:20 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

More crows - AND - birds of prey.

This was 44 years ago but I still remember it vividly. I was living in a teepee in the foothills near Potter Valley in Mendicino County. It was my 21st birthday - June 21st. We didn't have much food laying around. A friend and I decided we would go hunting and maybe eat a critter. We had one single shot 410 shotgun that was my grandpa's.

Wrong time of day to go hunting, bright and sunny. Critters aren't out. And we went up the hill instead of down to the creek.
Idiot hippies.

As we came around a corner in a deer trail, we startled a golden eagle. It dropped a partially eaten rabbit and started soaring downhill to get up speed so it could fly higher. It was HUGE!!! We watched in wonder and joy, never even thought of lifting up the gun. Such a beautiful animal, I hope it came back later and finished it's meal. We kept going, got as high up as we felt like going and started back down in another direction.

Part of the way down, we heard a riot of "Cawing" off just a bit and quietly walked that direction. A murder of crows had a HUGE owl trapped in the crotch of a tree branch and were harrassing it. They were careful not to get too close, the owl could have torn any one of them to pieces in a heartbeat. We stood back and watched, amazed. Seemed like a standoff so after a while we decided to go back down to the kitchen shack. Again, never a thought of using the firearm. Some things are messages, you don't shoot them.

A little later, after it cooled off a bit, we took what little we had to offer (some weed) down to our friendly neighbors at the bottom of the hill. They had bees and goats and a garden and were hardworking industrious hippies, not lazy fucks like us.
They welcomed us, we had a few puffs and told them about the day. When they found out it was my 21st birthday on the 21st and also the summer solstice, they rounded up a baby buck goat they'd named Spiderman. They were just waiting for Spiderman to grow a bit, they did not want to keep a buck because PITA but figured it would get a little bigger and be more meat.

Don blew it's head off, skinned it out and we had BBQ'ed baby goat - first and last time I've eaten it. Tasty little critter.

That was my birthday and there were crows...

Jul 25 20 10:45 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

Shadow Dancer wrote:
That was my birthday and there were crows...

amazing story!  i wish i could have experience like that.
so if that was the first and last time you had goat and it was great, was it the greatest of all time?

Jul 25 20 09:09 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:

amazing story!  i wish i could have experience like that.
so if that was the first and last time you had goat and it was great, was it the greatest of all time?

You have your raven friends, that is also amazing.
These are incredibly intelligent and sensitive animals.
Both crows and ravens are very social and learn from each other, they are capable of using multiple logical steps to achieve a result.

LInks below but this is one of my favorite true stories and you can search and find on the interwebz. There was a city/town in Canada (I want to say Alberta province) that started getting absurd power bills in the winter. Investigation showed that ravens had figured out that folding their wings over streetlamps in daylight caused the sensor in the lamps to trigger as if it were night. The lamp would turn on and the heat would keep the ravens warm. One figured it out and the rest started doing it too!!!!
Eventually they switched to all LEDs which do not get warm. Problem solved, ravens must figure out another way.

Jul 26 20 09:24 am Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

New drink recipe;
Get a red party cup full of ice, and pour in some of that good stuff thats not meant for mortal men, aged for 1000 years in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet, then pour a bunch of Slurm on top of it
I call it a Slimey Grunhel.

way better than a whiskey and coke.

Jul 26 20 11:32 pm Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9779

Bellingham, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
New drink recipe;
Get a red party cup full of ice, and pour in some of that good stuff thats not meant for mortal men, aged for 1000 years in the barrels built from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet, then pour a bunch of Slurm on top of it
I call it a Slimey Grunhel.

way better than a whiskey and coke.

After drinking 7 hand poured Long Island Ice Teas in pint glasses and 2 beers plus hanging out by the dumpster next to the Chinese food place and having a few puffs, then driving home on the freeway at 70 mph with one eye shut so I would only see one road and hyperventilating so I would not fall asleep, I no longer trust mixed drinks. They are evil.

Jul 28 20 02:57 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

i would like to have some Peeps next spring, but im concerned there will be a pandemic related shortage.

I'm trying to be proactive. do you know the incubation time?
if i buy some mini-marshmallows now and plant them, will they grow into big marshmallows, and then hatch into Peeps, say in about March??

Jul 29 20 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 15005

Tonasket, Washington, US

Paolo D Photography wrote:
i would like to have some Peeps next spring, but im concerned there will be a pandemic related shortage.

I'm trying to be proactive. do you know the incubation time?
if i buy some mini-marshmallows now and plant them, will they grow into big marshmallows, and then hatch into Peeps, say in about March??

In your climate Gummy Bears might be a better choice.
Marshmallows don't do well in wet.

Jul 29 20 03:59 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

nwprophoto wrote:

In your climate Gummy Bears might be a better choice.
Marshmallows don't do well in wet.

although its pretty dry here, thats still solid advice. thanks!
after all, the g-bear is the california state animal.

Jul 29 20 05:08 pm Link