This thread was locked on 2022-01-09 23:51:55
Forums > General Industry > Asking about vaxx status


Frank Lewis Photography

Posts: 14495

Winter Park, Florida, US

I rarely get involved in these discussions because, right or wrong, no one is really going to change their mind. Today though, I've decided to state my position on this matter.

From my standpoint, at age 75, I feel it is entirely appropriate to ask a model's vaccination status. For the safety and well being of both the photographer (me) and the model, we both need to be vaccinated for us to work together. I have had no difficulty getting a response when I ask the question about a model's vaccination status. Models I have worked with since the beginning of the pandemic have not hesitated to indicate they are fully vaccinated and boosted. I have only had one model refuse to tell her vaccination status so we didn't work together.

It's as simple as that.

Jan 07 22 08:39 am Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Frank Lewis Photography wrote:
I rarely get involved in these discussions because, right or wrong, no one is really going to change their mind.

They are entitled to their opinions, if ill-informed.  They are not entitled to their own facts (e.g., the HIPAA nonsense).

Jan 07 22 04:11 pm Link


Bunny Bombshell

Posts: 11798

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

HiResPhotographs wrote:

You are correct.  We have not been swayed.

Same, I have known since day 1 this wasn't about "health". Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

Jan 07 22 09:46 pm Link


John Silva Photography

Posts: 590

Fairfield, California, US

Bunny Bombshell wrote:

Same, I have known since day 1 this wasn't about "health". Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

Your extraordinarily scientific evidence is so compelling.
Everyone is entitled to their full degree of ignorance!!! LoL
My bet is there are 850,000 people in this country that would have very strong opinions one way or another if only they were still alive. Many of them were still fighting your facts as they shoved the tubes down their throats, just before they suffocated to death in their induced comas!

Jan 07 22 11:23 pm Link


Camera Buff

Posts: 924

Maryborough, Queensland, Australia

Bunny Bombshell wrote:
Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

You might take this as proof that vaccines don’t work. However, this is not unexpected. Even against the other variants, such as Delta, it is known that the vaccines don’t provide “sterilising immunity”, that is, totally preventing infection.

The vaccines do, however, provide excellent protection of a different kind. So far, the vaccines have proven to be very good at preventing severe disease.

This protection is just as important, if not more so, as they keep the vast majority of infected people out of hospital and from dying.

Your Dad made an important decision to be triple-vaxxed. I do hope, that in doing so, your Dad now has the increased level of protection that may be needed by him to fight and defeat this terrible disease.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Jan 08 22 01:22 am Link



Posts: 1602

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Jeffrey M Fletcher wrote:
How do you feel about photographers asking all people at the shoot to take a Covid test before starting?

I feel them being very reasonable and responsible.

Jan 08 22 03:58 am Link



Posts: 1602

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

SayCheeZ!  wrote:
When around anti maskers / anti vaxers give a bit of a sneeze and then say "oh shit"!
When they ask what's wrong tell 'em "I just tested positive for Covid".

You made my day... ;-)

Jan 08 22 04:00 am Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Bunny Bombshell wrote:

Same, I have known since day 1 this wasn't about "health". Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

One is not a statistically significant sample size and the plural of anecdote is not data.  Will some vaccinated people get infected? Yes.  No one has ever said otherwise. It’s about the odds. Vaccination significantly reduces the odds of getting infected and significantly reduces the odds of a severe case if infected. Given those outcomes compared to the trivial issues associated with getting vaccinated, there is absolutely no reason not to get vaccinated unless you are part of a very small group with relevant medical issues.

The problem is that there are too many people like you who apparently are unable to understand anything beyond the most simplistic absolutes and manage to take away the absolutely wrong lesson.

Jan 08 22 08:09 am Link


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8217

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

Bunny Bombshell wrote:
Same, I have known since day 1 this wasn't about "health". Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

If your father was taking care of himself, protecting himself from people like his daughter, and he was keeping up to vaccination recommendations, then you really should be dancing for joy because the probability of your father becoming a fatality with this infection is very small.  You may want to consider that the person your father was infected by, was most likely someone that wasn't vaccinated and the variant that he has, was, without question, passed to him because of the large numbers of people that aren't vaccinated.

As far as what you have known since day one, well, in reality, you probably haven't known anything about it at all.  But best wishes to your father.  And thank you for providing further fodder.

Jan 08 22 08:45 am Link



Posts: 4490

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bunny Bombshell wrote:
Same, I have known since day 1 this wasn't about "health". Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

As the triple shot helps improve his odds of a good outcome when infected (still high odds of getting infected with the dramatic changes in the makeup of the Omicron virus), the big question you will both have to sort out for the future (once he recovers from this round), do you plan on having any direct contact with each other?   Are you both aware of the risk that you are exposing him to?

Unfortunately, while you are presumably in good health, your odds of ending up in the ICU or worse from Omicron, are dramatically higher as you are unvaxxed.  Unfortunately it doesn't matter whether you believe that or not, the odds don't change as a result.

Whatever you decide, I do hope things work out well for both of you.

