Forums > General Industry > Friends Lists


Poetic Spectre Imaging

Posts: 26

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

Apr 11 05 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 24

Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, US

Apr 11 05 11:33 pm Link


dana lloyd kehr

Posts: 10

Tacoma, Washington, US

Apr 11 05 11:41 pm Link



Posts: 24

Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, US

Apr 12 05 12:40 am Link


Poetic Spectre Imaging

Posts: 26

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

Apr 12 05 12:54 am Link


Paris Photography

Posts: 45

Portland, Oregon, US

Apr 12 05 01:27 am Link



Posts: 90

Well Tiffany maybe some of us like to make friends and actually HAVE  friends.

Apr 12 05 01:36 am Link


Andrea Leigh

Posts: 181

Washington, District of Columbia, US

I like to add people that I would like to work with in the future, this site is growing rapidly, and that is how I remember who I've contacted, who has contacted me, or who I plan to contact about future projects.

Apr 12 05 01:41 am Link


Poetic Spectre Imaging

Posts: 26

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

Jason, are you trying to an ass?

Apr 12 05 01:41 am Link


Poetic Spectre Imaging

Posts: 26

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

Having a friends list, isn't what I mentioned.  I was talking about those that seem to be adding EVERYONE.  I understand the use of it for contacts, I understand the use of it for friends... I don't understand those, and those that are on myspace also may know what I'm refering to, that seem to make it a mission to add everyone.

Please, if you feel the need to respond to me, actually read what I write.

Apr 12 05 01:43 am Link


Paris Photography

Posts: 45

Portland, Oregon, US

Of course he is.... wink

Apr 12 05 01:43 am Link



Posts: 90

No I'm not trying to be an ass.  You sound like you are being an ass. 

Apr 12 05 01:44 am Link


Paris Photography

Posts: 45

Portland, Oregon, US

Tiffany maybe if you add Jason to your friends list he will show you some love smile

Apr 12 05 01:45 am Link


Poetic Spectre Imaging

Posts: 26

Gig Harbor, Washington, US

lol, funny Don wink

Apr 12 05 01:46 am Link



Posts: 1

Tacoma, Washington, US

You know? I have difficulty managing to muster up some small amount of empathy for those who refuse to read an entire post for comprehension and understanding.  The same goes for those who would rather just spout off to be disagreeable or worse, simply because they took something personal, which clearly wasn't aimed at them.  But when those same non-reading persons let their bowels loose all over a forum, then that empathy just disappears.  I would normally tell somebody like Jason for example to get all the way over yourself or just partly over yourself if you can manage it.  But because I not out to cause trouble and I don't want to appear equally asslike, I will just say shame shame shame. 

All original poster pointed out was that some people appear to add everyone to their friends list in no particular logical fashion but instead more like a contest to see how many they can add.  I have seen some people's friends list that look like just that here and I thought this site was for networking.  WORK being the key word. 

Apr 12 05 02:20 am Link


P. Ellison

Posts: 8

Indianapolis, Indiana, US

I thought the friends list was to network with new people and get to know other models and photographers.  You can never have to many friends to network with and ask for help when needed or just say hey I like your work.  That is what I thought it was all about.

Apr 12 05 09:50 am Link


Victoria E

Posts: 70

West Hartford, Connecticut, US

Unfortunately, I'm sure that some folks will do that - I actually add people I know &/or have or want to work with.

Apr 12 05 10:20 am Link



Posts: 16084

Herkimer, New York, US

It never hurts to have "friends" in the business.  But then again it never hurts to have friends period ! 

Sometimes friends will help each other out when things are slow, or at least will be available to be a chaperone to a shoot if you need one. 

It also never hurts if you are traveling to a new area to have a friend who is already threre to let you know where the good places to shot are located.


Apr 12 05 10:25 am Link


Sara Hawes

Posts: 15

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Tiffany Jill: 
Is it just me, or is it simply turning into a "look how many I have!" type of thing?

