Forums > Critique > Hello. Please give me some comments on my photo.



Posts: 3

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Hi. I am new to the site. I tried to migrate from film to photo as the covid prevent me to do the job in a large production. Since I had very little skills on photography, I need some critique on my very first professional photography. I wanted to shoot more movie reference. I am a bit fan to Horror films which use so many awesome color, but I didn't want to freak out my first model. He was so nice since he just began on his journey as well so he let me shot whatever theme I wanted.

So I wanna shoot whatever Instagram kids shot nowadays does, but I don't follow young kids on there. I feel like if I do, I would be risking to be called a .... Am I being paranoids? Anyway, I am glad that I am qualified to be a member here as a photographer. I am learning how to create a good art.

Oct 09 20 07:44 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11732

Olney, Maryland, US

Rather than putting a single image in a folder, why don't you identify the model in the "Caption" field? And don't forget to enter your copyright data.

PS. What is the difference between Instagram kids and young kids? Why is one group good and the other, bad?

Oct 09 20 03:06 pm Link



Posts: 3

Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand

Haha they are the same, but I use different words to avoid the repetition. My point is that Instagram are dominated by teenagers. I am a guy in mid 30. I don't want to follow or subscribe their accounts just because I wanna be relevant to the current photography style.

Before I shot my latest set, I was told by my 20-year-old model to show the reference by using Instagram. I tapped into so many teenager's Instagram accounts while talking to him in coffee shop. In the end, I felt like a pedophile watching teen trying to be sexy. Anyway I am glad that I am connected to Model Mayhem community. They are so many good references that are still relevant. Back when I was in college, I used magazines as reference. However, they are not a lot of book or bookstore nowadays like 20 years ago.

Oct 10 20 02:07 am Link