Jan 08 22 09:06 am Link



Posts: 4490

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Today's update for your particular location (Ontario):

"(CBC News)  Ontario's COVID-19 hospitalizations reach yet another record high"

"The number of people hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 in Ontario continues its upward trend, reaching a new pandemic high of 2,594 on Saturday, up from Friday's high of 2,472.

Health officials reported 13,362 new, lab-confirmed cases on Saturday, although the actual daily count is likely much higher given that the province has reduced access to PCR testing for most people.

The province also reported 31 additional deaths related to COVID-19.

A total of 385 people were undergoing treatment for the illness in intensive care, up by 47 from the previous day."

Jan 08 22 09:24 am Link


Klung1 Photographic

Posts: 168

New York, New York, US

Bunny Bombshell wrote:

Same, I have known since day 1 this wasn't about "health". Also, my triple-vaxxed Dad tested positive for covid a couple days ago, so I'm 100% convinced there is absolutely no reason to get vaxxed at this point

Those 3 shots are probably why he's not on the hospital. This information is readily available if you ever chose to look at it.

Jan 09 22 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 1031

Nashville, Tennessee, US

It’s amazing how people ignore or dispute facts, having been vaccinated will lower the odds of serious issues if you get Covid. The unvaccinated will likely need medical attention if they get Covid and possibly die. Just because you a asymptotic, doesn’t meet you cannot carry the virus and pass it on to others. This is not about just the individual, it is about protecting everyone and thinking otherwise will only prolong the pandemic and put more people at risk.

Jan 09 22 03:10 pm Link



Posts: 170

Corona, California, US

Are we in the 50th booster shot yet?  Raise your hand if you know why booster shots are needed.

99.75%.  That's the survival rate here in the US.  Economy and livelihood destroyed because of .25% possible deaths (btw, that's a decimal in front of that 2).  If anyone has the right to be pissed, it's the unvaxxed and those that were against prolong lockdowns. 

As long you deny natural immunity to take it's course, this pandemic will never be over.  Pharma $end$ their thank$$$.

Jan 09 22 05:27 pm Link



Posts: 4490

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

HiResPhotographs wrote:
Are we in the 50th booster shot yet?  Raise your hand if you know why booster shots are needed.

Pharma $end$ their thank$$$.

(raises hand) I know, I know!

836,000 dead in the USA from Covid 19.   A number which would be (unbelievably) far higher still, if there hadn't been lockdowns, social distancing, masks, vaccinations, and all sorts of other restrictions to try and minimize the number of lives lost.

Some skeptics in the U.S. got their way early on, and in some places still do.   Which is why the U.S. leads the world in terms of pure body count numbers, despite their standard of living, medical capabilities and (at least at one time) a "can do" spirit to team up and do what has to be done.

You know, all the same ones that originally claimed it was all a hoax, just a political plot to try and make Trump "look bad", or just a minor issue that was being greatly overblown, etc, etc.   Including the infamous claims that more people drowned in household swimming pools than ever died from Covid-19, etc, etc.

Sadly, some things don't seem to change.

Jan 09 22 06:04 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

HiResPhotographs wrote:
99.75%.  That's the survival rate here in the US. .

This ridiculous argument again.  First of all, it us actually about 98.2% overall, but we’ll ignore that for now. Your argument might be sensible if the only two experiences were death or a walk in the park. Try telling that to the people who survived only after two weeks on a ventilator in the ICU. The survival rate could be 100% and it would still be sensible to get vaccinated just because of that.  Even if your facts were correct, your analysis is, at best, defective.

Jan 09 22 08:26 pm Link



Posts: 30

Denver, Colorado, US

HiResPhotographs wrote:
Are we in the 50th booster shot yet?  Raise your hand if you know why booster shots are needed.

99.75%.  That's the survival rate here in the US.  Economy and livelihood destroyed because of .25% possible deaths (btw, that's a decimal in front of that 2).  If anyone has the right to be pissed, it's the unvaxxed and those that were against prolong lockdowns. 

As long you deny natural immunity to take it's course, this pandemic will never be over.  Pharma $end$ their thank$$$.

The survival rate of the vaccine is higher but for some reason y'all won't take it and instead choose to take Pfizer's OTHER medicine, Viagra, instead, while complaining about Big Pharma. … en-viagra/

You'd literally give yourself a bleach enema if it meant not taking the vaccine because you're big boys and girls who can't be told what to do by the big mean government even though you pay taxes, stop at red lights, wear clothes in public, get the polio vaccine, get the MMR vaccine, drive with your driver's license, only build on your property, and only if the government tells you it's ok, and only if your building is up to code, and get permits before shooting while driving the speed limit even though it's an open stretch and there's no one other cars for miles.

You guys are real rebels, aren't ya?

Oh wait. About the bleach - … ia-1654943

Jan 09 22 11:03 pm Link


Joe Tomasone

Posts: 12601

Spring Hill, Florida, US

Moderator Note!
As this has now gone way off topic, and the drifted topic belongs in Off Topic, and there's already a thread concerning this there, I am going to lock this.

Jan 09 22 11:51 pm Link