The folks I have as "friends" have sent commentary of my work, and thus I appreciate their insight. I addition, I send out a "friends" message to individuals because I like their work and see great photographic art that I may want to use in the future.

Yes it does appear that we have tons of friends, and as soon as we start loosing space/bandwith to show all those cool images of our friends, I've no doubt it'll change to link code as opposed to "image".

Apr 12 05 02:14 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

Posted by Tiffany Jill: 
Is it just me, or is it simply turning into a "look how many I have!" type of thing?

hells yes!  lol

Apr 12 05 09:33 pm Link


John Paul

Posts: 937

Schenectady, New York, US

  Hey Tiff,... you and I ought to be friends..  ;-)


Apr 12 05 10:02 pm Link



Posts: 16

Posted by Mark Edwards: 
It never hurts to have "friends" in the business.  But then again it never hurts to have friends period ! 

Sometimes friends will help each other out when things are slow, or at least will be available to be a chaperone to a shoot if you need one. 

It also never hurts if you are traveling to a new area to have a friend who is already threre to let you know where the good places to shot are located.


Agreed...I have met people on another modeling site that I have had the privelage of meeting, visiting, working with and having FREE offers of staying with for go-sees and such (which in NY or L.A. is a BIIIIG deal).  I, in turn, offer the same.  It has been very beneficial to me...JMO

Apr 14 05 12:17 am Link



Posts: 2

Columbia, Missouri, US

Posted by Paul Ellison: 
I thought the friends list was to network with new people and get to know other models and photographers.  You can never have to many friends to network with and ask for help when needed or just say hey I like your work.  That is what I thought it was all about.


Hit the nail on the head there. I mean who honestly cares if someones just trying to be a 'friends' whore. You never know when youre gonna A) get noticed off that persons friends list or B) notice someone else.  Networking is about exposure, therefore the more friends you have the more exposure you have... ie... the more networking you can do.

Apr 14 05 12:28 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

With anything there are those that want to gain as many friends as possible. We live in a age of instant gratification. You can pick ou those that are truly using this tool to get insight into those in the indusrty and making connection. You have to only ask a question and sit and wait to see the real responces to some of your question. From where is a good lab to who is a good makeup artis in your area or in a location you are going to be shooting in. If you treat it as only pleasure on this site, then the eye candy will always be. But I am in a business where every connection is going to make my work flow just that better. Yes! we all have other avenues to gain these services or images of models or for models...who are the shooters out there. It's we lose sight of that we maybe known for our images, but to get an insight into how you shoot..surly we make a model feel more restful wanting to work with you or a photographer getting to know the person before shooting them. So to answer what is it about list of friends......I communicate as much by this tool that is given to us freely.....simple thing to do is push a button....but where else can you can so much!

Apr 14 05 05:05 pm Link


Priscilla name change

Posts: 11

Houston, Alaska, US

On this site there is nothing but talent everywhere, and I like the fact that I can add it to my friends list, and talk with them and get all kinds of ideas and advice. Im very social, and I try to make an effort to leave a comment with all of my friends. Thats what the list is for...duh! to get connections and make new friends!

Take care,

Apr 14 05 05:12 pm Link


Kat Kartel

Posts: 55

Northridge, California, US

I love adding friends! smile
The only thing that can be a bit annoying is when people add you and dont ever message you or comment...

Apr 14 05 05:52 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

Posted by Piper: 

Posted by Paul Ellison: 
I thought the friends list was to network with new people and get to know other models and photographers.  You can never have to many friends to network with and ask for help when needed or just say hey I like your work.  That is what I thought it was all about.


Hit the nail on the head there. I mean who honestly cares if someones just trying to be a 'friends' whore. You never know when youre gonna A) get noticed off that persons friends list or B) notice someone else.  Networking is about exposure, therefore the more friends you have the more exposure you have... ie... the more networking you can do.

I would rather have to many than none

Apr 14 05 05:56 pm Link


Doug Harvey

Posts: 1055

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Most of the ones that I have....I have worked with in some capacity or another....Others, I will be working with in the future...

Apr 14 05 06:00 pm Link


Mike Panic

Posts: 98

Allentown, Pennsylvania, US

w/out reading the entire 2 pages of this and focusing on the main question...

im not sure how i feel about the "friends" part... i have a feeling it can turn into another friendster or myspace style page where it is "look how many friends i have" and people wildly joining each others groups to look like you network more.

personally, id be more interested with a "have worked with" and a "desire to work with" section

Apr 15 05 12:30 am Link


Maria T

Posts: 514

Lambertville, New Jersey, US

I have tons of friends and u all

Apr 15 05 12:40 am Link


David Christopher Lee

Posts: 50

Los Angeles, California, US

i have tones of friends now.  when i first joined i was adding a lot of people but now ppl just add me.  anyway, it doesnt mean can't post a bulletin to all your friends. haha Tyler, time to do some programming! lool

Apr 15 05 12:56 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

Posted by Cherry ice: 
On this site there is nothing but talent everywhere, and I like the fact that I can add it to my friends list, and talk with them and get all kinds of ideas and advice. Im very social, and I try to make an effort to leave a comment with all of my friends. Thats what the list is for...duh! to get connections and make new friends!

Take care,


Apr 15 05 09:55 am Link


edrickguerrero photography

Posts: 187

Pasadena, California, US

Posted by Tiffany Jill: 
Is it just me, or is it simply turning into a "look how many I have!" type of thing?

yes. it's a contest. and i'm an attention whore. but then again, look at how many models i can have in my database in case the one i booked with flaked out on me? networking...don't hate the game. this is EXACTLY like myspace and friendster, who are we kidding? the only difference is that there are actually real photog's and models with ideas and opinions that are invaluable information to all of us. just wait until model mayhem sponsors its first party...i'm there, man.

Apr 15 05 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

For the adding friends thing on here is NOTHING like Myspace.  I have 17 pages of friends on Myspace, half of which are guys who've asked to add me so they can collect a bunch of girls on their list.  I have to delete friends on Myspace occassionally.  No one on here that has added me or I have added I feel is trying to collect me to look like they know alot of chics.  And I don't comment or email everyone I add.  I add them because they have nice work and I want to acknowledge that.  Not about collecting for me at all.

Apr 15 05 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 163

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

I dunno, I was never much of a socialite smile

For the sake of clarity in my own mind, I've restricted my list to those people I actually speak with, have worked with, or am planning to work with (Not just everyone I'd like to work with, there are waaay too many great photographers on this site for that! Someday...). My favorites list, however, is for all of you with great pics that I like to look at, and those of you that I'd like to meet next time I head cross country/overseas.

I hope no one is offended if I can't count you as a friend yet, I'm just getting to know everyone...

Perhaps we sould get an acquaintance list too, lol.

Apr 15 05 04:21 pm Link



Posts: 15

Portland, Oregon, US

I started out adding those who I know to my friends list, and my daughter's list, as an easy way to keep track of them ... then I started getting requests from many ... I look at it as a way to know who has bookmarked us, plus a way to keep track of my friends too ... you never know when they may request more beer & peanuts or something else LOL

Apr 15 05 10:25 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Tiffany Jill: 
Is it just me, or is it simply turning into a "look how many I have!" type of thing?

When I think about the friends list - I think... Do I want this person "advertising" on my profile page....  Hmm... It depends...

Apr 19 05 08:05 am Link



Posts: 138

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

I'm new to this site.  My question is why do we have a friend list AND a favorite list?  I see it as we have the same feature twice.  Only one person in this topic mentioned they they use both lists for different reasons.

Apr 19 05 08:49 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

After I see that it takes more than 10 seconds to view someone's friends list - I don't bother opening the whole page up...  I just say screw it... too many people to view.

Apr 19 05 09:08 am Link


12 First

Posts: 82

San Jose, California, US

"CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG and be friends"

Lets see... who said that again?


Apr 20 05 04:14 pm Link